Sacerdos : At Dusk - Sacerdos

Black Metal / Etats-Unis
(2017 - Pacific Threnodies)
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We all are, to a man, to this condemn'd:
To fall to shame, all dignity bereft
Slavering curs, our teeth baréd to rend
What awe remain'd among us unto death
I sought to walk in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and winsome starry skies
But callous calumnies douséd the light
Plunging to blackness all I could espy
They say that in the soul of judgement's eye
Resides the greater portion of sin
But more among us quicken to despise
Without casting our gaze to scry within
Thus I am driven swiftly to my end
As all the bloodied earth cries for revenge


Contemplation, lucubration, preparation, meditation
Our feet are unbound for ascension
Earthquakes arise from your laugher
Shu no longer apprehends us
Time and Earth are irrelevant
We pervade your consort Nut
Before you once again manifest as Geb
Before I return to earth
Wielding the sickle, slave to the terra
Consuming the living and the dead
Imprisoned by Shu, longing for Nut
The hideous return to Earth
Wielding the sickle, slave to the terra
Brandished by the timeless hexagon
Once expelled, now harmonized
Your return beyond the sky
Suffer in storms
Bear the hexagon
I display the pileus
Suffuse the cosmos
Long past is the golden age
Transitory empyrean stage

paroles ajoutées par Antonin_Martin - Modifier ces paroles