Vorna : Menetetty

Black Folklorique / Finlande
(2009 - Auto-Production)
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There is that uncouth race... immoral and disgrace
They left no room for the sanity while drowning in their vanity

Betrayed by the sun they march blindly into this night
Longing for the sinner's flesh presuming to aquire the warmth
For their damned souls once again

Trying to hide behind the night's obscure
Oh yes, shiver, but its all in vain
Cause they're still naked in the eyes of the truth

And they will
Burn like holocaust
Suffocate into the soil
'Til they rot
Get use to agony
Like theres nothing else
And drown to blood
Once more

Trying to hide...

Led by the lust they are
Everyone of them in that filthy stream
Led to destruction they are
And none of them knows to fear whats to come

If one would dare to understand and resist the attraction of lies
There might be hope for real dreams to breath

In the end i know this is the lonely path
Still i can't return, my heart forbids
It tears my mind there is not my kind
All the same its where my fate is bound

But one day they will realize
There is no time to cry or place to hide
When they lie down on their stone beds
And ferryman's laughter echoes inside their heads


Ei ole aika menneiden haavoja
Vielä kaikissa parantanut

Kuulivat heikot heidän valheensa
Antoivat varjon vieraan vihan
Isiemme maan hukuttaa
Jättäen meidät pimeään

Ei ole miekka kurjan valloittajan
Vielä kaikkia saanut nöyrtymään

Onko joku muka heidän paikkansa tuonelasta lunastanut
Armottomat verityönsä unohtanut

Mihin on kaikki ylpeys
Pohjoinen veri
Täältä kaikonnut
Loppuunko vuotanut
Eikö kukaan enää
Maatamme tunnusta
Perintöämme kunnioita
Vedä piikkiä lihasta

On tullut aika veriveljien
Viimeisten miesten suomenmaan
Sytyttää valheet palamaan
Muistuttaa heitä: myöhäistä katua

Tuntevatko poltteen
Joka sisintäni jäytää
Kun taas maa
Hiljalleen jäätyy
Ja vain tuuli
Menneille ulvoo
Sille, minkä
Jätitte taa

Kuulivat heikot...



The world has taken me
And has given nothing in barter
I have no other choice
But to beg my leave

From the beginning i only had you
My callous friend
And now you're coming back
With your frozen leaves falling
Freezing rivers flowing
And i salute you

I'm so tired
Feeling so old already
I wonder how long can i stand
In this vicious circle of life

At last i fall on your cold embrace
My body is ruined, i don't feel a thing
Identity lost, i think nothing
But still i can't wither away
So take me, take me with you
By your side on silent vigil
Watching forever, waiting another
Seeing how eternity passes us

The world has taken me
And has given nothing in barter
I have no other choice
But to beg my leave

From the beginning i only had you
My callous friend
And now you're leaving
With your frozen leaves melting
Freezing rivers still flowing
Along with me

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