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传记 : Eeriness

EERINESS was founded in 1996 by Thomas Laupper, guitar, and Philipp Gnos, guitar and vocals. Very soon Rainer Stüssi, drums, and Ramon Burlet, bass joined the band. In this formation EERINESS played Heavy Metal. After various experiments with keyboards these instruments became more and more important and Andy Salzmann became our new man at the keyboards.
In 1997 Ramon Burlet, bass, turned to a different style of music and left the band. Nevertheless, in January 1998, we went on stage and gave our first concert in Unterengstringen (a town near Zurich) with great success. Since than we give regular concerts.

In spring 1998 Markus Burri replaced Andy Salzmann who left because of private reasons.

In April 1999, we were fortunate in finding Mikko Wiederkehr for the bass. He became an important member of our band. We produced our first Demo-CD "Lord Of The Night" live in our rehearsal room. The four parts of this CD "Symphony Violin", "Voice Of Sadness", "Embrace Of Evil" and "Winter Perceive" were already a mixture of Heavy and Gothic Metal.

In 1999 to 2000 we gave several performances and became more and more a Gothic Metal band. We knew we needed a singer. Tilia Schneider, vocals, joined the band.

In October 2000 we produced our Promo-CD "Endless..." in the Dreamsound-Studio in Einsiedeln. This CD was presented on December 29, 2000 in the Green Wolf Metal Pub in Deitingen.

In 2001 Zorka Ciklaminy, violoncello, joined our band and Markus Burri, keyboards, unfortunately left us after 4 years to continue his professional studies. Therefore Tilia Schneider took over the keyboards and with Katarina Krcmaraova we found a new singer.

In 2002 Thomas Laupper unfortunately had to leave because he could not afford to spend so much time for the band any longer. Roland Hurni became our new guitar player.

At the end of 2002 the actual album "A Life Beyond The Shades Of Time" was recorded in the Newsound-Studio and produced by the well-known Tommy Vetterli (ex. KREATOR, CORONER, Stefan Eicher) together with EERINESS. At the end of February, could after negotiations with different disk companies an international contract with Shark Records be signed. Release date for the album is the 23rd june 2003