Viranesir : Shoot at Mom's Corpse

Ambiant Black / Turkey
(2014 - Merdumgiriz)
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Turning on different lights in a house to be abandoned.
Seeing it in atmospheres like never before.

How do I know wether or not to let go,
looking back at the life we've lived I'm drowning
in the puke that once was my lovers skin
I've come to think I'm not so sure
if he is showing the dissatisfying nature of the things
that make people continue living as slaves
by just pulling away from it
the very essence that justifies stupidity,
illusion of so called
message or meaning.

good is good, evil is evil my war is with none
good is evil, evil is good my war is with those who oppose

Antimaster Keys To Congregation In My Old Mind


Amına koduğumun orospu çocuğu
Yapman gerekeni neden yapmadın?
Bizi neden kurtaramadın
Güçsüz orospu çocuğu!

Ben seni rahat bıraktım
Seni başka yerlere sakladım
Ki bize odaklanabilesin
Sen ise hiçbir bok yapmadın

Bu hayat beni yıktı!

Hep kendine acıdın
Bizi herkesten sakladın
Artık kendini kandırma
Ve olmayacak işler peşinden koşma

Hadi lan oradan!
Sen beni bu hale getirdin
Bana onu hep suçladın
O olmasa biz bok gibi kalırdık

Ya ruhunu kim parçaladı?
Onu da mı ben yaptım?
Vay amına koduğumun çocuğu
Senden de bu beklenirdi

Kaç yaşına geldin hala bıkmadın
Ucuz işlerden hiç usanmadın
Ucuzluğu tepki olarak yapmadın
Tembellikten yaptın

Bize adil olmayı sonradan öğretti yıllar
Ama o yalnız yıllar kolay geçmedi.
Kendimizden kaçamadık
Ve hep korktuk

Uğraştık kendi kendimize odamızda
Bir kaçış yolu aradık
Onlara inat orada kaldık
Sanki bu kadar kolaymış gibi!

Seni seviyorum ne olur kal
Bırakma beni bu eşikte
Eşşoğlueşşek bana yapışıksın
Başka bir seçeneğin yok zaten.


Herşey olamadığın için tek olmayı seçiyorsun,
herşey olabilseydin herşey olurdun.

Herşey olamadığın için hiç olmayı seçiyorsun,
herşey olabilseydin herşey olurdun.

Herşey değil, tek herşey isteği.
Herşey değil, hiç herşey isteği.

İnsanlar yaptıkları şeylerin sonuçlarından sorumlu tutulamazlar;
çünkü sonuçlarını önceden görmeleri mümkün değildir.

Her yapılan şey acıya yol açar ve birşey herhangi başka birşeyden farklı değildir ve öyle algılanmamalıdır.

Tek yapılabilecek şey yaptığı şeyi kutsal olarak gördüğü için değil seçtiği için yaptığını düşünen insan olmaktır;

yol açacağı kötülüğe rağmen.
Beni sen mi kurtaracaksın?




I have lived in Adana for so long
It is not even funny,
It is much like living in a kindergarten
You lose everything there

Just trying to stay on the same page with people as to have a regular conversation
You pretty much give up who you are

You will never be anything but a dweller of sewage
And don’t forget, you will die where you were born!

I have lived like an alien,
Adana is my home, and I feel home when I am there

You will always be looking for something as ethereal
As the beauty that is Adana
Adana is the light
It is the might
The highway is where you buried your soul

More than once I left there,
Then they try hard to cut my ties
Found myself in Montreal
I couldn’t deal it all

You want to live there,
And make films there,
And make music there,
And make babies there.
Adana is the light
It is the might
Adana story with somebody old

You are only angry to be taken away from Adana
Time and time again.
Why can’t you just make it work?
You can’t make it work anywhere.
There is a tyrant there,
That looks like he wants you there,
But actually he hates you and does not want you to be there.
That is why he kills all your ties.
That is why he has forsaken you.

Adana is the most beautiful place on earth
It is where my dreams were born!


Homme, écoute moi. Homme, regarde moi.
Colle ton oreille au sol, écoute le son de la terre.
C'est le son de la vie. Ce son,
C'est le vice de la vie et la vie du vice.

Homme, regarde autour de toi, ne sois pas fou.
Efface les espaces, décadence|défense
De ta dense absence de ce monde de rapace.

Homme, tu n'es que poussière et pourtant regarde toi.
Tu t'explores comme tu explorerais l'univers que tu n'es pas.
Tu n'es pas l'Homme, non, tu n'en n'es qu'un.

