Municipal Waste (en)

"I grew up in Virginia, there is a Busch Gardens right near us and a Kings Dominion. I got to have that stuff when I was a kid but, the older you get, you get a hangover and when you go to a rollercoaster it is not as fun as when you are a kid. Being hungover it is the worst place to be… And I’m usually hungover."

SOM met the guitar player Ryan Waste to talk a little bit about everything. The interview happened on March 22nd, in Anaheim, when they were starting their North American tour with Anthrax, Exodus, High on Fire and Holy Grail. Check it out!!!!

interview Municipal WasteTonight you guys are starting the Metal Alliance tour. This concert is sold out. Do you think that this is a little preview of what the rest of the tour will be like?
We would like to think so. I think the bill is solid enough to where that could happen. So, hopefully yeah.

Any cities you are expecting to play at the most?
We love the West Coast and we are starting here. We love the Bay Area, we love LA. It is cool to start to tour out here. We usually have to work our way out [from Viriginia / East Coast]. We actually played two shows at the way out. We are from Virginia, the exact opposite so… we played Oklahoma City and Santa Fe on the way here: headlining, smaller shows. So, that was fun. Now we are hitting the big time so… (laughs).

Not only is this the first night of the tour, it will also be an incomplete night. Exodus was banned from playing here! First what do you think about this and second, has this ever happened to you at any other tours?
I think it’s bullshit that they are not allowed to play here. We are in Disneyland [House of Blues Anaheim is inside Disneyland / Downtown Disney], it is so fake to begin with. If they read any of our lyrics they probably would not want us on the concert. I guess we are just under the radar. So, we will get to meet with them tomorrow, they are good buddies so, we will be happy to have them back onboard.

We’ve been banned from places before, but this was just from the crowd getting too rowdy and wrecking stuff; we kind of incite riots in smaller places. So, it has happened to us in a few places, I won’t name any names.

After this tour is over you guys announced that you will be going to Australia and also for the first time to New Zealand!
Yeah, first time in New Zealand. We’ve been in Australia in 2006 and it was great. I can only imagine how good it will be now. The crowds are just
interview Municipal Waste like us: they are really rowdy, beer drinking people who just like to party so, it is probably the perfect place for us to tour in the summer… but it is not even their summer.

This week you guys posted an article on your Facebook page about your “microbrewery” endeavors. How did this start and also, will this be available for anybody to buy?
I have to give a lot of credit to our drummer, Dave [Witte]. He is into crafting beers so, he and our friends from 3 Floyds Brewery (which is based out in Indiana), created a Municipal Waste beer which is a stout, a very powerful, 8.5% beer that I’ve gotten drunk on personally already.

It will be available very soon for the public. I think it is a regional beer company so you can’t sell it everywhere. But, we are going to get a bunch and when we do we will have a big party and have it for free for everybody.

Every time I look for a video on youtube now, I see the Vans “parade” commercial you guys participated on. Did you guys have fun doing it?
We did! Because we made a lot of music videos and this was similar to that but we were just part of it, it wasn’t only about us. It was about Vans, and we all wear vans shoes which is cool so, we got free sneakers out of it.
It was just like a big party during the day; I think it rained only during our set (when we played music). So, it rain on us, on all our gear. We were playing live so people got a little show. It was as fun as it looks.

Since tonight we are at an amusement park (Disneyland): do you like amusement parks?
Yeah, I grew up in Virginia, there is a Busch Gardens right near us and a Kings Dominion. I got to have that stuff when I was a kid but, the older you get, you get a hangover and when you go to a rollercoaster it is not as fun as when you are a kid. Being hungover it is the worst place to be (laughs)… And I’m usually hungover (laughs).

interview Municipal Waste"#CCCCCC">About concerts: did you have the chance to attend any concerts last years? Any favorite ones?
We are on tour 200 shows a year (in 2012, it is the most we’ve done). But, we got to play a lot of festivals. I got to see Venom play which was very cool for me. I got to play “Keep it true Festival” with my other band Volture and I got to see all types of New Wave of British Heavy Metal bands I grew up with: Oz, from Sweden, a lot of more obscure heavy metal… Tytan from the UK. So, that was great for me, “Keep it true” in Germany… very cool that I got to see that. Made my year!

When at home, what do you prefer to watch: a movie, tv show or play video games?
I don’t play video games, I don’t have cable, but I have tons of VHS tapes. I have so many old movies from the 70’s and 80’s like horror, comedies… So, I just put a movie in the background, sometimes I just mute it and I play records (I play a lot of vinyl). So, I have just the image going on, in the background, with cool stuff and I just crank records.

What do you hate watching on TV?
I think we are all guilty of it, but reality TV has gotten out of control. People that have no talent are celebrities all of the sudden. All of us will say that but we are still guilty of watching it.

Talking about the band now: it has been almost a year since your latest album was released. When should the fans expect another release?
Well, this year we wanna keep touring and I think next year we are going to focus on writing again. So, it is going to be a little while. But, I think we might try to maybe put something out small in the meantime to hold people over. No rush though, for us, we are just having fun.

Any messages to the SOM readers?
Keep listening to heavy metal, don’t listen to trends, keep getting drunk, if you don’t get drunk keep having fun.
Interview done by Deesse_de_la_nuit

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