The Arbiter : Water from the River of Life

Doom Mélodique / Hongrie
(2019 - Abran Records)
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Keep yourself from being
Polluted by this world
Believe and don’t doubt

Because the one who doubts is
Like a wave of the sea
Blown and tossed by the wind

Wash your hands, you sinners
And purify your hearts
Humble yourselves before the Lord
And he will lift you up

Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me
What a wretched man I am!
Thanks be to God, who delivers me

Wash your hands, you sinners
And purify your hearts
Humble yourselves before the Lord
And he will lift you up

Submit yourselves, then, to God
Come near to God and
He will come near to you

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
Resist the devil
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
Resist the devil

Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me
What a wretched man I am!
Thanks be to God, who delivers me

Wash your hands, you sinners
And purify your hearts
Humble yourselves before the Lord
And he will lift you up

Submit yourselves, then, to God
Come near to God and
He will come near to you

Every good and perfect gift is from above
Coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights
Who does not change like shifting shadows
He chose to give us birth through the word of truth

Submit yourselves, then, to God
Come near to God and
He will come near to you


You’re dead to the world
Do not conform
To its ways anymore
Put off your old self

Do not dig up
What has been buried
Walk in the power
Of resurrection

Walk in the new life
Do not lose heart
Be the light
In the dark

We are wasting away
On the outside
But our inner man is being
Renewed day by day

God will strengthen you
With power through his Spirit
In your inner man

Be rooted
And established in love
Have power to grasp how wide
And long and high and deep is

The love of Christ
That surpasses knowledge
Be filled to the measure of
All the fullness of God

I don’t understand
What I do
For what I want to do
I do not do

What I hate I do
Sin is living in me
Although I want to do good
Evil is right there with me

My inner man
Delights in God’s law
In my mind
I serve God’s law

God will strengthen you
With power through his Spirit
In your inner man

Be rooted
And established in love
Have power to grasp how wide
And long and high and deep is

The love of Christ
That surpasses knowledge
Be filled to the measure of
All the fullness of God

May Christ dwell
In your hearts through faith
Let the old man
Be gone forever

God will strengthen you
With power through his Spirit
In your inner man

Be rooted
And established in love
Have power to grasp how wide
And long and high and deep is

The love of Christ


These are the words of him
Who holds the seven stars in his right hand
And walks among the seven
Golden lampstands

These are the words of him
Who is the First and the Last
Who died and came to life again
Who has the sharp, double-edged sword

These are the words of the Son of God
Whose eyes are like blazing fire
And whose feet are like burnished bronze
Who holds the seven spirits of God

These are the words of him
Who is holy and true, who holds the key of David
The faithful and true witness
The ruler of God’s creation

I know your deeds
You have persevered and have not grown weary
Yet you’ve forsaken your first love
Repent and do the things you did at first

He who has an ear to hear
Let them hear what the Spirit says
The one who overcomes
Can eat from the tree of life

He who has an ear to hear
Let them hear what the Spirit says
The one who overcomes
Won’t be hurt by the second death

I know your afflictions
Yet you remained true to my name
Don’t be afraid, be faithful
And I will give you life

He who has an ear to hear
Let them hear what the Spirit says
The one who overcomes
Will walk with me, dressed in white

He who has an ear to hear
Let them hear what the Spirit says
The one who overcomes
Will sit with me on my throne

You’re neither cold nor hot
And because you’re lukewarm
I’m about to spit you
Out of my mouth

You’re considered to be alive
But you are really dead
Wake up!
Strengthen what remains

Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline
So be earnest and repent
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock
If anyone hears my voice and opens up the door
I will come in

He who has an ear to hear
Let them hear what the Spirit says
The one who overcomes
Will be given the morning star

He who has an ear to hear
Let them hear what the Spirit says
The one who overcomes
I’ll write on him my new name

Hold on to what you have until I come
I am coming soon
Hold on to what you have so that
No one will take your crown

Remember, therefore, what you
Have received and heard
Hold it fast
And repent


The dragon stood on the shore of the sea
And I saw a beast coming out of the water
It had ten horns and seven heads
With ten crowns on its horns

On each head
A blasphemous name
People worshiped the dragon
And they also worshiped the beast

If anyone is to go
Into captivity, they will go
If anyone is to be killed
With the sword, they will be killed

Then I saw a second beast
Coming out of the earth
It had two horns like a lamb
But it spoke like a dragon

It performed
Great signs
It deceived the people
And also marked them

If anyone is to go
Into captivity, they will go
If anyone is to be killed
With the sword, they will be killed

Let the person who has insight
Calculate the number of the beast
For it is the number of a man
That number is 666


Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first ones had passed away
And there was no longer any sea
I saw the Holy City coming down out of heaven from God
Prepared as a bride dressed for her husband

And I heard a loud voice
From the throne saying
“Look! God’s dwelling place is now
Among the people, and he will dwell with them”

He will wipe every tear from their eyes
There will be no more death or mourning
Or crying or pain

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal
Flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
Down the middle of the great street of the city, on each side of the river
Stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month

And the leaves
Of the tree
Are for the healing of the nations
No longer will there be any curse

The throne of God and of the Lamb
Will be in the city
And his servants will serve him

They will see his face
And his name will be on their foreheads
There will be no more night, for God will give them light

“Look, I am coming soon
The time is near
Let the one who does right
Continue to do right”

I didn’t see a temple in the city
Because the Lord God
Almighty and the Lamb are its temple

The city does not need the sun or
The moon to shine on it
For the glory of God gives it light

On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there
Nothing impure will ever enter it, but only those whose names are in the book of life


Out in the open wisdom calls aloud
She raises her voice in the public square

How long will you who are simple
Stick to your simple ways?
How long will you who are fools
How long will you hate knowledge?

On top of the wall she cries out
At the city gate she makes her speech

Repent at my rebuke!
Then I’ll pour out my thoughts to you
Repent at my rebuke!
I’ll make known to you my teachings

For the Lord gives wisdom
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding
He holds success in store for the upright
He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless

For he guards the course of the just
And protects the way of his faithful ones
They will live in safety and be at ease
Without fear of harm
They will understand what is right and just
And fair – every good path
Discretion will protect them
And understanding will guard them

But since they refuse to listen when I call
Since they disregard all my advice and do not accept my rebuke

Then they will call to me
But I will not answer;
They will look for me
But they will not find me

Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord
Since they would not accept my advice
They will eat the fruit of their ways
And be filled with the fruit of their schemes

For the Lord gives wisdom
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding
He holds success in store for the upright
He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless

For he guards the course of the just
And protects the way of his faithful ones
They will live in safety and be at ease
Without fear of harm
They will understand what is right and just
And fair – every good path
Discretion will protect them
And understanding will guard them

paroles ajoutées par Coleiosis - Modifier ces paroles