Saevus Somnia : Black Knight's Prophecy

Symphonic Black / Argentina
(2005 - Self-Released)
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Hoy hemos desatado el caos
Nuestros brazos se abren
Y el mal... festeja su existir...

Extendemos el cáliz
Y bebes el dulce vino de la muerte
Embriagando, envenenando espíritus
Fortaleciéndote aunque seas débil

Ahora son... todos iguales...
Ante nuestros, nuestros ojos

No ruegas ni perdonas
Y con un grito desencadenas la guerra
Llevas tu ego al extremo
Ahhh... la cruel tormenta

Tu voz levanta a los muertos
Su ira e ironía
Y el murmullo se entremezcla con ruidos y abismales sombras

La noche te ha dado la vida
Y ella te la ha de quitar
Tu raíz viene de una cuna de gritos
E izquierda blasfema

Malditos, los que no se unan
Crearán su laberinto
Donde cada pasaje será
Una pesadilla mas y ciegos
Deambularán en ella

No abstengas tus sentimientos
Pues las almas de la lujuria te cobijan
Y si acaso cayeras entonces contigo


Grand Lord from universe of darkness
And a thousand flames
With cold fingers touch the silence portal
Into the inhuman race

Bringer of the cosmic sword
Made of blades from the starting
Astral pulse, rebirth your shine

Eyes bleed, under the dying sun
The hope is underrated to us all
A firestorm of evil upon this world
Is falling darkening in my dreams
Freeze my soul
The revelation has come
To light my way

Ride the dragon
Trough the final day

Ages of darkness
Will preceed your dawn of blackness
You're the sunset avenger
Hear the choirs of dark archangels

Since arise at the twilight
Of the moon by the sword of Armisael
The sun will never shine again
Your crown was forged in the silence
with thorns of neverending pain

So then the light with him
Embrace the darkest sea
Over the mountains steam
A liquid fire breed

Marble incandescent caress me
Like a tongue infernal licks

Venomous ashes rain blind me
And close the skies for centuries
The cruel flame will burn
Until thats her light kill my soul

Rise and attack hear my call
In this mantra from the force
Of my hate to my enemies
The armies of hell

March over the damned lands
Of wick and enslaved race

Rise and attack hear my call
In this mantra from the force
Of my hate to my enemies
The armies of hell

Rule over this cursed world
And avenge us one more
Time again

By the sword of armisael
The sun of your hope
Will never shine again
Tremble with great panic,
The armies are here right now!!!


In the midnight heavens burning
Through ethereal deeps affar
Once I watch'd with restless
Yearning and alluring, aureate star.
Ev'ry eve aloft returning
Gleaming night the artic car

Mystic waves of beauty blended
With the gorgeous golden rays
Phantasies of bliss
descended in a myrrg'd
Elyzan haze in a lyrebom
Chords extended harmonies of
Lydian lays
There though I lie scenes
Of pleasure where the free
And blessed swell and each
Moment bears a treasure
Freighted with the lotos spell
And there floats a liquid
Measure from the lute of Israfel

There I told myself were shining
Words of happiness unknown
Peace and innocence entwining
By the crowned virtue's throne
Men of light their thoughts refining
Purer, fairer, than our own

Thus I mus'd when o'er the
Vision crept a red delirious change
Hope dissolving to derision
Beauty to distortion strange

Hymnic chords in weird collision
Spectral sight in endless range

Grimson burn'd the star of madness
As behind the beams I peer'd
All was woe that seem'd but gladness
Ere my gaze with truth was sear'd
Cacodaemons, mir'd with madness
Through the fever'd, flick'ring leer'd

Now I know the fiendish fable
That the golden glitter bore
Now I shun the splanged sable
That I watch'd and loved before
But the horror, ste and stable
Haunts my soul, forevermore




Feel the wind and close your eyes
The flame of evil send me hate
Hellish pain I wish you weak
King of darkness will rise again

Bring back the anger
Bring back the abbadon
The centuries are running
Bleeding and changing

Be my guide shadows lord
Show me the way... show me your legions
I saw the moon with scared eyes
And suffer the bleedings of messages
In my skin with divine steel...
Remember the wolf call
With wails of death in his screams

