Storm Legion : Desolation Angels

Black Metal / Portugal
(2010 - World Terror Committee (WTC))
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The images sprung from the blade
Of my kingdom and with it
A burning Ring gave its way
Onto the night
Dying like sterile souls
Of unborn creations
White centuries that for eyes have been blind
Yet they saw the flame
Giving birth to the constant
Of Death
Mortal extermination
Beyond the prophecy
Of a dilacerated Corpse
That runs after the holy and week
In the shaded forest of the lost
Conjunction of polarity
Bound apart by the
Black-Water that my blood was sown
The cloth of virtue within
Gathering the skin of the 3 disciples
In the shapeless
Mass of eternity
With what they've sipped from the abyss
I created a stream of energy
And its spears were called
Death and Hunger
I fed the famit with poison
And I killed the faithfull with
Of Hell the ensemble is born with acid
But of heaven
With hatred and an odium plastid
To sacrifice monstrosity
That lingers in the hand of
Earthly formation
It is known that the planetary dagger
Belongs to the alignment of Satan


Overlooking the fall towards the abyss
Wondering in which breath I choose to fall
Reaching my end?
When the mandrake speaks its last words I will
Seize to breathe in the same way as before
The blood opening other pathways and feeds me
With talking to the spirit, silences the body
I wanted to keep my soul
I wouldn't give it away to anyone
in this night of insanity
I speak with excessively used words and metaphors
Nature stopped visibly breathing
And we became the voice of the birds when being
Infected by the same disease
Floods of cockroaches from the sky
Behold their graves grieved upon
Bringing ours to the cycle we despise
The cycle we wish to exit
Insanity breathes and lives through the spears
Piercing through us
We all just keep on existing
In eternity


When tears of wrath turn to strength again
The words burn holes in the prison walls
And black rays of light pierce through
Substantiate themselves to the inner being
Lacking eyes, but the shadows in the holes can
See and attract the attention of fears
Turning thought into action
In perspective-twisting movements
Loosing substance,
Anything but escaping...
We have forgotten the true face of resistance
Nothing to grasp
Protest losing its meaning
The bitter laugh of desperation echoes
Between the walls of my soul
Walking the same unforgivable path
No way to stop this from happening
Don't regret and refuse to change


Spitted upon
Burnt nerve-sensors
Bending up the floating
Heavy cloths of strangled brains
The destroyer reviving the agony of giving birth
Brought forth by clinging morality
Tearing down a sphere of substantial thoughts
Without discomfort
A sign without a name, invisible
Purified in blood
Lacking density
Steer my way
United we walk in voluntary, mutual dictatorship
Drift towards borders
Created to hold down the unstable
The obvious, hard-grasped
To walk towards eternal awakening
Breach of thought
Fragments and dissolves
But holds firmly
Grasps you
And falls through your broken structure
The blindness of the senses overthrows its apathy


As I talk without reaching through
Exist in a sea of mumbling fools
Interact without giving of myself
Ghostlike wandering
Through dead cities
Walking among lost souls
Who forgot how to speak
Ghostlike wandering
Patterns joined together by shifting connections
You walk away and your place is being filled by
Stretching over emptiness
When you exist only for yourself and
The smell of stillborn blood
From the vibrating surroundings
Reveals what they are all made of
Reveals that I lack the quality of finding joy
In participating in the play set up before us
Acting upon external powers
To feed ambivalence




We tear apart the foundation we were given
Since our nature allows the questioning
Of what we are
Our torment given as a gift to use
For whatever purpose
And this is what we choose
Acceleration of the mind
To the level where we bend our universe
Mathematical mirrors of our organic perception
To level out and rest in total stride
In our ability to disconnect
Ourselves from ourselves
Zoom out and separate from the
Narrowing skyline
With no reflection of possible effects
We tear apart the foundation we were given
Since our nature allows the questioning
Of what we are
Our torment gives as a gift to use
For whatever purpose
And this is what we choose
Mental war
Mental war
Mentar inner war


Dried out memories fragmented
Do you still remember the chain of events?
Reaching a point where you stand on a road
In solitude
Laughing at the universe
And you ask yourself
Why those random choices
Ended up in unexplained conclusion
Intake, expelled from the only place
Where someone saw
Who was there
When you were talking to the holes in the walls
And she could see what you saw
And you created your own separate universe
Bleeding out frustrations
In mutual serene chantings to the being
That was your combined minds
Communicating through your mouth only
Her eyes bleached and faded away
Burying what you owned in a deep black pond
And from there it still speaks to you through the
Needle you left at the bottom


Slowly crawling down the hole
I came from
A voluntary return to that which drains me
Fading breath
Thinning blood
Twisted body parts
And all that is just effects on the surface
A challenge of what you are
Through self-inflicted wounds
It will not make you supreme to those
Who you see as inferior
Where everything is in the thought
Hunter of souls who will empty you
Of all that you were and you become
One of the shadows on the windowpane
In the confused thoughts
Regarding the meaning of this
Empty on the thought of seizing
Stand nailed to the ground or change
What stands in my way?
The rules of whom?

paroles ajoutées par Matai - Modifier ces paroles