Scent Of Death (ESP) : Woven in the Book of Hate

Brutal Death / Spain
(2005 - Bloody Productions)
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Merciless experiments
Cleaning all human trace
Condemned to agony
I bawl for salvation in this clinical cell

Replacing my organs
Violating my humanity
Perverting my body
I pray for the end of my days in this medical hell...medical hell

Analyzing my anatomy
Checking ´till the last drop of blood

So sick, so blind, so wasted
Degradated, amputated, desecrated

Taste my fear, shoot of pain
I wish a fast finale

I want the oblivion
I want the peace of death
I'm waiting for my end

I hear voices in my head
Where is the light of day?
For a handful of test they confine an innocent

Tell me what kind of sin,
What kind of sin I had made

I can't recognize myself
Mutation of all that I knew
My body is a stranger to me

Fragments of a lost life
Appears inside my brain
Drowned in loneliness forever

Aseptic pain
Victim of the science
Sensors around me
Sounding, scanning...

Merciless experiments
Cleaning all human traces
Condemned to agony
I bawl for salvation in this clinical cell

See my face- I'm grotesque
See my eyes- dreadful things
Absorbing my life...
I pray for the end of my days in this medical hell

Lord of darkness, awaiting to be free
Deformed beyond all your thoughts
Where the sun dies
Where my flesh will burn
When my blood is boiling inside my veins
Awaiting my time, banished for all, genetic mistake, sterile sperm...

So sick, so blind, so wasted
Degradated, amputated, desecrated

Taste my fear, shoot of pain
I wish a fast finale

For the things that I had see
For the things that they made to me

Transgressing all the laws
Behind the crooked lies

Hopeless… Dreamless...

I can't recognize myself
Mutation of all that I knew
My body is a stranger to me

Fragments of a lost life
Appears inside my brain
Drowned in loneliness forever!


Silent struggle…

Falling in deception
A silent lament...
Confusion of all that I knew before
Dancing upon a thin line

This emotion
A battle inside, a battle for my intellect
I hear empty words cleaning the lacks of my mind

I cherish the darkness
Absorbed by fear, engulfed in grief
Feeling my inner peace, my inner death so near
So near…

My inner peace so near
Irrational steps
I'll leave behind the soundness of mind

Narrow way, cheerless path
Emergent, clairvoyance
Crystallizing sickness, graven in my brain

Broken line, broken mind
I am bless by nature
Playing with my conscience without trace of remorse
No remorse and no pain
Illusions and terror, two sides of a coin
Innocence lost - Dancing upon the thin line of insanity
Countless images - The human nature? Degraded nonsense

Falling in deception
A broken promise
Confusion of all that I knew before
Looking for a way to conquer
Conquer this world
Conquer this state of madness
Searching the transcendence
Searching the essence of the truth

Uncontrolled - Let me feel
No return - Wrapped in an imperturbable peace
Let me see what is the fate for my soul

Dancing upon a thin line

So now I am here
Beyond all fears
The truth revealed

I am a slave of freedom
I'm free of bindings
And I can see you so empty, so weak...


As I feel this flighty emotion
As I feel this burning desire
As I feel this poisoned thinking
Hate instales in my mind

Before my eyes I see
The legacy of your god:
A grisly heard of sheeps...

Listen all I knew
Deep distress in mind
Dogmas of faith
Corrupted mockery of men

Where´s the things what you preach
The oblivion will consumes you
Your expired son, your expired lie
I choose the other path
I feel the blood in your hands

Your expired redeemer
Deny your faith and your brotherhood
Deny your word and your book

Where´s your strength, obsolete god?
Breath of mankind closed by your hand
Deny your faith and your brotherhood
Deny your word and your book... Again!!!

Before my eyes I see
The legacy of your god:
A grisly heard of sheeps...

Fall from grace
Entangled in hate
I speak to you and pound your cross
Stigmas - Sneaky signs
You must free your mind among the mass

Listen all I knew
Deep distress in mind
Dogmas of faith
Corrupted mockery of men

Entangled in hate

Break the seals, fathomless mind

And you search the light
And you search the light
Your guilty dreams...
Your guilty dreams... I´ll see


We are the failure in your perfect plan
We don't obey; we impugn the laws of god
Coercion, censure, you are a burden for us
Ensemble of oppression, deity of the weak

We are a thorn of anger,
Your method it's an appalling bequest
We are a thorn of truth
A thorn in the forehead of god

Two thousand years, two thousand years of lies
A tyrant dressed of shepherd
Neglected fields for god, we don't are the flock that he search
Architect of claymans, overrated god…

You are deceiving your believers with scrawls in a scroll of lies,
These words enshrine a cloud of pain and sadness...
But we don't fall in this Eden - Hatchery of Christendom
Your blood can't wash my sins.

