Behemoth (PL) : An Authorized Biography to be Released Next Year

Sábado 03 Abril 2010 - 23:26:56 by Earine

An Authorized Biography to be Released Next Year

The music site conducted an interview with the guitarist and vocalist Adam "Nergal" Darski of Polish Death Black Behemoth on March 7th, 2010 when the band played at Nosturi in Helsinki. During the chat, Nergal revealed plans for the group to release an authorized biography in 2011 to celebrate Behetmoth's 20th anniversary."[It will contain] a lot of pictures and really nice stuff — three or four hundred pages," he said. "A lot of Killer stuff. We wanna do a Black Metal version of 'The Dirt' by Mötley Crüe. It's one of my favorite books, actually, and I just wanted to make something similar. Obviously it's not gonna be so Vicious and so crazy. I mean, you can't really beat Mötley Crüe when it comes to rock and roll insanity. But I wanna put out a book that's gonna be very sincere, that's gonna reveal some secrets and that's gonna show what it's like within the band, the inner spirit of the band. It's also exploring new dimensions for us, too. We've done music, we've done live performances, we've done video clips, but we've never written a book, so it's like a new territory for us that we enter now, and it's very challenging, too, so I really hope it's gonna be awesome. And actually, I hope that we'll make metalheads read, [laughs] not just lyrics and booklets but also like a proper book. That'd be great."

For more information, please visit and the Official Site of the band.


HeadCrush - 04 Abril 2010 à 09:23:10
So we can now say that whitin a few days, they will...write the book
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