Shadow Of The Colossus : Shadow of the Colossus

Deathcore / Etats-Unis
(2010 - Auto-Production)
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The radioactive spectrum was released in a solitary massively destructive blast wave.
Billions fall victim to the power of one soul being.
The black hand reaches across the globe a final time to extinguish the tiny flicker of mankind.
You'll be buried up to your neck in sand,
and have molten lead poured down your throat.
A sky burial is at hand,
let the cosmic avian gods flock to gorge on thy sacred flesh of the earth.


Led to the massive shrine of worship at the center of the region.
"Wander" carries with him a body wrapped in a cloak which he laid upon the altar in the shrine.
Removing the cloak off the body of a maiden named mono.
She is revealed.
A moment later several shadow like creatures with humanoid forms appear and prepare to attack.
He dismisses them with a wave of his ancient sword.
after vanquishing the shadow creatures,
the voice of a disembodied entity echoes from above.
he requests to return her soul,
and acheive the impossible.
The 16 idols lining the temples hall must all be destroyed. Despite a warning and a threat of consequence.
He sets out and searches the land for the colossi, and eliminate them.
Sprouting horns he makes a meal of the lord emon.
Left with the taste the lords hemorages,
he sets out to bring forth and slay the final colossus.
Bridges shattering behind blazing hooves at a loss for his companion.
He suffers the same fate as his recent foe,
only to be reborn and begin the cycle once more.
We've achieved the impossible.
After what seemed like a lifetime of treachery,
the world is once again safe from the likes of deceit. The righteous prevail.


The globe is a war-field.
Desecrated contagion scattered throughout this harrowed land grinds beneath my feet like fallen leaves beneath a deceased tree.
A bestial river flowing with the blood of the fallen carries severed limbs and intestines in a twisting current of plasma.
To self-proclaimed leaders our lives are meaningless. These malicious men have cast us into involuntary monetary slavery.
They are voracious leaches feeding on the free will of humanity.
Donate your life to government genocide!
FEMA coffins lined with human ash line the corpse paved roads to superlative domination.
A black plague breeds beneath the ground,
but the answers to life do not lie below.
They lie within your flesh,
and swim through your blood.
These imbecilic drones are killing for payment in fel possessions until the murder of innocents becomes an omnipotent obsession.
The globe is a war-field.
Desecrated contagion scattered throughout this harrowed land grinds beneath my feet.
To self-proclaimed leaders our lives are meaningless.
These malicious men have cast us into involuntary monetary slavery.
Our sanity is a shotgun painting the walls in our enemies brains.
Spill Bilderberg Blood!


Bereft of life,
feeling is nonexistent.
organs melting pulling my psyche into an endless macrocosm of misery.
Deconstruction leads to wellness.
This self inflicted iron cudgel is demolishing my brains into the concrete.
fragments of skull flying through the air.
Temptations beleager us deceiving our hopes surrounded with guns. Inching closer,
exemption feels within grasp. The antidote seems to be scorning me.
We all have our demons, cyclones dressed in black. Deteriorating. Withering away.
The sensation of arachnids beneath my skin feasting on the venomous flesh that lies within.
A toxic bomb extracting atrocious sin.
I am a toxic bomb extracting atrocious sin.
This i have to endure.
Discomfort towers above all,
a terrifying beast,
flesh dripping from its teeth.
A wasteful existence.
I've tied myself up in cobwebs of destruction and lies.
But in the end this pain is temporary and its a gift to be alive.
Articulating my every poisonous decision. Articulating every poisonous decision.


In a tower enshrouded in clouds at the summit of the world, they remain,
Despite a warning.
A hole is ripped in the fabric of time as the conjuring begins.
Atrocious and depraved destruction is at hand,
as shadows of treachery cover all visible land.
Senseless laughter fills the air as corruption is pumped into the soul.
Humans are waste,
and shit they become.
Cadaverous from the neck up.
Victims of chemical decapitation,
living in a drug-induced "reality".
The inner eye is stamped out,
never bursting forth carrying light to the psyche/subconcious.
A closed mind is the noose asphyxiating humanity.
Serve the death sentence!
There is no repentance!




