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Биография : Esprit Dérangé

Esprit Dérangé (which in English means "Disturbed Spirit") started on the cold night of October 3rd, 2005 when Heirdrain met K.J. Genocide. These two fans of pure black metal decided to try a long distance experiment and create a mysterious project together. Both of them have had many experiences from different projects in their past, which they would pull together in the workup and idealogy of E.D. Heirdrain is the vocalist in many diferent bands/projects (only black metal and not including E.D), has his solo project and he also does all the bands lyrics. K.J. Genocide has worked on a lot of various projects with different people, in a multitude of styles/genres, and is the composer of E.D.'s music. We started E.D based on an idea, and with that idea, we pour our mind and soul through the darkness in music. The music is a mix of straight up true and old school black metal, influenced by classic bands such as Burzum, Moonblood, Mutiilation, Darkthrone,.etc, which comes off sounding like a mix of the old Norwegian sound and the unholy, modern style of the underground. The idealogy of E.D is based on the unifying themes of anti-stupidity, and anti-christianity, but also tying into it is the all consuming fascination with serial killers and death. Heirdrain twists these ideals and concepts into short lyrical stories, showcasing his thoughts about/against everything. Esprit Dérangé tries to stay mysterious, and in doing so ... true to our art. We allow our listener to see and feel what they wish when listening to our music. E.D is a different type of band in the underground scene, in which the discography is so far only constituted by splits with other like minded groups. No Demos. No Albums.

BY K.J Genocide