Unlit Face : Everlasting Transformation

Death Mélodique / Suède
(2016 - Sliptrick Records)
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At one time above and below were united
A solid mountain from bottom to the peaks

When the sky was still pitch-black
The moon was conceived
When the night was full of radiance
Stars and planets followed

One daughter of the moon abducted
Becoming the queen of the netherworld
The judge of the dead

The sun was then begotten
By his father the moon
To traverse the firmament
Then lie down at dusk
And the black headed people
Would follow his lead

Prevailing over the heavens
Brighter than the first light
Son overpowering the father
The new takes over the old

Then the air was born from their marriage
But the son separated mother and father

When the clay was infused with spirit
The men was fashioned
When the limbs were full of strength
Servants were prepared

Six misshapen were also given birth
But their right place was found with grace
The wicked in disguise

The creatures from the womb
Wandering through the land
Affronting the drowsy wind
Then condemned to the flood
But the one allied with gods
Would sail to the pure land

Overcoming the sky…

In the land of purity, the waters touched
The wells of abundance, the fields with grain
In the land of brightness, the wife pleaded
The raven cries not, the lion kills not
In the land of wealth, the embryo of life
The healing stream, the wisdom flows


From the solid chaos the black egg appeared
Then opposites were balanced and the giant broke the shell

The light, the strength, becomes the sky
The dark, the weak, becomes the earth
Each day, he holds, the sky on his head
Each day, he stands, on top of the earth

Struggling to keep harmony
Sculpting the world
Sacrificing to bring clarity
Saving the whole

The child of chaos
From void to matter
The child of chaos
Wholeness and duality

When his work was done then finally he died
The newborn universe protected from impending chaos

His breath, becomes, the winds and the clouds
His eyes, transform, into the sun and the moon
His body, transforms, into the five peaks
His blood, becomes, the rivers and seas

Perfection of the universe
By the death of god
Creation of a sacred land
By the loss and the end

From the vermin that grew on his body
Human beings spread all over his flesh
Blown by the wind to the four corners
Still nourished by his very being

From the divine… To the mortals
From the whole… To the parts

In the fundamental structure of the boundless world
Everything great or small has the same essence
In the central architecture of the single being
Everything great is small and small is great

One gives, one takes


When only water was below the sky
The duality was already there
When daylight brought the white land
From still to movement it began

And evil started leaving marks
In all directions
And waters covered all its tracks
But it came back

Failed creation
What are we humans: dogs or snakes?
Failed creation
Once close to holy, now left to our fates…

After failing twice to make the mortals
From dreams of smoke she appeared
Out of the house with longing eyes
Soon to find out she was forsaken

The watcher joined her dreams
And her body
But abandoned once more she was
Pure with a child

Emptiness… Her nature arises
Separated… No one of her kind
Wandering… Broken in her soul

The fatherless born forgotten
The immaculate pursuing the maker
The mother neglecting the son
The child decaying alone

A quest with no answers revealed
And then she finally awakes
A cry and a cleanse of the soul
And then she finally cares

And the companion departs
Leaving immortality (immortality)

And the companion returns
Entering mortality (mortality)


Once roaming through the earth
I found the new born man
In awe of what has come to be

Learning the way of life
Looking exactly like me
Finding everything he needs
Giving him something to fear

But everything I create
He tends to destroy
Everything I give him
He consumes to the end
And everything I create
He considers his
Everything I give him
He drains the energy

What once I was
Never again to be
Could fly to the skies
Dive deep into the sea
Bound to the earth
The sacred lost eternally
Order given birth
Just ordinary finally

Taking off to the other realms
To show what lies beyond here
Different and remarkable worlds

Opening awareness to heavens
Power and wonder everywhere
Travelling down to the deep
Water embracing everything

Can you feel the longing for the sky?
Don’t you want to jump into the sea?
Can you feel the wings on your back?
Don’t you want to breathe in the water?

But your sun was taken away from you
I will make you see where you belong

Can you feel the darkness closing in?
Don’t you want to see the light again?

