We Are The End (USA) : Skys Most Wanted

Deathcore / USA
(2007 - Self-Released)
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Miles between you and I
Lies the last place
I hung my heart..
Poetically speaking, its never left
But I doubt anyone would have noticed.
Well anyone other than you
And the insects who I'm sure have grown fond of
The taste of my flesh and blood

Inside/outside, you embody
The greatest part of me
A part that I have been missing.
And lately I have been
Distracted days on end
And I think this time its the weather speaking
But I sometimes see you in my dreams

Held high, tight, closed and always,alone.

If I could only call out your name in my sleep
And hear the echo rattle inside my mind for days.
I'd let you know,
"I'm right here with you"
As sure the sun will always shine
As sure as the sun will always set.

Do you get the picture?
Infinitely speaking.
I couldn't paint one, as vividly as the words
I sometimes can't remember.
Yet still manage to
Dribble incoherently onto this piece of shit
I consider a canvas.

All I know is this year Summer came to soon
And so did you
So without any further adue
And well what I am speaking of,speaking of (well it resides in the dark)
Don't know how else to put it
(other than,is simply to say) simply
That I love you


This is your end
The killing stops now,
So embrace yourself
The gates are closed so,
Don't fucking dare to enter
For death awaits on the other side
For death awaits on the other side
I will prepare the caskets for the many
That will be executed,
One by one, they will
Watch each other die
Can you look into my eyes?
And see that this is no longer a choice
The cleansing of filth
Blood ridden with bullets on the street
I no longer come with comforting hands
I no longer come with comforting hands
You did this to yourself
None of your children will be spared
Take back what's rightfully ours
These lands were never yours
I swear to god I'll take the immigrants
And burn them all in a second
As the gasp for breath left burning alive,
This is what the angel sounded
So lets put this in perspective,
When my knife slits your throat may your
Children sing along, as they watch you burn


Cast down from the heavens with broken wings
Cast down, so broken

That life itself has no sight
Only blackness covers our eyes
As we clench our ears
From the screams of millions

To hell they, shall be cast
With the sentence of eternity
The prince has returned from the lake of fire
One thousand years of destruction
Will rise from the flames of hell
Damnation will reign leaving all of humanity..
Erased, from existence

All shall suffer

As the grounds collapse and engulf the sinners
His mark will shine before our eyes

Father save us

Palabras añadidas por JIFI - Modificar estas palabras