The Broken Result : Recursive

Deathcore / Afrique-du-Sud
(2010 - Dualine Records)
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This impossible reasoning with a serpent tongue
Intelligence never seemed so bland
A cursed heart, a saddened side effect
Of this dazzling treachery at hand

In millions of words no answer is found
The unbreakable wall of misery stood strong
Drowning in arrogance formed by an eclipsed mind
Journey through darkness to find the light

Guided by my hand, walk my path to the other side
Stones will pierce your every step
Amidst the flower bed of thorns
I'll await your angelic presence
Seeded deep within her devouring subconscious
A lie so truthfully told
Unborn justice ruthless and cold
Scraping the surface and breaking the mold

Foretold in my empty book of life
I sever this distant belief
Foretold in my empty book of life
I embrace this cynical release

Questions make questions of answers
Mirrored sentiments of the failures of this foetus
Seeking salvation from societal slavery
Idiocracy never seemed so bland
Restrained by wakeful nights
My minds eye starts to wander
Into somberness I break free from stride
Illusions of posthumous promise in this darkness now hide

Anomalies in the form of flesh to guard and take
Obstruction to a justification of this natural judgment
Hands held strong amidst vertebrae to break
A paradigm of distinguished disintegration;
Disregard and death

Equivocations fill up the filaments, lighting up her eyes
Like tungsten truth and rarity, they falsely coincide
Shards of glass in scorching white
Shall enter mine and
Shield me from her acrid lies... tonight...

From this tomb you call a womb, I sever these bloody bonds
From this tomb you call a womb,
I leave you wanting, death to abscond


I rose from the dead
Before mortal life
The fear of immortality witnessed in their eyes
So sick it's twisted how I appear to them
With every prayer their life becomes my flesh

Snapping the spinal chord I end their suffering
Mending the dead beast my army is unleashed

I walk with the dead devouring all life
Separated from their corpses
Their souls empower me
Upon enlightenment
My true quest was clear
To seek the fraud these peasants hold so dear

I stare down upon these putrid beings
Shifting their reality their minds are set free

I want to seed, I want to feed
The destruction of martyrdom
The blood of the innocent sucked from thy soil
As my strength will be used for their will
For their will...

I am the spawn of awakening minds
A result of their desire
And as we burn the gates of the kingdom
I'll be quenching my thirst with fire.


Upon the torpid pile, the inert now arise
An army ineffectual, sprightly in the skies
Upwards... Onwards
From corpse to the cloud to claim their accolade

A reinterpretation of the mindset,
By volition, or weapon free persuasions
One selection leaving sentience in this wake
By the power of dying incandescence,
The gates begin to break
Like the bones that line their backs,
The gates begin to break

A tirade of humanities, in your beliefs reflected
The caliber of a faith, in brutality now tested
From the burning home that holds a dying hope
Will come the bleeding hands that help you choke

Upon the threshold of this domicile, the egress,
In desperation to reform
Cries escape this abode in vein, but
Non-protracted shall they remain... intoned
Spluttering, their throat absent from its abyss
Muted by my grandest mutilations

Now hopeless and in despair, their lives equate to nothing
But still the army marches onwards...

Onwards to the bitter end of beings and beliefs
From man to mans made up mysticism
And faith instilled in fears
But now you've seen how dark the demons' eyes can reflect
That the truth of trust and humanity is not what we expect
The blood that beats for charity, in reality
Bleeds for the dilapidation of all chastity


From far up here to down below,
Two martyrs' in this confront
From cusp to culiarity our iris do collide
Do you see yourself reflected in the blackest parts of me?
Outstretched beyond lie feathered posteriors
Your failures to me now painfully clear to see
With wings affixed to bone to break,
Tragic trajectories fore told, instilling fear
With mighted strength I do you embrace and take
A foot held down, to instigate
The keel, the bow, the appendages new vicissitude

Pulled into a smut of ruby juices
As your maker looks on helplessly
A witness to new age heresy that ensues...

Toss the forlorn overboard...
A free-fall fated in slow motions,
With insinuations formed from stagnant air,
Rushing past my ears as I fall for honest notions,
That angelic providence is unfair
The earth moves quickly towards me
Magnified by this dis-ease.

Daylight hours turn to closed flowers
And I witness the darkest dissensions
Atmospheres become unique and I feel them,
Changing throughout my descent

A life of luxury wants and will,
Servitude now turned to torment

As time beholds its defeat, the tearing of its design
A Dramatic aftermath on the precipice
Fresh body and earth collide
The downfall of immortal beings, fighting to refrain
The bodice now limp as it bounces,
And returns to the earth once again
Motionless now as time returns
A body is battered and torn
Heavenly flesh ripped into the soil
This bird that preys no more
Heavenly flesh ripped into the soil
A body lies battered and torn
Motionless now as time returns
The bodice now limp as it bounces
And returns to the earth once again...

But what of humanity?
As stars are tainted reds
A rain shall fall down upon them
Till every last one is dead
The anguish of fallen angels,
Re-interpreted as rotting flesh
The hope that once lived within us


I believe...
That your quintessence was conceived
In a ceremonial spawning of desires
Met at the junction of decay and empty promises met.
Your utterance held me in traction
While you regaled...
Scarcely removed with gentle persuasions
A percentile remnant is all that remained
Left to convulse in vain...

You believe...
That your quintessence was conceived
In a matrimony of satisfactory intentions.
But you only ever saw your side of the narratives
An observer to superfluous desecration's.
Let's blame them for your constitution.
Tell them all “she is what you made of her”
Carnivorous, the repeating offender.
Now seeking retribution...