But your sun was given back to you
I will make you see the life you have


Inside the shell, enveloped by darkness
The visible earth to be revealed
Emerging from the pure origin

The divine law of justice was proclaimed for all
Separating light from darkness, truth from deceit

Conceive the seer
With four heads
In all directions
To keep watch

Foundation, Of the world
Always been, Infinite
Completion, Of nature
Comes to end, Destruc tion

Awakening, A new life
Always been, Infinite
Transition, Of a soul
Has begun, Rebirth

The construction is done, time to rest
From the body of the true ancestor
All the parts of the sacred whole

With fire forged the blazing sun given to the sky
An eternal spring flows everywhere, never to freeze

In the time of light
Warmth and prosperity
The balance in the halves
Flourishing and strong

Seasons change…

In the time of darkness
Coldness and poverty
The balance in the halves
Withering and weak
Seasons change…


Wrapped in the gloom
Of a dense and primeval night
Then came the mighty wind
And called out the solid land

A massive tree connecting the land
Deep down to earth and the underworld
High up to the sky and the upper-world

No one to fill the emptiness
No one to speak the rites
No one to keep the days
No one to praise the creator

Conception of souls, from the heart of heavens
Looking for the balance, the principle of life
Conception of souls, from the heart of earth
Designing the harmony, someone to show the way

Men of mud
Dissolved in the rain
Men of wood
Destroyed in the fire
Men of seed
The ones to prevail

Sacrificing their superior blood
Sacrificing their own pleasure

In a way to attain
The gift of prosperity
In a way to gain
The grace of divinity

The victorious hero-twins
Fought the lords of the underworld
To rescue their deceased father
And laid foundation to humanity

One of them would become the moon
The other would be the bright sun
And their father the keeper of the harvest


From pure energy comes the architect
It has been since before the universe
Sun and moon crafted the ocean
And put the stars in the skies above

An ethereal being
Learning how to live
Not shaped with matter
But willing to endure

The voice of thunder in the power of men
The original word from a mortal mouth

To the four corners
Through the three stages
Becoming a man
Receiving the word

From calm solidity of pure rock
Roots spreading all over the earth
Discovering senses prowling alone
Body with feelings flowing through

Experiencing with heart
The light in his limbs
When back to the ethereal
No end to his soul

No room for ignorance
Speak is the creation

Reality is the only truth that can be believed

No embodiment of men
Existence in a moment
Liberation in the true name

Reality is the only truth that can be believed

When the end is coming
Returning to the light
Awakening in wonder
When all turn into one


In the waters of chaos I was self-created
Then I crafted everything in my heart
From my mouth I made water and air
Then earth and sky were born

When my judging eye
Brought back my son and daughter
I rejoiced and wept
From my tears men was born

Every sunset I begin my journey
I fight on the waters every night
Every sunrise I come into existence
I conquer darkness every dawn

His name is no more
A curse is upon him
His bones I consumed
Nonexistent now he is

His soul is crushed
A legacy of nothing
His offspring I killed
Fallen and overthrown

The sun is victorious crossing the sky
Conquering darkness… Defeating the beast
The words of power fighting the enemies
Conquering darkness… Ruling the land

In isolation I joined me in embrace
Then I erupted everything in my mouth
From my seed the elements appeared
Then in ecstasy I contemplated

When my caring father
Looked after my son and daughter
I longed for them back
From our reunion everything began

Every sunset I begin my journey
I fight on the waters every night
Every sunrise I come into existence
I conquer darkness every dawn


Elemental fire with elemental ice
A clash in the center of the abyss
From the melting ice came the first one
But the real father would soon appear

Slaying the old one
Drowning in his blood
From him the universe
Born anew

Chaos ended and change then began
All new life feeds on death

Everlasting transformation
What has been into what will come
Never ending evolution
Conception from the perished ones

From the ash and from the elm
A man and a woman were brought to life

Bodies given breath
Reason and a soul
Feelings and five senses
Life begins

Limbs joined in a single being
All new life feeds on death

In the round well of destiny
Water nourishes the tree
But the dewdrops always fall
Back to where they came from
Past influencing the present
Then returning to the source

One fate is everyone’s
United by the tree
One fate is everyone’s
Unclouded there to see

The destruction of all life
In the day of the beginning
The creation of all life
In the day of the end

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