When summing up the existence of all human kind,
There's simply one word that comes to mind,
Labor. The Enslaver.
A tractor beem to the grave,
And your all falling victim,
Living life as human slaves.
You do what your told.
Your worth is bought,
Your worth is sold.
Growing colder,
And getting older each day.
You do what you can To follow the plan And deplete your lifespan.
But when it all comes down to it Its all out of your hands. Curse these wretched ways!
Were throwing our lives away,
Its all a waste.
Awoken from your slumber yet you still tred on.
Though Its a new day,
they'll find a new way to rely upon Yourself.
Your spawn.
Your all just human pawns.
Before you get the chance to think,
You've lost And they've already won.
You do what your told.
Your worth is bought. Your worth is sold.
Growing colder, And getting older each day.
You do what you can To follow the plan and deplete your lifespan.
But when it all comes down to it Its all out of your hands.
Curse these wretched ways!
Were throwing our lives away.
Its all a waste. Curse this wretched place!
We're throwing our lives away,
its all a waste.
Curse this wretched place!
There's never been a glimmer of hope for the human race.
Now we've got all four limbs pinned against the wall But they can't take away our pride,
we must walk tall.
Our hatred.
They can't take it.
Whether we run, walk or crawl. As brothers we must unite, all for one and one for all!
You do what your told. Your worth is bought,
Your worth is sold.
Growing colder,
And getting older each day.
Curse these wretched ways!
We're throwing our lives away, Its all a waste.


Extension of the being.
This altered universe resides inside my mind,
explaining the existence of space and time.
An explosive rush engulfs me like fire,
melting the darkness that looms inside my conscience.
This body is a shell protecting the energy within my spirit. Reality… what it can become!
Swimming through the past,
my thoughts extract film-like visions of my childhood;
a flipbook of destructive memories.
Black skies devour the light and inside I become night,
paranoia sets in,
fists clenched,
ready to fight.
Content with the monster I’ve become;
rapidly releasing all sick thoughts within my being. The sensation subsides leaving behind a moral decision to better my life and expel the poisons inside.
Losing sensation of dimensions.


Cattle in the slaughterhouse of the universe,
a vast intermedian of emotionless souls.
Force fed liquid lithium,
the esophagus begins to melt, pouring blood into the lungs.
Your body stops the pain while you succumb to septic shock. The Grove overflows with gore as the necrophelian rites are performed.
Children butchered on the altar,
ceremoniously piled at the feet of the arbiter.
Ripped to shreds and penetrated,
implanted with the unholy seed. The eyelids are branded shut,
bodies displayed for all to see. Parasites infect the lifeless,
burrowing into their organs.
Melting skin boils on the pyre,
entrails slowly evaporating into nothing.
After weeks the impregnated corpses begin to explode,
revealing within a fully capable atrocity,
feeding on gangrenous flesh.
With these vile beings creation they bring forth The Great Culling of the Earth.
Radiation depopulation.
Never to be undone.
Ash clouds fill the upper atmosphere,
slowly choking all remaining life into uniform submission.


Taken by warriors and led to sacred land.
Entrenched within the deepest of waters.
Locked inside a sarcophagi,
awaiting the end of life.
Tremors rock the keep releasing Ico from his tomb.
No more a prisoner of doom.
He combs every corridor for life.
Hunted by his shadows,
the ethereal portals call him speaking inside his head.
The endless stair to freedom,
decimated in a single second.
He is banished to the lower chamber.
Walls lined with suspended corpses.
Rats feast on the engorged dead.
Through hell and back he trekked.
Demonic possession illustrated.
The altar prepared for sacrifice,
flesh must be given to appease the prophecy.
Ico mutilates the infernal Matriarch,
reincarnated free of demonic chains.
Walls quake plummeting to dust around him,
the only endurance is within the shadows.
Every Fiber Consumed by fear,
his pulse stands still.


These days famine reigns.
A dark and cold silence lurks the streets.
The departed lie rotting,
pathogens feasting on the mountains of corpses.
This plague spawned to devour all life then spit it back out mutated.
To bring about a revolution of species, toxicity, and decay.
Rulers of this planet.
Very few still live to see the mutations of all rising from their demise.
To bring about a revolution of species, toxicity, and decay.
Rulers of this planet.
Maggot-like insects are spawned,
from the diseased microbes in their organs.
And pour from their jaws,
Covered in blood and stomach acid.
They feast on the walls of your heart.
Anticipate your fate until it promptly erupts.
The bodies casing is ripped to scraps,
revealing a more immaculate creation.
Dark glowing eyes like those of condemned souls.
Souls instilling fear in your judgment when their presence is forbidden.
These days, my time,
no longer have a purpose within this purgatory of eternal suffering.
To bring about a revolution of species, toxicity, and decay. Rulers of this planet.
The seed planted within,
viciously shreds apart at my soul.
I'm dying.
I can feel it!
Organs decomposing cursing this body.
Our final moments have arrived.
Endless land filled with bodies.
What a horrid display of death and decay,
an exceptional sight for my heart's last beat.

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