The Showdown : A Chorus of Obliteration

Metalcore / Etats-Unis
(2004 - Mono Vs. Stereo Records)
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Will you destroy the righteous with the wicked?
Shine your mercy on but fifty men
Show me ten yet worthy to see the sun again
Though you're naught but dust and ash I will relent

Stand and be counted
Turn from these ruins

Fire rains from the sky
The hand of justice falls
You've spit in the face of the One whose might is yet untold
Fire rains from the sky
The hand of Justice falls
A monument encased in ash naught but a grave

Who are these men that came to you this night?
Bring them forth that we may know them
Be struck blind clear now a path for those I love
Await the brimstone that comes soon to clear your grave

The stench of Sodom quenched in smoke and flame
Angels enraged bring judgement hence
Judgement comes burning sear you from the face of the earth
Dead eyes raised to an ash choked sky


Hell can't stop me now

Heed this, your time is short
This is your warning, so wage your war
The great accuser
Hurled down to earth in shame
The ancient serpent
Empties his wrateh into this plane
Council of war
Now spawns beasts from the earth and sea
The final conflict
Man's ruin no one leaves unscathed

Fling wide the gates of hell
And drape the sun in blackened wings
Breathe deep the sulfur
Now grip your sword your time is short

Your time is short
So wage your war
Cause hell can't stop me now!


Silent, grimly faced we march them down
Calls from above, behind these walls the cowards hide
The fruits of this land, a promise we have come to claim
Stretched for miles through marren land to conquer Jericho

Loose your voice and split the sky
Draw your swords, the hour is night
We sing as one tonight, we sing as one!

We march to war, clothed in dust and fear we ride
Host of the Lord, about us, on our every side
The fruits of this land, a promise we have come to claim
We sing as one, the trumpets sound, your walls of dust
Now meet the ground


Too long have you cast a shadow
On the fields of the battle worn
Your existence is a mockery of all we've fought and died for
Cower behind your Juggernaut
This day he dies by my hand
Behold his legendary might brought low by pride

Cry war, cry hate
Step forward then to die
Cry death, cry defeat
Meet the wrath of God defied

Your armor, your shield, your sword will not avail you
This battlefield will be your grave
The bane of Gath whose swords wrought terror in our hearts
For God and country we will slay
One shot ends this war

Fall! The earth now greets your end
Rise! And take back hard won ground
Fall! By faith and stone laid down
Fall! Our heavy hearts now beat as those of heroes
You're pushin' up daisies baby

You were married to your destruction
Tonight you shall wake up dead
And when the morning finds you
You will be no more

Stand, fight, the city is ours!


Behold, I come like a thief
My kingdom I bring
I come to purge the prince of death from off the earth
To war, to bring death not peace
To cleanse now all things
This is a call to arms, to conquer, now to war

We may fall
We may die with time
That day is not today

Now for glory
Now for God
We storm the very gates of hell

Pay in blood
Reclaim your honor
Demonspawn your time has come

This is justice swift and sure
Your legions devastation fall

Hell spawn, the air is ripe with fear
Hell bound, wretched eternity

Come bringer of plagues, your time has come
Come father of lies, your time has come
Come tempter of all, your time has come
Come reap your reward, your time has come


Born of barren womb deliverance burns, burns in his veins
Foretold and set apart marked by ascension in flames
Come upon in power to dismember the devourer
To avenge to ignite to destroy the name of Israel's plight

Relentless the attack
Splitter of skulls, breaker of backs
In heaps the armies lie
His vengeance quenched, one thousand die

No rope may bind me
No man subdues me now
Wave after wave of swords
My weakness yet unfound

Powerless my foes
Bone crushes bone one after one
Limitless my wrath
Now by my reckoning struck down
Pray to Dagon be delivered
Chain me to his temple pillars
God of Israel grant me one last strength
To bring it to the ground

Betrayed by her whom I love
Bound now and broken
Gouged out my eyes
Hear me oh God


These times will try the hearts of men once carved in stone
Brother against brother poison spread within our own

Tonight you die a traitor's death
A short drop a sudden stop
You know no honor
And now your shown for who you are

So part your lips bring forth a tongue yet Judas bourne
Left handed strokes with two-edged blades land where they may
A back the best target and truth avoids you still
Cowards, liars, traitors, this song was meant for you


The agony they writhe
The ground runs red with blood
Betrayed by the fickle mistress war
Impaled on the agony of defeat
The smell of death pervades
Countless lives the cost of victory
The sorrow
The sweat
The blood
The blade
The strength
The carnage
The agony of defeat


In Your Name
Victory is ours
Gather us to Your heart
Wash the vengeance from my sword
For I am home

Glory, fly the banners high
Glory, rend the day with your victory cry

In the fire of Your wrath
We scattered their bodies far and wide
Lead the righteous to war
And the rest to their graves
Vindication is Your name

Glory, fly the banners high
Glory, rend the day with your victory cry(x4)


The burdens of battle and time run their course and he falls
In the charge of the angels
Through the veil over Jordan and home

Rise up and meet your Father
Joyous at the return of His son
And the world and its troubles mean nothing
Only comfort and rest in His arms

What was left
A skin naught but scars life spent waging a war for a King he'd yet to see
How sweet now his rest
Clothed in splendor and joy in the presence of God how he sings

Rise up and meet your Father
Joyous at the return of His son
And the world and its troubles mean nothing
Only comfort and rest in His arms

I long to see your face
I long to be at rest
I long to end this war
I long for you to take me home


Awake the sleeping giant
Laid to rest this world
Be baptized in justice let fall your hand
A race born to failure
Delivered Armageddon in the womb
Snakes round all our necks we suffocate in truth

This is a call to the end of times
Make haste deliver us our fate
We tire of this place its snakes its charms its whores
Death rattles come bring us destruction

Virus rot creation
We the waking plague
Destroyer usurpers
Give us this day
To rape burn and plunder
To spit in the face of what we embraced
Give us justice give us hell for we await

Bring us total annihilation
Bring us total obliteration

Bring snakes
Bring plagues
Bring drought
Bring boils
Disease and war
Bring floods to our doors

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