Zareg : Extreme Nature

Black Death / Espagne
(2012 - Auto-Production)
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Absurdo silencio,
Que muere por dentro
Lágrimas de sangre
Perdieron su fuego

Calcinado el momento
Que pierde el sentido
De seguir perdido,

Almas que no siguen nada
Almas que no encuentran nada
Absurdo el silencio inexpresivo
De ésta triste tierra sin nada vivo

Jamás dejaremos de caminar
En el mismo camino,
Jamás volveremos a encontrar
Aquéllo que fuimos

Lo tuvimos todo,
...Y el todo destruido
Nos dejó partidos...

Absurdo silencio,
Al despertar todas las mañanas
Infinita búsqueda de palabras

Ya nada mueve el aire,
Ya nada, es nada de nadie

Pierdes el tiempo
Si sueñas con todo,
Cuando ya no hay nada
Que no te deje roto

Absurdo el silencio
Y absurdo todo,
Debo seguir así,
Recordar lo que fui
Y no intentar desarmar
Lo que aún vive en mí


I stop to remember a thousand words
Can not erase,
As the wind I has turned me leaving
Everything behind.

A stone on the road, made me slide and
The water has turned everything into
I look at the sky and I not find the
Storm, the sun is blind to forget...

Dark autumn lips, looking like metal,
They want to loose around in my arms to
Mark them again.

The moon is telling me,
I get carried away,
The moon is telling me,
I get carried away,

No light nor darkness,
Here again without breathing,
Only strange noise makes me fly away

I stop to remember a thousand words
Can not erase,
As lost whispers looking to cry...

White walls,
That look black in the darkness,
They only show calm and infinity...

The moon is telling me,
I get carried away


Goodbye fire
Goodbye storm
Tears of blood
Missed their strenght

Lost sobs
Flooded lands
Huge empty
And hopes crossed

Arrived to the end
The broken hopes
From those that suffer
From those that destroy

Ice flows
When sun thaws ice
But no one prevents now
That nothing forms itself

New times misunderstood
So much doubts in the forgetfulness

Lost sobs
Flooded lands
Huge empty
And hopes crossed

Goodbye fire
Goodbye storm
Blood red tears
Missed their strenght


There is only fog
Extreme nature
There is only loneliness
In this sad truth

Any thought
Gets cloudy
In this aimlessly storm...

Even the light continues
Nothing guides me

I keep seeing
Through the glass
That falls silent my senses
That leaves me lost
In this filthy loneliness
In this cruel moment
In this fog huge
That doesn’t let me go

There is only twisters
Extreme nature
There is only
In this hidden truth

Any thought
Gets cloudy
In this aimlessly storm

Even the light continues
Nothing guides me
Even my life continues
Nothing keeps me alive


We born in absolutely darkness
Cry and wail when there's no light
Related bad days with the sadness
When nobody knows that the sun
And death
Was holding by the hands

Across the sun, born the colours
But nobody knows what is it
Apocalypse was near
When sun devoured earth

We burn like an acid rain
Decompose our bodys
And we wasn't aware that our god
Was more near that Jesuschrist

Peaceful days and silent days
Finally nature was talk
Waiting to never procreate
A same breed

Across the sun, born the colours
By nobody knows what is it
Apocalypse was near
When sun devoured earth

Bloody rivers flow to my face
The only that i'm so sorry in
This shortly life
Is that beeing human.


What good does breath ?
What good does kill ?
Oppressed people, you can speak
Sleeping people, you can walk

Spears of words
Crashed by metal
Hopes of utopia
Bed of glass

There’s no longer direction
Only the same walking
Puddles of blood
Covers of coldness

Lost souls
For ambition
Lifeless souls
Without escape

(Repeat x2)
Cruelty, misery, death
Cruelty, hangry, desolation
Cruelty, misery, anguish
Cruelty, hangry, mutilation

There's is no longer direccion
Only the same walking
Puddles of blood
Covers of coldness

A beginning without end
A war of whickedness

Spears of words
Crashed by metal
Hopes of utopia
Bed of glass


In me
Come back to be here
In this spoiled wood
In this alive wood

You remember
That you no longer see
What is already
That will have no mercy
Who says it’s not true

Fire will destroy
And will convert my world to ashes
In order to purify
All the wickedness

Wind in ash
White as snow
Will carry on infinitely

There is no longer voice
There is no guide
Theres is no orders
To comply with.

In me
To believe again
To don’t leave to be
What I was
And carry on
To don’t stop fighting
And then die

In me
To remember every day what we did
To change every day
To feel I am still standing
And I am free to walk

There is no longer voice
There is no guide


Un duc despiadat, sanguinari i malvat
Gaudia torturant, i jovenetes violant
Però un dia penedit pels seus pecats
Va vendre-ho tot i lluny va marxar,

Dalt la muntanya llueix l'endiablada
En forma de creu de metall i oxidada
Contempla al voltant la terra cremada
Tothom qui la toca el seu mal s'albira

Molts anys després el duc va tornar
Ningú el feia cas perquè estava arruïnat
Enrabiat arrasava tot al seu pas,
El seu odi creixia l'armadura portant.

Ciutadans enfurismats, cansats de patir
Es van unir per matar-lo a la nit,
Castell cremat, duc decapitat,
De recollir l'armadura ningú va ser capaç

Bandits i assassins, refugiats a castell,
Insaciables no paraven de robar i assassinar,
El poble venjatiu un d'ells va capturar,
Torturat i mutilat, quasi mort va parlar
L'armadura oxidada fa olor a putrefacta sang
De les seves exigències estem ja farts
Mai menja, mai parla, si no obeïm ens mata
Sota l'armadura buida hi habita el mal

L'armadura infernal la van capturar
Al aixecar-li la visera es va desmuntar
Per recomanació d'un ermita la van fondre i fer una creu
La creu del diable

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