Tenebrarum (COL) : Winter

Death Gothique / Colombie
(2007 - pas de label connu)
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There's only one step from love to hate
There's just a little line between them
I use to feel you with all my being
Now you are not here anymore for me

I don't know how that person i cared for
Is now the one i despise so much
I don't know when that thin line
Has crossed from good to evil


You were breath now you're suffocate
You were health now you are filth
You were heaven now you are hell
You were clarity now you are mist

In one moment you were my life
In one second you were my doom
The strength when i loved you
Is the same now that i hate you


One step from sanity to madness
One step from happiness to sadness
One step from life to death
One step from love to hate


You dropped me into the sky
And fell in the darkness of myself
My feelings are frozen in time
How can I trust again?

You took away the best of me
And left a desert behind
Your reasons corrupted my mind
My heart stopped to feel


You have killed my love
My soul has come undone
What did I do wrong?
I have to stand alone

Your betrayal has no name
You turned me into a stone

You sucked the blood of my veins
The will of loving is gone
Your reasons corrupted my mind
My heart stopped to feel


Don’t stare at me I will resist you
You cannot win I will succeed
My body is strong. My soul is stronger
I will defeat you by force

You are lost… you are nothing…

Don’t look at me in the eye
Don’t say a word
My fist is high (My fist is high)
My voice is loud (My voice is loud)

Face to face Eye to eye
Ready to fight Not scare to die


As it will ever be
As it always was
As it is now…
Panzer Division of Me

Inner strength is my shield
My spirit is made of steel
No enemy can destroy me
Iron-recovered is my will



When I thought everthing was lost
And my life was fading away
I have found you at last
You my shelter, you my light

There is no happiness without pain
There is no pleasure without suffering
My sun that wakes me up every day
You my salvation, my motivation


Now my spirit wants to live
Now my flesh wants to feel

When I believed I couldn't stay lower
And there wasn't anymore beyond
You appeared to give me peace
You took my heart, you brought the relief


Now my spirit wants to live
Now my flesh wants to feel

All these walls have fallen
All my wounds stopped to bleed

Now my spirit has found hope
Now my being has found relieve


I heard you crying in the night
I saw your scared face
When you were sleeping close to me
Id like to go into your nightmares
And set you free from your bad dreams
And set you free from this cruel disease

I feel you are going away
Your sanity is less every time
I just want to save you
But theres nothing I can do
I know you love me but you cannot remember
Not even the greatest times we lived
(Will bring you back to me)


I want to be God to never let you go
I want to be the cure to bring you back to me
I see how all my love is useless
I see how all my strength cannot hold you
This time you have won
You took away what I loved
Not even the biggest love
Could defeat this cold death


Tortured days
Since you are gone
Darkest pain
Through my veins
Frozen tears
I'm just dying
Joy is veiled
All is crying


More convinced than ever
Nothing is forever
So black is your heart
So sad as your words are
As cold as dead inside
Forgetting you or suicide

Days of fire
Thoughts of desire
They are gone now
I don't know how
Frozen tears
I'm just dying
Joy is veiled
All is crying


More convinced than ever
Nothing is forever
So black is your heart
So sad as your words are
As cold as dead inside
Forgetting you or suicide

I feel completely desolated
Advancing towards the extinction
I am beyond salvation
Who's gonna mourning my soul
When I just flush me away?


More convinced than ever
Nothing is forever
So black is your heart
So sad as your words are
As cold as dead inside
Forgetting you or suicide


Atrapado en un túnel oscuro
Quisiera volver atrás
Retomar el control de mi vida
Para volver a comenzar

Pero hay niebla cubriendo mi mente
De tragedia y soledad
Perseguido, atormentado
Por el recuerdo de los que ya no están

¿Donde está la verdad
En toda esta falsedad?
¿Cuanto más hay que fingir
para poder sobrevivir?

Que frágil es la vida
Que fácil es morir
Por un error del pasado
Aún expio mis pecados


Todo en la vida lo pagas
No importa lo que hagas
Las cuentas serán saldadas
No se puede construir sobre la nada

Ahora todo en mi se desvanece
Siento ya tranquilidad
La redención en mi renace
Quero encontrar la calma

Es hora de escapar
Es tiempo de continuar
No permito la derrota
No es perder sino ganar


There is a flame In the sky
Through the stars to the deep
Mystique shapes you will see
They are the storm, they are the wind

Brutal collision of opposites
Terrible display of power
when the wild eye opens (is an)
Unstoppable force growing stronger


Crawling fear invades men's heart
When shadows descends, screaming in the dark
Beast in disguise, feelings of sorrow
Drink blood as wine, 'cause red is their colour

Soft is the way white turns into black
Survive or die is a nature command
As a ultimate warriors we lost our innocence

Soft is the way white turns into black
Survive or die is a nature command
This fight is for life (this is) the beauty of violence


Everthing is turning black
I'm leaving this world behind
This body has ceased to breath
This soul takes off and flies... away

Life has been chasing me away
Who's gonna save me from the dark
All my memories are broken
All my promises are fading away


This war is over now
I'm letting my soul go
When I'm old and weak and grey
And time of living is gone

All my life is passing by
Right in front of my eyes
All my sins all my good acts
Just like a movie when I'm dying


So frozen inside
Can't trust myself
So numb with fear (that hurts)
Falling in the black side

There's a battle around me
What are they fighting for?
They are angels and demons
Struggling for my soul
A powerful light has beaten the shadows
The eternal flame embraces me
Remembraces of pain are lost completely
All I feel now is a joy (meeting my God)

All I have left
Is the love I gave

10. PERVERSE (Instrumental)


Se te ocurre algo quisiera que si
solo por saber que no me dirijo a una pared
si la luz no te atrae si tu mundo esta gris
trata de sentir mas alla de ti...

Frialdad es la palabra que jamás pensé
tus mañanas son iguales
te cansaste de mirar
panoramas vacíos.

Tejiste un gran velo,
la maleza te encerró
y tu velo te asfixió.

Jamás pensé, Jamás pensé.

Tendida en el suelo
yo siento que esperas
que alguien te encuentre
y tu no lo buscas.(Bis)

Se te ocurre algo quisiera que si
solo por saber que no me dirijo a una pared
si la luz no te atrae si tu mundo esta gris
trata de sentir mas alla de ti...

Tendida en el suelo
yo siento que esperas
que alguien te encuentre
y tu no lo buscas.(Bis)


There's only one step from love to hate
There's just a little line between them
I use to feel you with all my being
Now you are not here anymore for me

I don't know how that person i cared for
Is now the one i despise so much
I don't know when that thin line
Has crossed from good to evil


You were breath now you're suffocate
You were health now you are filth
You were heaven now you are hell
You were clarity now you are mist

In one moment you were my life
In one second you were my doom
The strength when i loved you
Is the same now that i hate you


One step from sanity to madness
One step from happiness to sadness
One step from life to death
One step from love to hate

paroles ajoutées par Chrisalice - Modifier ces paroles