The Clan Destined : In The Big Ending…

Folk Metal / Royaume-Uni
(2004 - Self-Produced)
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1. Swinging Like Judas

Preachers cheating people everywhere I look.
Bleaching white the pages of a bloodstained book.
Two thousand years of dogmatised hypocrisy;
So now I think it's time we tried some new philosophy.

I'm telling you!

They teach of peace and love,
Yet stoke the sulfurous pyres of war.
Pray kiss this seal and glove,
That stroke drug-money, gun and whore.

Pious liars have all deceived us;
Bled the beggars, fed the choosers.
Our prayers shall have been heeded,
Whence ye sinners swing like Judas.


Christian, Pagan, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh & Jew;
Just face these fundamental facts I preach at you.
We've a duty to the future not to self-destruct;
We better learn to live as one or else this planet's fucked.

I'm telling you!

It suits the leader's needs,
When we fight amongst ourselves.
For their sacrilegious greed,
We'll evoke such 'holy' hells.

But just who'll give a damn,
For your countless hours of prayer,
When we face the fall of man,
Witness our children in despair?


Priests incant and Mullahs sing,
Of Armageddons they would bring;
Yet overlooked one vital thing,
Someday like Judas they could swing.

Hearts and minds the hate infuses.
None are winners - all now losers.
Walk the path that Satan chooses,
And in time you'll swing like Judas!


2. I Am Because We Are

I am because we are,
Because we are, I am
I am a shining star,
We are the destined clan.

Soon we'll be gone - The Earth keeps on turning.
Should this song live on long after we're dead;
Let these words then be heard as fires still burning,
Not buried beside me like burdens unshed.

Join with us sisters and brothers,
Hearts courageous welcome home.
We judge not by creeds or colours,
By your deeds ye shall be known.

May history recall then we all were chosen,
Those who'd awoken - lived life for real.
Facing the storm as children reborn,
would not for a throne of conformity kneel.

Whence the cards weren't in our favour,
Weaklings bleated - mockers laughed.
Someday soon this truth they'll savour;
We are wheat whilst they're just chaff.

When each of us a shining star,
Then teach I am because we are;
Tribes up-rise astride the blessed-wind,
Lives entwined by my Clan Destined!

Each of us a shining star,
Then teach I am because we are.

It's time let's rhyme - United Pagan Massive.
Come together or forever remain impassive.
Evolving revolution of heathen free-thinkers.
A moral obligation to abandon mental blinkers.

Pricked, ducked, chucked on pyres of inquisition.
Flesh and flame entwined in bestial coition.
Demonised - canonised a patron-saint of sin,
For facing then embracing the animal within.

Join with us sisters and brothers,
Hearts courageous welcome home.
We judge not by creeds or colours,
By your deeds ye shall be known.

When each of us a shining star,
Then teach I am because we are;
Tribes up-rise astride the blessed-wind,
Lives entwined by my Clan Destined.

Each of us a shining star.

Soon we'll be gone - The Earth keeps on turning.
Should this song live on long after we're dead;
Let these words then be heard as fires still burning,
Not buried beside me like burdens unshed.

May history recall then we all were chosen,
Those who'd awoken - lived life for real.
Facing the storm as children reborn,
Would not for a throne of conformity kneel.

I am because we are!

3. T.C. Lethbridge

Visionary idealists inspired us in the past.
Now the world has done them wrong.
Cynics laughed at Stukeley - Lockyer got mocked:
Then they persecuted Tom.

Have you even heard of T.C. Lethbridge?
Have you seen his books in any mall?
You'd be enthralled at his methodology,
While 'scholars' sit indoors going; "Ha ha ha ha ha!".


We are forward-thinking motherfuckers,
We are true to everything you are,
Though something you were wrong,
Your methodology - so thorough and so practical
Votes so very tactical - they wrote you off as radical!


"No spoken or written word can ever be a substitute for one's own practical experience.
No-one too can convince another who does not wish to believe what he is told.
Only the doubter uses by his incredulity."

We are forward thinking motherfuckers,
We are true to everything you are,
Though something you were wrong,
Your methodology - so thorough and so practical
Votes so very tactical - they wrote you off as radical!


4. A Beautiful Start To The End Of The World

Strange though it may seem, I've seen an angel;
Perfection portrayed in the frame of a girl.
To gaze in her eyes, such a sweet way to die;
A beautiful start to the end of the world.