But here you hold no power
It is I that shall decide
The numbers that fall upon the dice

No matter how much you may think you alter the tumble.
From deep within the darkest deceptions
Lie the honest platelets of whom you used to be
A haemoglobular truth so hard to digest
Turning the dice into die
Landing as the world on your chest.

Feel the guilt of a thousand-year reign
Becoming what lurks below
Inflicting on others your infliction's of pain
If only for this realm to show,
The cacophonous creator, the king,
That at your end, a punishment shall ensue
A realm below yours is where you'll be residing...

And that's where I'll be waiting...
(And that's where I'll hate)


A land which is split by its errors,
Upon which sit the feet of a man,
Looking for the answers by losing himself
A finger trailing lightly from hand
The remnant of his good arm sitting
Loose over bloodied knees
A victim to ones nature once more, a victim only to me.
The remnant of his good arm sitting loose
A victim to ones nature once more, a victim only to me.

Wind kicks up dust and a feather lands on his position
Along with the smell of decay
The unambitious soul looks down no longer,
No longer in disarray
As curiosity and confusion lead him to rise
The fear strikes him down once again
For upon one side of these fertile lands,
The spawns of a nocturnal army take shape across the plane
And arrive of flesh and flame

A tremble takes over his working hand
As it makes its way across his brow
Liquid trepidation falls from him and impacts an earthly low
He looks upon its watery reflection
And sees in it a swords projection

Falling from the sky and landing in this lake.
A choice to make... some lives to take...

Along with the weapon came the choirs of the light,
In armory, with wings of gold, for He do these angels fight
Streaming down from their positions
They rush the darker army
And the darkness in turn advances
The meeting point... the juncture...
The decision inside us all...

Now faced with but two options, one man.
Touching one finger, to the sword
The time has come for the hero inside us all to rise
For even those born of nothing will be looking to the skies.


Corrupted you lay, in the ashes of your creation
Bleeding internally you sought to heal our kingdom
Oblivious to your ways
Blinded unable to see your intentions, a golden plan
To obliterate and shatter duality of hearts
Knotted and intertwined
For the road we once walked was beauty at our feet
For years...

For years, dark clouds follow your presence

As the night of your respite draws near
A premeditated desire to ruin our kingdom
The spectral tree that contains all wisdom
Will shed its leaves, shielding existence
From your verbal hammer
And mental missiles

What once was set in stone, in bark and in the stars
Will now be forgotten in ruins of misery
Love will become a fragment of my imagination
A concoction of make believe
Sifting through the mess that you made of me
Another heart in fucking ruin
Another failure printed on our souls

Victorious on the battlefield you now stand
Red hearts on spears dripping with revenge
My blood will stain your soil forever
Poisoning your fruition
A greater purpose I will now pursue
Severing every imprint of you ever created
For the road I once walked was thorns at my feet
For years...

Tonight I'll rip out my heart
And make you swallow every inch of discomfort
Forgiveness will surface in another life
When we can see eye to eye...


Reflecting the hue of a waning moons glow
A solace in this city, hiding nothing within its silence
Viruses invade the cracks and crevices
Of this civilization and its forgotten failures
A blood infused empire in ruin
Still feeding off the flesh reflected
Still feeding of the flesh...

You who once were the cattle, now shepherding our demise
Caretakers of our destruction
And like the anterior of the sun
This end shall escape human eyes

Gritting my teeth in anguish
With stains leaving taste to prevail
Convulsions cutting short conversations
As this temple starts to crumble into the sand
Another dilapidated soulless disguise
A victim to circumstances unplanned

I, the forgotten and the cursed
Residing in rodents faecal filth

A stench permeating from my body
So sick it leaves them violently twisted

A dead giveaway in the darkness
Stagnation so humid and thickened
With no home to call my own,
Unless the owners are to die... tonight

Roadmaps with no relevance to them
Blueprints to search for the holes that keep me dry
But still yearning marches me onwards

Through better lack of identity
No past promises lived up to in time
No future napes, to leave bloody at the bite
For biles burning sensations,
Blistering the back of my throat
I submit to this vampirical coma
And this benign life, I do evoke


Pray, today forgotten.
When tomorrow is newly born,
There will be no thoughts reminding you of this.

The accepting of ones desires.
Forcibly fed through the lies
Promises of you and I
Slowly they make their demise
Pray, today forgotten.
When tomorrow is newly born,
There will be no thoughts reminding you of this.
There will be no thoughts of you...

The cold runs down my spine,
And I witness a trial yet to negotiate.
A war fronted on two sides,
With one of them made up of hate.
The other exploding with grace
And soft touches to leave me waning.
Now in the fight, face to face you instigate.
This Armageddon... the end of our world...

Leaving me imprudent and destroyed
Decidedly desperate to relive our dreams
The overt intoxication of aromas
Leave me awoken by these screams
Pray, today forgotten.
When tomorrow is newly born,
There will be no thoughts reminding you of this.

Why... all I ask is why...
Don't leave me searching for the questions,
When yearning only leaves them empty,
The shell of a man who once had a plan
To take on the world in the palm of his hand
Who failed and tried and didn't survive
This massacre of love that you have inspired

The massacre of the love you have inspired
From the past promises of emotions
Relegate me to obscurity

Is this all that we are?
Is this our summation?
Are you happy being the burden to
This beating bleeding heart?

Pray, tomorrow forgotten.
When tomorrow is newly born,
There will be no thoughts reminding you...
There will be no thoughts of you...

paroles ajoutées par Matai - Modifier ces paroles