Rhestus : Heroes of the Doomsday

Thrash Metal / Brésil
(1999 - Auto-Production)
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1998 We live the rage of mother nature that men have caused
Hurricanes, tornadoes, rage of sea, floods, cut-down forests
Volcanoes, earthquakes, virus, pests and millions of death
However, this just happened long time before
1898 in Tsavo, Quenia-nature acted the greatest member of the animal kingdom,
The lion
Two lions turned what would be a simple continuation of human development
Into real manifestation of fury, slaughter and power
The building of a bridge over the Tsavo river would Continue the Uganda
Railroad which was being built
But the thousands of workers and lieutenant colonel Henry Patterson
Did not imagine that in the next nine months
They would be frightened by two lions that were like demons or angels.

Arose like ghosts, disappeared like demons
Always carrying with themselves a half-dead body, yelling... Agonizing
Their attacks were well-aimed and cruel
Nobody has escaped, nobody knew who'd be the next...
Of the killing machines
They chased their hunters, and turned fear into panic, terror

They were really sent from god or the devil?
Nobody knew. What one knew was that they were
Of one hundred thirty five mens.
The native believed in evil spirits incarnate in animals
The scientists in some nature's disturbance but, so far nobody knows...
What one knows is they were infallible and stopped the building of the bridge
The spread of reingless progress, manipulating, destroyer of life, nature and love
Killed for pleasure, not to survive...
They had the very death in the eyes with their three meter of length
They weren't lions but the might of gods nature against the perverted
And putrid life of the human being
Tsavo the place of Slaughter
Tsavo the place of Slaughter


I can't believe
Don't want to believe
Sitten and trembling
I check my results my death penalty
Wandering on the streets
Now I see how my life is precious
Ok, we're all gonna die someday
But knowing how it's dreadful
Cancer spreads taking me
Little by little in fading day by day

Deep eyes and tired, hair has fallen
Look myself in the mirror
The very picture of death
In despair I curse the heaven Oh Lord, why me?
I have to keep "the appearance", tranquility,
Faith before the family
But when by myself I get on my knees and cry

Pain grows - almost insupportable
Can't stand any more
Deep in my bed I just watch
Can't speak, Cancer took my voice
How long will this hell last?
Agonizing, without action
I beg pardon, I look for mercy, look for death
Pain without control, night and day
I don't speak, but feel and think
Devices and needles on my body
I can't stand it any longer
I can't stand it any longer


Bullet in point
It's ready
Just shoot
The target? My own head
My head is full
I hole will I put the gun
Under the chin
Thought too long, gave up
Wasn't this time
Don't know if the day of bulling
The trigged will come
I always give up
Can't be here just for being
There must be a reason for my being
Must find it before it's too late

Running away, quit it all
I won't do, it's too easy, it's too weak
I'm gonna fight, hold on
Resisting the kicks of life
Resisting the temptation of death
Death seems so near
It's weird, watch it, facing me
Defying, fuck it, won't seduce me, won't beat me

For every doubt there's an answer
I'll get my answers
The bullet will remain on the needle
Ready to be shoot
But not today
Today I won


For what? To get doped feeling life like a big anesthesia?
What's is the matter of being doped watching your preferred band?
If at the next day you won't remember anything!
Maybe is someday anyone gonna answer me?
An overdose here, and one there!
Destroyed everyone who was around!
For what trying to amaze me?
With and addiction that's gonna kill you!
Why has syringe become more important than family?
What's is the pleasure killing yourself little by little?
Maybe? Is anybody gonna answer me someday?
So far, I can't understand it?

Look out cause someday you're gonna wake up!
And gonna see your life has been an illusion!
And then facing reality perhaps you won't stand it!
So, it's too late for you'll be in a coffin

Halter skelter, uncontrolled mind
Acid corrose the brain
As fear corrose the soul
Suffocated excitement, desperating flee

Meet your death
Big anesthesia passport to the end
The dive into the void there's no hold
Darkness filling the eyes, terror overdose
Death laughs


Sounds the sirene
That nobody's expected to hear someday
People look at each other
Their eyes open wide with fear
Panic and desperation in everyone's soul
With no time for speaking or thinking
All running and crying
Look for their homes
To die by the family
Traffic madness
No law, no rules
Cars rush over the sidewalks
Crash into another
Don't shudder no-one
Children, youths, adults
Each one for oneself
Looking for shelter to save his life
But it's useless
Trains out of the rails
Get into tunnels with no outlets
With no destination
Huge ship are swallowed in seconds
By cyclones, whirlpools, the rage of the sea
Just cry of terror
Regretting crying
And the sirene of judgement
Lots into churches
Think in god's house nothing will happen
Others commit suicide
Quit their lives before their time comes
Expectance of death is worse than death at all
But there's hope
Men reach the limit
No one will survive
Made of dust
To dust will return
The time has come
The Doomsday

paroles ajoutées par DedHunter - Modifier ces paroles