Sat here alone whilst out warheads are falling.
I start to recall the dark spaces between.
Life flashed before me - raw memories crawling
Your face the most wondrous I'd ever seen.

In that very instant you burst through the door.
No bombshell has hit with this impact before.

You are the weapon of my mass distraction
This heart torn apart by a nuclear reaction.
Resistance futile - no use in fighting
Sheer shock and awe at your thunder and lightning.

Strange though it may seem, I've seen an angel;
Perfection portrayed in the frame of a girl.
To gaze in her eyes, such a sweet way to die;
A beautiful start to the end of the world.

I'd laugh as the blast came to vaporise me.
Your exquisite smile is the last thing I see.
Held safe in my arms kissing blissful goodbyes
Passion burns bright like a fire in the skies.

Strange though it may seem, I've seen an angel;
Perfection portrayed in the frame of a girl.
To gaze in her eyes, such a sweet way to die;
A beautiful start to the end of the world.

What of my memories from this life we know?
They'll fade into nothing as I pray and grow.
Your face still remains - haunting spirit divine,
Glimpse of lost love which could never be mine.

Strange though it may seem, I've seen an angel;
Perfection portrayed in the frame of a girl.
To gaze in her eyes, such a sweet way to die;
A beautiful start to the end of the world.

Sat here alone whilst out warheads are falling.
I start to recall the dark spaces between.
Life flashed before me - raw memories crawling
Your face the most wondrous I'd ever seen.

In that very instant you burst through the door.
In that very instant you burst through the door.

5. Devil For A Day

There's a part of me which hopes the Christians got it right:
That God is real and Hell exists where sinners burn.
'Cause then I know we'll meet again, upon a flame-lit, starless night;
Chained side by side to stand in line and wait our turn.

I'd love to spend eternity in purgatory with you,
Each breath of living death evokes a sweet nightmare, it's true.
Forever wracked with torment seems a paltry price to pay,
If they'll let me be your devil for a day.

'Tis often said the good die young - that's how we lived so young.
And none deserve damnation more than we.
So I'll raise a hearty toast when I feel my buttocks roast.
Glad just knowing you're there suffering with me.

Your pretty pleas for mercy I'm afraid will be in vain,
We compliment each other like the martyr and his pain
My soul hangs in the balance - let them have their wicked way,
If they'll let me be your devil for a day.

Love is blind, unkind and stupid,
Just another stunt for Cupid
Vile in the games we play
Purple patch - black lies betray
Humans are such futile creatures
Shallow-minded and capricious
Underhanded, cruel, deceitful
Hell is merely other people.

They'll torture me without restraint,
I'll take it all - make no complaints,
A smile across my broken face will play,
If they'll let me be your devil,
In my duties I would revel,
If they'll let me be your devil for a day.

Love is blind, unkind and stupid,
Just another stunt for Cupid
Vile in the games we play
Purple patch - black lies betray
Humans are such futile creatures
Shallow-minded and capricious
Underhanded, cruel, deceitful
Hell is merely other people.

6. More Than War

This is the season of Omega, prelude to what lies in store.
Scream-filled dreams, a seething fever, new-year's evil, more than....

War's a beast which once released proves hard to re-contain.
On the corpse of peace its jaws now feast; bleached, bare bones remain.

No sum of hate could hope to sate - not one cruel, bloodied fang.
So sent again to die for a god or lie our sons and brothers sang.

This is the season of Omega, prelude to what lies in store.
Scream-filled dreams, a seething fever, new-year's evil, more than...

War's a curse, the fiend perverse - like a pox it rots your mind.
Our streets bleed red - ten billion dead heed leaders numb and blind.

Marching on went the joyous throng, unaware they'd been betrayed.
Through the gates of Hell held 'neath a spell - feigned victory parade.

This is the season of Omega, prelude to what lies in store.
Scream-filled dreams, a seething fever, new-year's evil, more than...


If you could know what I've been shown you'd quake to take my hand.
I'll lead you through towns where you grew, now burnt and barren land.

From out the skies with flaming eyes descends a fearsome wraith,
Who slays the fold both young and old - respects not creed or faith.

War's just a game to the men insane - obsessed, possessed by power.
They pick the locks on Pandora's Box; set your clocks to judgement hour.

No life on Earth has either rights or worth in this equation of desire.
Too late we'll learn - watch our planet turn to a blazing ball of fire!

This is the season of Omega, prelude to what lies in store.
Scream-filled dreams, a seething fever, new-year's evil, more than....


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