Homme, tu ne vis que pour toi seul,
Pourtant c'est ton linceul que tu tisses.
Et si tu meurs, tu le hisses ? Non,
Tu ne peux être ton propre aïeul.

Homme, écoute moi, regarde moi.
Colle ton oreille au sol, écoute le son de la terre.
C'est le son qui t'habite. Tu n'es qu'ombre, homme,
Une ombre d'homme.

Homme, crois moi, ta vie t'attend.
Aujourd'hui tu es larve empathique,
Tu attends le tic et le tac, mais seul hic :
Qu'en sera-t'il demain ?

Homme, j'aime à croire que des ailes
Magnifiques, solides, sortiront
Et que tu t'élèveras.

Homme, tu tueras cet aïeul.
Tu le noieras dans sa fange irrespirable,
Et ainsi tu découvriras
L'éveil par le meurtre.

Homme, ne m'écoute plus.
Tu entendras le son de la terre et ça ne sera pas toi.
Non, Homme, ton ombre sommeillera en toi,
Mais c'est au dessus d'elle que tu seras.

Toutefois, homme, n'oublie pas la larve que tu as été.
Non, homme, ne laisse pas l'orgueil t'égarer.
Car de cette larve dont tu es extrait est né
Le produit magnifique qu'est celui de la fragilité.

Homme, la Terre te précède, mais le Ciel te devance.


This is the sound of your childhood dying.
You could not succeed in taking its hand through life.
You had to earn your living and become a stone.
Please don’t make kids on your own.

You will probably die alone,
And forget the sound of your crying.
Remember those lonely years?
Don’t they seem scarier than your current loneliness?

Those you hated and had to punish,
Aren’t they who you ran to?
Would it be better or worse if they died?
Would it be better or worse if I die?

Why do you still back off from life?
Are you afraid of losing your childhood?
Would it be better of worse if Ruhan died?
Would it be better or worse if she were alive?

Look at me; I recreate my life every five years.
And curse the old one as something terrible.
Then when I am finished with one,
I return to the previous one.

Always on the search for home,
Be it in the lights of a café,
Or the corner of someone’s mouth.
As soon as I catch that feeling,
I walk away from it.

Everything is because of fear.
Fear planted by my mother.
In whose house I write this poem.
When will I be set free?

Everything is because of fear.
Fear fertilized by my father.
Couldn’t he just flush me down?
Will I never be set free?

Your life is the mistake of your situation.
Oh how lonely I am in this Bourgeois trap.
This is perhaps the loneliest place on earth.
No respite, no respite at all.
Maybe I should move out and think about things,
Like I did for five years.
And end up depressed in front of the computer.
No one can understand my pain.

How can they understand his pain?
Smiley face.
British escape.
Would it work?

Do I know anything outside my shell?
Do I know anything at all?
Can I ever make it work?
Am I going to kill myself?
Will I succeed in ending this pain?

What would I do if there were no Black Metal
As soundtrack for my self pity.
Would I be better off?
Will I never be better?

Smiley face
British consulate.
Spending time,
With a good friend.

Spending time away.
Take time.
Take shit.
Don't do anything.

Just be pretty,
In your room.
In your room,
In your room.

Spend a lifetime,
In your room.
In your room.

No one deserves to be desecrated,
By their past.
No one deserves,
To live.

Take my life,
Like I took it from you.
What do you want of me,
Why are we still so afraid of change?

Why am I so alone?
Why do I remember only bad things?
Why do I only remember?

Why when I look at my past,
And compare it to today,
I feel like it was good,
When in fact it was shit.

Why when I look at my past,
And compare it to future,
I feel like it was shit,
When in fact it was okay.

Although I believe only the stupid
Think they know for certain,
I am absolutely certain
That I see through people.

Everyone is so predictable,
Everyone is so basic,
Everyone is so boring,
Everyone is evil.

I hate people like I can not tell you.
I do not cry when people die,
Because I do not feel sorry for them
I envy them.

Those who linger
And make kids just because
Should die instantly
Rather than waiting.

Slowly waiting to die.
Slowly waiting to die,
Life is slowly waiting to die.
I feel alive in the bottom of this sea.

Life is waiting to die.
Life is waiting to die.
Life is waiting to die.
Life is waiting to die.

When you are already dead,
Nothing really matters.
You can not even look back at all those empty years,
You get scared off of your loneliness.

When all worthwhile memories
Are intense traumas
And you ask yourself,
How long till you catch the "now"?

When you know in your head
That it is all in your hands,
And you also know
That you can never reach it.

When your only friends,
Are fucked up losers.
Time and time again,
Fucked up losers.

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