Sons Of Crom : Riddle of Steel

Тексты песен


When first seen asea an illusion they thought
It rose like a mountain afar
Towering high toward thundering skies
A vision of nightmares and myth
Crafted in times when the sun was unborn
Its purpose to shatter the earth
The end of all bliss, the bringer of woe
Sounding the death knell of Man

Dark runes ignite in the light of the moon
Painted in blood, black on black
Vile ancient sorcery, secret and foul
Tainting our souls with its sin
With frenzy and bloodlust we slaughter our foes
The night is alive with our battle screams
For wisdom, for glory, for honor? No!
For total destruction and death

We're haunting the oceans of Hell

We're branded by black marks of Death
We're all damned aboard this ship of Doom

Burning horizons for centuries
Immortal, unhallowed, forlorn
Spreading the gospel of Death to the world
Has been our fate since we were born
By darkness we live, by darkness we kill
We sow and we reap the purest grief
Like foretold in timeless and fell prophecies
We harvest the sea of all life

We're haunting the oceans of Hell

We're branded by black marks of Death
We're all damned aboard this ship of Doom


Countless years and countless deaths
left behind as he rides these godless paths
The dawning of a bloodred sun
marking the hour of wolves soon upon him

You hesitate to step into the unknown
Be there powers beyond compare?
None have seen.
Will you defy the darkness everlasting
and let go of the light?
Prepare to never return.

Crossing endless fields of the damned
Lifeless trees with their roots in a river of blood
Lamenting croaks of ravens above
Circling, certain to feast on his remains

Berserker - bloodthirsty bringer of ruin and despair
Wayfarer - a child of the land and the sea
Conqueror - born in the light of a thousand suns
The Grand Conqueror!
Master of Death!

How dare you enter my dominion?
Fool of a mortal, your sword is useless here.
Your flesh is your prison, your soul will be mine!
Come, let my minions feast on your fear.

Riding through wind, fire and rain
blinded by darkness passing through halls of the slain
Strong of will and steady of hand
Crushing with force the tyrant of these shadowlands

A good tale always needs to be told again
No matter how gruesome or hopeless
Such is the tale of this warrior,
who above all else desired power and glory.

A cloak of shadow draped on his back
King of all kings yet eternally bound to his fate
Free from the chains of mortality
He pursues the fame of the high gates afar

Berserker - bloodthirsty bringer of ruin and despair
Wayfarer - a child of the land and the sea
Demigod - gravely transcending from this earthly plane
The Grand Conqueror!
Master of Death!


All my debts are settled
I am even with my gods
I am one with the universe
Ascending from my body
I see all the shades of my spirit
I am one with silence

Looking back on my past
All I left behind is death
All I'm left with is pride
Have I reached the end?
Will I ever be accepted
among the old ones?

Hear echoing from beyond those Golden Gates
The deep voices of warriors who have found their fate
See shining with golden rays like a thousand suns
The glory and pure radiance of fallen sons


Now as I stand here before the wide-open gates
I feel the need to carry on
This is not the end of my path
I am not done
Something beckons me and every part of me is drawn toward it
My restless soul yearns for me to follow its call
And so I will
Sometimes fate is shrouded in a veil of mystery
Mine has always been clear - I see it now
The mountain calls
And I shall answer


Hear the call of the mountain black
Infernal hammers pounding dead skin
Hillsides rumble from their echoes
The piercing force of a long lost sound
Beware, the Three have been freed
Awoken from their endless sleep
Prepare for a new age of doom
There is no place to hide

Vast forests covered in dark frost
Pushing forth the reign of darkness
Reforming the chaotic dissolution
Silent corrosion of light
The end is finally nigh
Fulfill the sign
Constitute disharmony

Black Mountain
I hear your call
Oh, Old One
I heed your call

I resonate the voice of eternity
I bear steel, fire and time
I stand vigilant, unscathed

A new age of might
Life without light
Glorious darkness
Spreading the blight:
One with steel,
One with fire and
One with wrath of time!

Black Mountain
I hear your call
Oh, All-father
I heed your call




In the embrace of unending wind and the falling snow
I brave the cold of a winter's night
Night is falling fast
All my friends are gone
Grey clouds obscure the stars above
My strength is failing
The end is near
I tread my path in silence

Fading away
All the distant memories
Searching afar for signs of change
Trees grow new rings
Earth ages with resilient might
Years flow like a tireless stream

A hero's calamity
Neither loneliness nor cold
Doom may befall me on the open road
My name is solitude
Courage guides my hand
I make my own destiny
I shall prevail

Bellowing battlehorns
A cloud of birds fleeing in the misty sky
A swarm of distant shadows
Flames consume all and everything in their path
They are coming

Why do you think I care for the rich or the poor
I'm on my way toward the dawn of war
With fire in my heart and the wind in my hair
I leave all earthly in search for victory

Cry for glory
Cry for victory
Cry for death
Cry eternally

And so he wandered through desolate wastelands beyond the spheres of time
Barely outreaching the cold grasp of Death
His thirst for wisdom
His quest for glory
Forever his life
Forever his fate



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