You try to save
You try to snare
Treacherous god, we are the snake…

Crown of thorns
You are forever silent, why?
Crown of thorns
Sing hosannas for a dead man

I see your face… with regrets of pain
I see your hands… stigmas in blood
So tell me what your meaning is
I am my own god!!!

We are the failure in your perfect plan
We don't obey; we impugn the laws of god
Coercion, censure, you are a burden for us
Ensemble of oppression, deity of the weak

We are a thorn of anger
Your method it's an appalling bequest
We are a thorn of truth
A thorn in the forehead of god

The failure of the false
Detractor of the reason
The sequels of your piety
Corrupting all the world, the voice of void…

Corrupting all the world!!!


Endless darkness
Slaves of freedom

Read the book, search the path
For the endless pain that burns the world
Where is it? Are you free?
Perhaps you think that you will see
A new tomorrow
Erase the past
Woven in Hate, woven in blood
The cycle is now...
The cycle is now completed
Ha!!...and the battle is over

Raping all the dreams of the mankind
The truth revealed: morality - impurity
Spreading from the roots of the unknown
Commandments of damnation
The chains, which kills the world of men
And destroy the no believers
Messiah, sinister eyes which lurks
Our souls, our lives forever

Catholic castle of lies...

I look for all you said
Four men speaking lies
Trinity? What trinity?
Dynasty of worms...

And feel the smell of the innocents
Countless millions die
And see the actions of your book
Aeons of void
Idyllic dreams of holy heralds
Disciples of the doubt
And let the temples fall again
Ashes to ashes... Again

Slaves Of freedom

Read the book, search the path
For the endless pain that burns the world
Where is it? Are you free?
Perhaps you think that you will see
A new tomorrow
Erase the past
Woven in Hate, woven in blood
The cycle is now...
The cycle is now completed
Ha!!...and the battle is over

Legions of saints
They think that they will save the mankind
Congregated in darkness
Spreading all the filth

You'll all be oppressed by an unworthy god
Leader of fools writing his lies

You'll all be oppressed by an unworthy god
Eradicate his word, eradicate his book


Scaffold of emotions
Sunken in my carnal yoke
Consuming my existence
Compulsive, spasm of horror
I worship the bloody skin

Deranged thoughts - Waiting inside
Adrenaline - Rising again
Obsessed by flesh

Calculated incisions destroying the nerves
I control the art of pain
Physical decayment - Amputated thoughts
Precision in torment

I don't know the piety; I don't know your ways
Always near of death, but I never cross the line

Like a lunatic I punish myself...

Open wounds, self inflicted wounds again
Morbid desires shredding my veins

Open wounds - I'll kill myself
Open wounds - Ears lacerated
Inflicted wounds...
Feeding my pleasure and pain...

So you think that I am sick
You think that I'm insane (4)

I worship the bloody skin

Feel the struggle devouring me
Depraved mind - Calling the torment
Redding me - Falling in disease

Scaffold of emotions
Sunken in my carnal yoke
Consuming my existence
Degenerate, degenerate...

And the fire is burning now
And the knife is cutting my flesh
Religion of pain, scattered skin, the creak of the bones...

And I smell the blood again
I believe in my death now
It's wrapping me at last, weed out my life
The throne of nonsense...


Look to the quicksands of time so huge, so huge
See the lines of time lost in the maze of life

Quaver in my voice

I know the past, I know the end
Arithmetic premonition

Every thing, every man
Condemned to be alone in his fate

We all are blind, we all are blind
Riddles, questions, doubts
Existence written in circles,
And the men can't see the end

We all are blind, we all are blind
Riddles, questions, doubts
Tireless wheels of fate, helmless existence

Remember what we are now - A creatures of dust
Like dust we'll disappear into the chasm

We don't know what's the reason
We don't know what we are doing here
A trivial intromission in a cursed time

Eternity in circles
Ashes and dust are waiting for us
Eternity in circles

When I feel the howls of the engagements of time
Under the dilemma there is no doubt...
Everything has been written

Every act, every action, each fact
Destiny governs our way
Serenity, solace, apathy

When I feel the howls of the engagements of time
Under the dilemma there is no doubt...
Everything has been done

Precious lie

Look to the quicksands of time so huge
See the lines of time lost in the maze of life

Towards the end to start in the principle
The pulse of life
Sad certainly...precious lie

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