Shores Of Elysium : Shores of Elysium

Deathcore / USA
(2011 - Self-Released)
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The Body Beneath

How did you get yourself in such a predicament?
Where did you go wrong?
your now the scapegoat for their cruelty and their punishment
assured you wont last long
Serrated blades lacerate your skin
jagged teeth pull flesh apart
robotic arms rip you limb from limb
and cease the beating of your heart
your blood runs cold along the suiting steel,
a horrific sight to see.
Something you wished you'd never have to feel
how could this happen to me?
The weak are always the first to go
and you seem to fit the description
so you must certainly know
dismemberment is the prescription

I would tell you to remember my face
but thinking is hard when your dead

Novus Ordo Seclorum

Bringing the revolution, a new world order.
Feeding the minds of people with sights of torture.
even the founding fathers of our own land,
Our faith was in corruption.
Encrypted messages invented by the treasury
subliminal images immersed within the currency
implanting lies into our minds x2
Novus ordo seclorum, new world order.
A fortunate supremacy has taken control of the worlds population.
an attempted mass domination, an extermination of the world.
The greed it feeds their hunger, devour and conquer.
they've taken all our virtue, this world is damned.
A fortunate supremacy has taken control.
put in place by a masterful decre, they've taken control.
Chaos and order


Dead bodies litter the surface,
stiff and discolored like winter grass.
Escaping atmosphere, the earths a human furnace,
All a result of the blast.
The death toll stacks at a discomforting pace.
you can't believe the devastation
Stuck in a hole for 9 long months
starting to feel alienation
This barren wasteland is a mere shell of what it once used to be.
No plants or leaves on the trees, no friends or family.
The smell of distant sulfur, the earth begins to move.
Bond break and recreate, atoms spread the seismic boom.
No human contact, complete solitude, what is a man to do?
Now your internal voices start to fued, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I can feel my lungs caving in, this bunkers out of oxygen
I close my eyes and take a deep breath knowing it will be my last
man kinds chapter has been erased, merely a thing of the past

Dust, everything was crumbled to dust when thge bomb was dropped and it peirced earths crust.


A plane crash in the middle of the ocean
peirce the surface, deep breath of smoke
gasp for air, limbs in a flailing motion
swim for the tower as you cough and choke
a cracked door beckons entry
much like a siren's song
a stone head hangs like a sentry
with each step light flicker on
at the end of a lengthy hallway sits a pod with a lever inside
grab the door and pull the lever, take a seat and enjoy the ride.
A massive city scape submerged beneath the waves
fallen victim to mind control, you've all become his slaves.
the bathysphere comes to an abrupt halt, in a damp dark dripping room.
In faint light, see a man disemboweled, the killer sets her eyes on you.
How could such a beautiful rose commit such a hideous crime?
Sparks fly as she claws at the ceiling, it appears you have run out of time.
Your lifes been planned since the beginning of days.
a man chooses, but a slave obeys.
A massive city scape submerged beneath the waves
fallen victim to mind control, you've all become his slaves.


Your nostrils flare at the scent of rotting corpses
your stomach suddenly turns.
knee deep in bodies dismembered by unknown forces
they speak of lessons never learned.
Grotesquely disfigured faces, with mouths hanging ajar
suggest escape of a human soul from an unhinged jaw
terror spreads quickly to your fingers and toes,
a feeling you know all to well.
Warm tingling, such a discomforting sensation,
were all going to hell.
This calming quiet, ain't so calming anymore.
There is no salvation for the human race,
your prayers will all be in vain
we are responsible for destroying this place,
blindly we wait for cleansing rain.

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