Millions of Figurines

乐队列表 Crossover Crashpoint Millions of Figurines
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Band Name Crashpoint
Album Name Millions of Figurines
Type Album
发布日期 2008
出版公司 Crystal Productions


1. Zero
2. Spun
3. Enigma
4. Bound
5. In Penumbra
6. Fly Hunter
7. Medusa Eyes
8. Singularis
9. Room No:13
10. Analog Dream
11. Digital Jezus
12. Macabre

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评阅 @ hack

14 十二月 2010

I've listened to it for well over 40 times and I could listen to it for another 40 times...

If you need to get some lubrication in between the grinding gears of Thrash and Black Metal. Then "Czech" out this latest release from Crashpoint. Millions of Figurines is their 3rd album in as many years since their previous release. The leaflet that came with the CD says that it has a very crude sound. Their My Space site describes them as a Hardcore/Alternative band. Under the entry of influences, it says, "it is what it is". So after listening to the disc over 40 times, I found out exactly what it is.

I will immediately crash through the ambiguity to point out that this isn't a headbanger album. It's not exactly a "Neal and Bob" affair either. Most of the songs are structured like the trendy Alternative rock from the 1990's. But all of the songs also take on different styles within that genre. For the most part they follow the patterns of Grunge, Post Grunge, and techno pop. That is played humbly, with a relaxing mood. The vocals are eloquent and sensitive. But they don't totally sissy out, like Billy Corgan did with The Smashing Pumpkins. Then many of the songs will drop back from this front with some aggressive rock. The vocals become angry, but they are still relatively tame. These songs will see-saw back and forth with these approaches , for a moderate shock effect.

But some of the songs stay on the mellower side, without an intense climax. A couple of those tracks lean more on acoustic guitar music and a couple of those tracks lean more on synthesizer music. But don't worry, they won't bore the shit out of you like Pearl Jam, or Soundgarden. Like a deck of cards, the tracks are mixed up in a random order. The album plays through with peaks and valleys of intensity, for an element of surprise.

One of the highest points on this disc is Singularis, track 8. Its' artful guitar melodies are reminiscent of the catchiest tunes by Green Day. The lead vocals are articulated in a nice rhythm and are backed up with superb choruses. The heaviest songs have strong bass leads, that sound like Tool, or Alice In Chains. Many of the songs have obvious influences from bands like Candlebox, or Silverchair. Much of the synthesizer music sounds like Nine Inch Nails.

I selected this album to review, because SOM described Crashpoint as a Hardcore band. So I was hoping to hear some rudely aggressive metal, with lots of bad attitude. But Crashpoint are a totally different animal than that. With so many influences from 1990's Alternative bands, They can more aptly be described as a retro band of '90's Alternative music. Does this album sound crude, like the leaflet says? No way! To the contrary, Millions of Figurines, is a highly polished album, and is worthy of FM radio play. Unlike half of the crap that they play on Alternative Rock stations, this isn't a boring album. I've listened to it well over 40 times and I could listen to it for another 40 times, which is more than I can say about many of the albums that I've bought. Millions of Figurines is a welcome addition to my collection. If you like Alternative Rock, then I highly recommend that you check this album out.

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