Hatriot (en)

I had a chance to interview American old school thrash metal band Hatriot. Vocalist Zetro (ex-Exodus) has answered my questions, I hope you like it.

interview Hatriot1- You have got bunch of great reviews from fans! How is it feeling to be praised by fans after the first release of the band?
It is an amazing feeling to know that the fans have stood by me through the down time and the slower years in my career. I mean I have done a lot of projects, like Tenet and Dublin Death Patrol, but Hatriot is my first full-on band since leaving Exodus almost ten years ago. So it is really cool to know that all the thrashers out there are loving the record. We are certainly proud of it. This is just the beginning for Hatriot. We plan on putting a record out every eighteen months and touring for each, so we have a lot of work ahead of us.

2- What are the plans for 2013?
The first plan of action is getting a good booking agent on board. We are waiting on the first sales report so we can show some numbers to the agents and promoters around the world, and hopefully that will get things going as far as live shows are concerned. This band is fucking solid live and I can’t wait to unleash Hatriot onto the live circuit. We can definitely hold our own live. Other than touring we are working hard at getting press and radio support for the album.

3- Are there any certain dates for the summer festivals?
Nothing is certain but we have been approached by some festivals, so I know there is interest there. A lot of the bigger festivals book a year out, so they are already lining up the acts for 2014, but we are certainly looking to get on some of the bigger gigs this summer, maybe if some bands drop off the bill we can take their slot.

4- Is there a country that you've never been yet during your music career but would love to give a concert in?
There are a several countries I have yet to perform in. I am willing to play anywhere that there is a demand. There are metal heads all over the fucking world, even in places you wouldn’t expect, like the third world countries and shit. Sometimes on the internet I will see random pictures posted where there will be so
interview Hatriotme guy in a South American jungle wearing a fucking Cannibal Corpse shirt, or something crazy like that. It makes you wonder how the fuck they know about that kind of stuff? I am willing to play anywhere that there is a feasible way to get there, put it that way.

5- When is the merchandise of Hatriot going to be available for fans?
We are working on getting a webstore up on the official Hatriot site now, so keep your eyes open for that. Also, if you are able to come to a show we have swag there as well.

6- What is the favourite song of each band member from "Heroes Of Origin"?
I know it sounds cliche but we don’t really have a favorite track. Mine changes every week. This week it is ‘Murder American Style’ and last week it was ‘Globacidal.’ In my opinion every song on the record is stellar. There isn’t a weak song on the record. It starts off heavy and ends tearing your face off, just as a thrash album should.

7- You have made a videoclip for the song "Blood Stained Wings". Are we going to see more videoclips from the debut album of Hatriot?
Yes, absolutely! We are actually filming a video for “And Your Children To Be Damned” this coming weekend. From there we will have to see what the label has in the budget and how well the record sells. I would personally like to see three or four videos off of the record.

8- On the release date of "Heroes Of Origin" you've given a concert, how did everything go? What was the reaction of the audience when they heard the new songs live for the first time?
It was really cool! There is a music trade show once a year in California called NAMM and this year we did a showcase that doubled as our record release show. Most of the thrash fans have their ear to the grindstone and have heard snippets, or have heard the demo, so they knew what was in store for them. The show went great and the response was what we hoped for.

9- Are you planning to record any kind of live performanc
interview Hatriote? Maybe a DVD?
All of that is going to happen at some point. Right now it is our goal to get into a ‘rotation’ of do an album, then do a tour, come back home and get the next album done, and then go back on tour... The process is ongoing. That’s the way we did things in Exodus and it really helped build momentum for the band. So a DVD or live record may happen but it will be on down the road a bit. We need a couple more albums first.

10- Can you imagine how big would Hatriot be as a band 5 years later? At which point do you want to see yourself as a band in the future?
There are no limits. This is probably my last band I will ever be in, so I’m taking this shit deadly serious. In five years I can see three to four albums out and at least that many tours under our belts. It is my goal to make a significant impact in the metal scene with Hatriot. I will always be known for my work in Exodus, and I am totally fine with that, but there is more to Steve Souza than just that era of my life. The next five years are going to be a lot of work, but I have to make it happen.

11- Have many ‘’Hatriots’’ all around the world bought ‘’Heroes Of Origin’’ album? Can you tell us a bit about the financial improvement of your debut album? How is it going?
Well, we have yet to receive a breakdown of sales. It’s too early for that. But I can say this – we have been in the top 5 on Amazon and iTunes metal charts for a couple weeks, and that’s a very strong sign that this could be a big record. We have a very fair deal with Massacre and I feel that we will be able to recoup their investment fairly quickly. I’m not in this to get rich. I have another job that pays my bills just fine. We are looking for album sales to keep the label happy and to generate interest for us with the promoters around the world. If we sell enough albums we will get to do another one and that’s the goal.

Thank you for answering the questions.
Thank you for the opportunity. I hope to see you all on tour soon!
Interview done by Sentenced

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Elevator - 26 Февраль 2013: Thank you for the interview !
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