Yaldabaoth (USA) : That Which Whets the Saccharine Palate

Black Metal / Etats-Unis
(2020 - Aesthetic Death)
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Knight draped in diminishing white slain:
Left rot in dyke bereft anymore of hauke,
Of hound, of mate.
Scavengers making mane; contemplating take.
Horse robbed of complexion led on to pastures
Blue eye in beak.
Blonde lock—nest’s weave.
Form bared by force and beast.
Hatchet sunk deep in the skull of an old friend;
Skeleton slumped: overgrown by bramble and vine
Chattering at flora and fauna alike.
Spitting a whisper.
Howled mantra.
Drug into the lull of a chant carried on an acrid wind.
Root binds the soil.
Pass slicked in witch mother’s milk
Gorged on honeydews from infernal terroir.
Dans le feu.
Sans la gloire.
Sacred river Alph runs red:
May every water body follow suit,
Then dry to dust and cracking bed.
Pearled bone. Quenched suns.
Damage image. Man-made scar mirage.
Oases pepper a sprawling manifold of hells;
Homes to unspoiled milks and sweetest honeys.
Shattered desert visage unveiled by
Blistering storms of sand.


Spit forth black soul.
Spit forth white soul.
Eyes like hot coals.
Hellfire forged ire ore
bathed in light from on high.
Beak cracks eggshell ushering cosmic synthesis.
Omniscient stretched thin through ebb of space-time.
Thread strung sewing folds of flesh as patchwork reality.
Gnawing void.
Vacancy consumption.
Rape of spirit.
Rape of vessel.
Beak cracks shell.
Bird fights way out of egg.
Hallowed and accursed names buried deep in lost tomes,
preserved upon shelf to embrittle and decay with age.
Above the sun.
Under the moon.
Under the sun.
Above the moon.
All-God forgotten—frees self from womb.
Two heads: cock and lion.
Body of man.
Scorpion-footed serpent legs
Logos and Nous.
Clutched in right: flail.
In left: shield.
Domes peeled back at throat.
Stones gently placed in larynxes.
Jedem das seine.
The beak cracks the shell.
The bird fights its way out of the egg.


Orb of heavens dismantled.
Skulls crushed between foot and floor.
Habitual procreation ordained in ichors.
Union consummated on a bed of nails set to flame.
Weight a-crutch for failure of limb.
Consecration under rotten forums.
Devourer of
Aion-bearing being.
Archon eater.
Born by Bedlam.
Raised in Sodom.
Cloud of gadflies hums and swarms.
Ancient wretches chant their paeans;
Those teeth sharped on incantations.
Torch’s wax culls tended edge.
Manifesto carved in untouched skin.
Palms sweat. Nerves fray.
Envenomed quill.
Candle’s kiss.
Taste of iron.
Licks ashen lip.
Creature anxiously laps empty dish.
Wandered poison copses unearthing
Foreign bodies hidden beneath the leaves.
Waded watersheds of existential abuse.
Dried in air of slights.
Detriment and gravitas.
Illusory metaphor contextualization.
Compulsory obsession on dead subjects.
Embody world reaper.
Sower of daemon seed.
Absentia et
Aped reflections of contorted visions.
Folie a l’infini.
Manifest heretical order.
Folie a l’infini.
Scriptures torn from the annals of plagued minds.
Heliacal detonation propagates ubiquitous erasure.
Skin cats as seen fit.
Each victim groomed to suit.
Concept extends infinitely beyond translation.


"He tore at his body too with a sharp stone,
And dragged his long hair in the filthy dust,
I deserved this!
I pay the due penalty in blood!
Let the parts that harmed me,
Perish, let them perish!'"


Rapt by convalescing fervors.
Swayed toward seldom-touched veins.
Hasten hare by mental anguish.
Quicken pulse with caress.
Yonic fold of flower.
Phallic rise of totem.
Fumble through clairvoyant trances.
Steel oneself against pantheonic blights.
Negation immersion.
Inherent violence
Ascribed to otherwise vacant fantasies.
Tools rendered weapon in uncertain lights.
Adherence to falsified instinct: eau naturale.
Do as thou wilt.
Chew through cheek.
Coran betrothal to Hades.
Barbs dipped in poisons.
Blotter of stars.
Wrathful annihilation without prejudice.
Outfit regiments to level.
Panaceas for peace.
The echo of fire in loin.
Soapbox vertigo.
Proverbial impassibility.
Lay mind and body in the gutters of Fairview.
That which whets the saccharine palate
Satiates mortal qualm.


There exist thirsts which cannot be slaked.
A channel opens through which all earthly matters
Disappear: are swallowed as stone in chasm.
A construct of man acts as eye of providence
And that gaze gnaws the very fabric of.
Feasts in famine. Fasts in splendor.
Veils thinned by phases of moon.
Raw sigil and moniker: ripest of fruits
Baptized in the discharge of divine rhetorics.
Birth of bastard god rife for favor and condemnation.
Anoint this nameless congregation in offerings begot of Infantile flesh.
A Heaven stilted above Hell looming with feigned grandeur:
Built on the choking gasp, fluid,
And broken spines of smothered fools.
Preach guilt and shame with no promise of end times.
Penance of existence wallowing
In self hatred and flagellation.
Curbed temperance and admonished solecisms.
Scoffed at pressure of eternal hands.
Charter and scroll drawn in bloods let
before infernal assemblages atop crumbling altars.
Incense inhalation; hallucinatory essences.
Pledge separations from torso.
Celestial bodies align conjuring silhouettes.
An invocation of many selves harnessed;
shackled within scriptural bounds.
Rumored truths in tablet and rune.
Templates foretold caste in deepest well.
Faith-based readings woven throughout forlorn texts.
Hack and slash heathen theses.
Breath life into interpretations of ill intent.

paroles ajoutées par Antonin_Martin - Modifier ces paroles