Suffering Souls (GER-1) : Twilight Ripping Souls Apart

Symphonic Black / Germany
(2000 - Painkiller Records / Cyber Music)
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1. OPUS (intro)


Under the dawn of the folorn souls
the statue of might like a newborn night

On those throne i suffer
like tears of burning time

i hold the key, to the cosmic gates
as i gleam, a star to the darkest sky

and when the last shadows fell,
i leave my life and search my soul
the stars are watching, suffer in silence
they are whispering names
in the cradle of spiritual beasts
the throne unite dimensions

visions of mine, tear my flesh,
lost in time, secrets of hearts

and when the last shadows fell,
i leave my life and search my soul
the stars are watching suffer in silence
they are whispering my names
in the cradle of spiritual beasts
the throne of united souls.


Stargate of the night
immortal soul
desend out of eclipse
in astral times

forever i'll be
in the silence eternity
i fly through my mystery
into my realm
i open the door
open the mysteries of my creation
and rise now from the flames

temporal cosmic death
for creatures it is
the kingdom of honour
on a glade i stand
from the skies i fell
and the forest
submerge the night
as the moon
is on the rise
when the black clouds
covered my heart

dark rivers flow, like
tears of burning atmosphere
tomorrow i will be
on of the astral sphere

into the night i wander
like in cosmic dreams before
surrounded by a throne of past
as i wander through the times

through majectic nightskies
through the endless halls
through an astral journey
glory forever i'll be

my heart, is bleeding black
my blood, no longer flow
into the void, i fell and fell
a jouney through the times
i'm bleeding, oh i'm freezing
cosmic soulstorm, whispering voices
darkness only darkness
oh darkness, blessed darkness

through majestic nightskies
through the endless halls
through an astral journey
glory forever i'll be

dimensions never seen before
i need the key, to close the door
in dimensions prison
in astral times, i astray



Dominus imperius vobiscum
et cum soiritu tuo
ascendat ad te domine
inferius et gloria

obsessed by black art
ego vos benidictio in nomine magni
die nostri satanas
diabolos vobiscum
et cum spirity tuo

send forth thy messengers
to proclaim this deed and send (and send)
the christian creatures
to their doom, to their doom

oh lord of the light
that his angels
may temble in fear
send demons crashing
down the walls of heaven

in nomine diei nostri satanas
introibo ad altare, diei nostri,
ad diei nostri, satanas, qui lactificat
juventutem meam, qui regit terram

we now clear the air, with the silver bell
answer our wishes from this ancient spell

let us depart, the mass now is done
all that we ask, will now come

obsessed by black art...


As i fly through the sky
clouds disappear & beasts rise
before the mighty prince
of darkness in the presence
of the lords of hell

i summon forth the sentinel
of hell, to embrace this sanctuary
shatter the bounds of time & dimension
as we ignite the black flame

summon three from your infernal place
you, who have been fallen from grace
hear my call, as i cry
out in blasphemy

come forth from the void
and reveal yourself to me
evil lord, hear our cries...

hear our cries!

prince of hell, we ask you now to rise
lucifer, i summon thee
oh bearer of the light
east thy shadow over the earth
on this blackend night

take flight on burning wings
and show us desire... desire

come forth, oh evil one
from the searning lake of fire
i shall praise your unholy name
of power and glory, forever
oh, infernal majesty
condem him to heaven, evermore

i summon forth the sentinel
as we ignite the black flame

come forth from the void
and reveal yourself to me
evil lord, hear our cries!


Wenn ich durchschreite
das licht von raum & zeit
meine schwarze seele
sie sehnt nach ewigkeit

leidenslicht, durchtrieben von dämonen,
von dämonen aus der finsternis
sternenfall - erscheinungsbild
kosmischer reinkarnation

schreite voran, oh kind der nacht
bring zeit durch raum
lak es wispern
das bild von meinem traum

trauern werd ich nicht
es wird nur brennen
keine flammen werden steigen
nur noch leiden

es sind die seelen, die ich entrik
dem hellen scheine nicht gegönnt
verbannt es werden muk
um zu leben, was zu leben sei

leidenslicht, durchtrieben von dämonen,
von dämonen aus der finsternis
sternenfall - erscheinungsbild
kosmischer reinkarnation

denn nur, wenn finsternis und dämonen,
in die wispernde ruhe meiner welt treten,
so weik ich, dak ich ewig lebe,
als schwarze rose in der ewigkeit.


darkness whispers to my soul
storms of dread on the nightsky
i fell the winds of obscurity
i hear the voices from the past

beyond the gate of my solitude
in the deep suction of eternity
i wander through the mist of dark
under the dying sun

i dream my endless dreams
of everlasting blackness

skies... eternal black
moon... rise again
night... spread your wings

emptiness is touching me
memories... petrify to statues
of suffering and forgotten times
mournful screams... resound in my mind
blackness cover my heart

spirit fly away, through the sky
of immortal visions
thoughts... i nener forget
reflect in my soul

before my eyes... the gate
uncertainty is beyond
i wander through

cries... from beyound
called... my name
fate... of mine
entry... astral existence


walking alone through the shadows
of the enchanted forest
follow the path of my destiny
into the silence of darkness

sorrounded by an ancient fog
of coldness
accompany by the shine of the monn

my eyes starring to the
darkest nothingness of sorrow

under a bloodred fullmoon
i crawl in my fantasies
and my funeral dreams
during the wolf howls

a river of blood
and grief flows
through the forest
a whistle of
the blarkstorms
stripe roam

visions of eternal tranquility carres
my crying soul

standing in the deepest
coldest twilight
... into the enchanted forest.


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