Wargasm (USA) : Your Dog's Teeth

Thrash Metal / USA
(1990 - Self-Released)
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Dripping onto their tongues flowing into their lungs
Quenching soulless bloodthirst up and down their throats
Growing fat and bloating filled up to exploding
Throwing up your fluid drinking up again
Suffering is so slow watching our own blood flow
Hearts are pumping fluid from the very core
Leave us hanging as we pour ourselves out unto the floor
Need to suck heart and soul have none of their own
And the blood flow begins in the blood in the flood
And we can never be drained in the blood in the flood
Rows of dripping cattle hang ripe and ready for the fang
Filed and defiled re-filed numbered without name
Feeding on the innocent pure of heart of intent
Years drain out of us like water from a tap
And the blood flow begins in the blood in the flood
And we can never be drained in the blood in the flood
Dreaming of an open vein giving them what they crave
Spraying crimson on the walls walls forever stained
We will bleed forever a tidal wave unleashed
Washing them away drowning in their greed
Our blood is sour but revenge is sweet
Maybe the blood that they drown in be their own
Droplets raining in the roads pools overflowing blood
To rivers grow rivers oceans of blood


On parole out of the hole a free man once again
A law was passed you’re out so fast laws were made to bend
Twisted brain feels no pain the system could not mend
Time to reap what otheres sow a predator you ascend
Criminal frustration building up inside
Rehabilitation a drop against the tide
Social deviation societal suicide your twisted mind
Locked away in a tomb for a while
Committing your crimes with a dead man’s smile
My time is here barely a year a temporary stall
I was a slave I learned to behave In the end I fooled them All
People’s fear that put me here those people seem so small
I am reborn forever sworn to make those people crawl
Criminal frustration building up inside
Rehabilitation a drop against the tide
Social deviation societal suicide your twisted mind
Locked away in a tomb for a while
Committing your crimes with a dead man’s smile
Where’s your mommy ? where’s your daddy ?
I won’t hurt you have some candy


You file through my world throwing popcorn and beer
With hatred so blind that it’s all I ever hear
Everyday hundreds are welcomed inside
To point at me laugh at me question my pride
But if I were to show up on your doorstep tonight
Would you open your door ? would you let me inside ?
Enter and see nature’s misery
Enter and feed sick curiosity
Come inside and behold as horrors unfold
Enter and see nature’s misery
I’ve played in your game long enough
From the sorrowful day of my birth
But my god in heaven above says
“The freaks shall inherit the earth”
I’m the missing link between the real world and yours
The ugliness you hide from behind your locked doors
Seeing me makes you feel safe and secure
You go home and thank heaven it’s not you or yours
I am labeled a monster though I am your brother
Look away from me there’ll always be another…
Enter and see nature’s misery
Enter and feed sick curiosity
Come inside and behold as horrors unfold
Enter and see nature’s misery
Was this all destiny’s intent ?
To live my tortured life in this tent ?
It’s a roll of the dice you see
That’s seperating you from me
One or more of me in your family tree
Look into the mirror for the enemy not me
Feel my pain
It’s the words that we speak that make a man a freak
The attitude the ignorance the reasons that we seek
Feel my pain

lyrics added by tbc85 - Modify this lyrics