Suncrown : You're Not Alone

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Leave behind, all your fears
Leave the past, future's here
All who see, joy you bring
All will hear, all will sing (x2)

[Verse 1]
There comes a time, in a young man's life,
when he begins to wonder,
how he fits in
the world around him

Something exists, something exciting, something new
Starting a journey, leaving the safety of home
Seek the most valuable truth

The beginning is near, bring your spirit!
Bring your daring, the courage, to face any fear.
The beginning is near!
You're taking this walk on your own
No need to be afraid, enter into the unknown

[Verse 2]
The joy, the pain, of growing up.
Came to each of us different ways, mostly yesterday.
No one can endure this experience alone
call it growth or just the passage of time,
yours and mine.

The beginning is near, bring your spirit!
Bring your daring, the courage, to face any fear.
The beginning Is near!
You're taking this walk on your own
No need to be afraid, enter into the unknown

[Verse 3]
There's an awakening,
An awareness of the world beyond our step.
A reaching out to touch people, places and knowledge
that has never been considered before.
Nature intends for you to be a dreamer and a poet.
It is a time of rising hope and belief,
A beginning is born

The beginning is near, bring your spirit!
Bring your daring, the courage, to face any fear.
The beginning Is near!
You're taking this walk on your own
No need to be afraid, enter into the unknown


Past thoughts are traceless,
Future thoughts are un-produced and fresh,
The present's in the flesh.

Right now is one of a kind,
A chance to make a moment in our lives,
A change of mind

When i dreamed what life would be like,
It was always ahead and before

No longer forward nor behind,
But grateful to take the good i find

Resign yourself, take a minute to think,
About no one else or what others believe.

Not the past, the failings you once knew,
Right here! Right now!

Who are you?

Most of us tend to be convinced of the rightness of our traditions,
Our heritage...our way of life.

Until some event happens that shakes
Our deepest beliefs to their foundations....what a realization

Our lives alter much as the winds,
Changing sharply at times
More often gradually over time do we see any change at all

With each passing year,
Our growth is sparked by learning and change.

In fitting together the pieces,
There are serious decisions to make

.....who are you?


Do you feel left in the cold?
Deserted, cast away on your own
Eliminated, given up, alone?

There is a place for us,
People and places for us

This new beginning, begins because

Someone is there for you, They'll bare their soul to you
Prepare yourself to let go, somewhere they are alone.

Someone is there for you, They'll give their soul to you
Be ready to let yourself go, find them, they are alone.

Do you feel different and powerless?

Absent unsafe even less?
Silent....longing for happiness

There are places that accept,
there are people who respect
People in doubt on their're not alone



Life is a road you must travel,
Where it goes is up to you

The Journey you take, the places you reach,
Will be based on what you do

When you trip, you've got to get up,
You'll be defeated if you stay down

Your last chapter hasn't been written yet,
So keep trying till an answer is found

Don't despair when life isn't fair,
Because problems don't have to last

You can't see the future if your heads hanging down,
And you can never change the past.


Time past, but always in our hearts
Is kept his story, we will remember forever
Time's past, the future's in our hands

Now we're sharing the story
From him our grandfather

On this road, there will be twists and turns
You'll be carrying quite a load

Don't get in a rut, slide in a ditch
Just keep your eye upon that road
Your word is your bond, it's who you are

No false promises, don't tell a lie
Always do the best you can
When most are unwilling to try


Don't let titles go to your head or make you feel more important than they

Because no one is indispensable
And you too will be replaced someday

You may have to play the cards being dealt
There can always be a winning hand

Most others will blame the outcome on luck
The way you win is with hard work and a plan


Well my child, go do these things
I just wish I could be there to see

If you carry all these things with you, you'll also be carrying part of me

This journey will say who you really are
How they remember your name

Go live these things, you'll know what to say
When your grandchild someday.....asks you the same.


´When we went out to venture the plains
And eloquently rose to our feet.
Always in focus, ready to respond
To our victory so sweet.

Already in its first moments
We feel like we're unbeatable
Once assured and doubts departed
We feel fully rewarded

I am ignorant, I invented jealousy,
I am a social animal

It is the call of our nature
We only can insist on our instinct
An all-natural voice
That determines our choice

Endorphins rush, we feel euphoric
A natural high blocks the sensation of pain
Speedy recovery, breathing deeply
Primed to take on the world.

I feel like hunting, I feel like killing
Endorphins rush in our veins
Call of our nature, call of the instict
It is the call, Primordial Call

Wether we are to reach out or stand back
From conflict and defeat, there is a harmony
In the darkest hours, we emerge as heroes

I am invincible, I am unstoppable
I stand on the shoulders of giants



Put their nose to the storm and
Relish the beauty of life
Who here chooses to be?
Feel the warmth of the rain,
How it eases the pain,
With cloud chandeliers in the sky

Open the winds of your mind
Let the cool breeze blow right through
Free the mighty winds of your mind
Deeply, slowly, let it envelope you

Who here, wants to be free
Free of judging and misunderstanding,
What we'll never know.

Right here we are alive,
Breathe the air,
Taste the sweetness,
The sour, the fresh,
Even the less in life





Just like you, I want to be
Need to give love, share in this love
Like you, I want to have value
Make a difference, bring something new

Just like you, I fear the unknown
Just dying to trust, fear being alone
Like you, I need to feel secure
Need to be noticed to survive
Keep dignity near

Just like you…

Just like you, I want to be glad
Maybe thrilled, I can be sad
Like you, I can believe in myself
I can be proud, selfish at times
Never give up

Just like you…

With you, there's a passion to live
With you, there can be comfort and healing
There's a hand to push back the loneliness
There is a peace and acceptance

For you, I am willing to change
For you, I'm dying to love

I'm just like you


Sometimes this life we suffer in silence

Sometimes this life goes on in peaceful cycles,
like the seasons..a gradual blending of time.
Events, we scarcely notice.
Just as we think we've learned all there is to know

Fate conspires to show us, just how little we do know
We'll learn a lot about life, about loss, about loving

Sometimes this life teaches through pain and loss
Sometimes this life teaches through loving

Sometimes in life...we suffer in silence.
No more silence, bring feelings forward for all to hear
breakdown, there can be an emergence.
Naturally...radiant clear maturity

Experience will show us, just how little we do know
We'll learn a lot about life, about loss, about loving


10. PUSH



Look away from the sea
I can take you anywhere
Spend a vision with me
A chase with the wind

Move closer to me
I can make you anyone
I think you're ready to see
The gates to Babylon

The power of what has been before
Rises to trap you within
A magic carpet ride a genie maybe more
A city of heavenly sin
Sleep with the devil and then you must pay
Sleep with the devil, the devil will take you away
Oh gates of Babylon

You can see but you're blind
Someone turned the sun around
But you can see in your mind
The gates of Babylon

You're riding the endless caravan
Bonded and sold as a slave
A saber dance removing all the veils
Getting as good as you gave
A saber dance removing all the veils
Getting as good as you gave
Sleep with the devil and then you must pay
Sleep with the devil, the devil will take you away

Look away from the sea
I can take you anywhere
Spend a vision with me
A chase with the wind

Move closer to me
I can make you anyone
I think you're ready to see
The gates of Babylon

The power of what has been before
Rises to trap you within
A magic carpet ride a genie maybe more
A city of heavenly sin
Sleep with the devil and then you must pay
Sleep with the devil, the devil will take you away
Black gates of Babylon

The devil is me
And I'm holding the key
To the gates of sweet hell

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