The prophecy descends full of glory!!!
River's blood for victory
Pick up the axe and screaming higher
The evil troops are coming again

The spirit whisoer
Through the nocturnal calm
Proclaiming that magic night
Were dwell's my scarred soul
Were dwell's your scarred soul

Black knights in holy horses
Armored for the battle
Anouncing the legacy
Coming for your bad offer
Show them the faded corpses

Their souls are condemned to agony
The flame will burn
And spawning black angels
To the eternal land of my dreams


The eternal ride to reach the glory,
To trascend after the years, the mission
Of this wizard old... die on nature

Searching the hapiness specter that comes from the wood
Breeze that beats his face
From summit..., so cold
Flight with the rocks the old man go
To be over the world,
The ancient mountain the mystical land,
Magic place to be...

Pagan's wind bring afliction
Right here, to fly

This frozen night,
You'll sleep in holes of ice
Mighty wizard enjoy the light
Of fullmoon

I see, it's all I need to rise
It is a powerfull mystery
The old man must will born,
Just like the snow storm strong
And his story in my mind...
It's there

My lady moon brightly over the
Nightsky... cold
Reflect my frost face
Serpents are offering their eyes

The land of my hope
Need it the spark of flames
There are forces old the end complete
Will come soon

I see, it's all I need to rise
It is a powerfull mystery
The old man must will born,
Just like the snow storm strong
And his story in my mind...
It's there!!!


Cae la noche... y el viento
Sus tenebrosas melodías hace escuchar
La luz fría de muerte
Comienzo a sentir

una voz de trueno, susurrante
De entre las nubes me calma,
Me acaricia y sofoca su aliento
Al repetir constantemente...

Ven a mi, no tengas miedo
¡¡¡te haré encontrar!!! ¡¡¡encontrarás!!!
¡¡¡tus mas profundos deseos!!!

Confundidos mis pensamientos
Solo pesadillas reflejan
De horror y de amor
De pasión y de miedo...
¡¡¡entro a tu infierno!!!

Los añejos árboles deformes
Seduciendo rozan mi cuerpo
Me hacen dudar si es un sueño
O solo mi mente enferma...

La húmeda y densa nebrlina
Se escabulle por el bosque moribundo
Y entre la msima una mujer,
Tan hermosa que ni los sueños dejan ver

Cae la noche... y el viento
Sus tenebrosas melodías hace escuchar
La luz fría de muerte
Comienzo a sentir

una voz de trueno, susurrante
De entre las nubes me calma,
Me acaricia y sofoca su aliento
Al repetir constantemente...

¡¡¡Ven a mi, no tengas miedo!!!
¡¡¡te haré encontrar
Tus mas profundos deseos!!!

Su mirada me paraliza
Y al sonreir el temor se espanta
Toma mi mano y no hay límites

Me doy cuenta que es tarde
Hierve la sangre
Entro a tu infierno...
Era el mismo diablo encarnado
En su cuerpo
Entro a tu infierno...
Me consumen las llamas... Incineran
Mi alma...
¡¡¡Entro a tu infierno!!!


La sexta luna ha llegado,
Y con ella la furia del ma,
Sus rayos se pierden en la bruma
Formando extrañas figuras

Impulsados por el viento
Por un sueño de victoria
Empredieron su gran viaje
En sus rostros la muerte nace

El estruendo de los tambores,
Invoca la presencia de los truenos...

Su aliento en este frío lugar
Toma forma de espectros
Que al unirse en un himno
Se elevan hacia el cielo
Proclamando al Dios de las guerras
Testigo del anhelado triunfo

En sus ojos una llama
Oscura y misteriosa
Reflejan ardientes miradas acechantes
Hacia el último horizonte del imperio humano

Sus almas presagian en un instante
De silencio voces hechizantes de penumbra
Y brisa nocturna
La helada tempestad quemaba sus rostros
Guiándolos hacia Strondor,
La euforia crecía en sus corazones
Al sentir el reino mas allá del tiempo

El rayo abrirá el portal de la eternidad
Inmortales serán quienes crucen
Sobre los necros y profundos mares.

Ledras adicionadas por _Gabriel_ - Modificar estas letras