Rhestus : Games of Joy... Games of War

Thrash Metal / Brésil
(2010 - Auto-Production)
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Be strong!
Be prepared
Cause there's no truce
The life will you beat you
Once more
When you less expect;
You wanna cry, so cry!
But take care, cause this can make you weaker.
Everyday a new experience,
A new frustration...
Somebody betrays you, disappoints you, and dies!
A whore! Life sometimes seems to have no scruples, no moral,
Cold and impartial, I don't understand its purposes...
Be strong!
Be prepared
Cause there's no truce.
In justice of men
Should I trust?
Don't make me laugh!
Rotten are those men,
They're making laws for themselves
For their game of interests!
Justice is made by the scythe of Death,
Impartial to everyone;
But I am sick and tired,
Of that false moral, that hypocrisy,
Be strong!
Be prepared
Cause there's no truce.
That the men drown in their own poison;
Cause I wanna live, but if death comes, patience,
But if it's not my time, fuck you death!
Because I am ready,
Fed by rage and driven by hate...
Be strong!
Be prepared
Cause there's no truce.
Because I am ready,
Fed by rage and driven by hate...


We are so trivial,
So weak, so full of pride.
And so ignorant, each one with his own truth,
That we don't think our life can be so short
For any immortal purpose
Even so we care about with trivial things

Mundane such as we are to gain money, fame, status, properties and power
But who's got the power?
What the fuck is power?
We're just a piece of meat,
We'll fall one by one...

We're nothing and have nothing before the Universe
We are simply people falling down every day in every possible way.

We're just pieces of meat, nerves, bones, muscles, blood
And cerebral mass ready to destroy, annihilate, manipulate.
But the wall of pride that we raised to defend ourselves
Always falls under any difficulty,
As if we are the only ones in the universe
We're just a piece of meat,
We'll fall one by one...

There are so many ways to knock us down
And even so we never learn
This dare us to be strong
We're not above the good and the evil
We've got a long way to go

We're nothing and have nothing before the Universe
We are simply people falling down every day in every possible way.

So much to learn, that perhaps one day ... we'll get there
But I think I won't be here to see that
Cause I am just another falling trivial piece of meat...
We're just a piece of meat,
We'll fall one by one...


Hate is what I feel
I don't know of what
I don't know why
I just feel it.
It presses my chest
Disturbs my mind,
Agony me.

Inexplicable, overpowering hate.
Hate for not knowing,
Hate for being confused,
I look all around and I see
The falsehood, the envy, the hypocrisy.
And the hate again.
Hate is what I feel
I don't know of what
I don't know why
I just feel it.
Hate for not being heard;
Hate cause I can't express myself;
Hate for whishing without have;
Hate for not seeing an escape for my hate;
Hate for my stupidity;
Hate for writing all this with hate;
Hate for the hate of the other ones;
Hate for the love becoming hate;
Hate is what I feel
I don't know of what
I don't know why
I just feel it.

I wanna live in a normal way
Without blame, without remorse, without hate
I wanna walk on the streets without fear
I wanna to live among the people without distrusting
To be just, without hurting
I want to be appraised
For what I am, what I do, think and feel
Living without hate is just what I want from this planet
Full of hate!


I watch the children playing
With the innocence stamped on their faces...
Laughter and happiness
And our future
If there is!
Pure soul, convicted heart
Meanwhile the leaders
Play with the destiny of the planet
Children and their games of joy
Men and their games of war.
Poor children
They live in a world ruled by maniacs
Tyrants, insane, demented...
They want war, blood, and your soul!
They lie, for a false freedom.
They lie, for a false justice.

They want to dominate
For the gold of the nations
For the blazing flags
For the power

Black soul, rotten heart.
Wickedness and madness stamped on their faces
Poor children, unknown destiny.
Children and their games of joy
Men and their games of war.
Screams and cries for peace
Choked by the sounds of battle
Will the children have any chance?
Or they will live under ruins
With smell of gunpowder and blood in their hands
So much songs were made already
It seems useless

The conflicts go on around the world
As a dance of death
A show of intolerance
But there's a need to speak
A need to scream
A need to stop
For our children
Children and their games of joy
Men and their games of war.


Hard to explain,
Impossible to make understand
Magic that cannot be taught
Uncontrollable passion
Reason to be alive!
Strong songs
Throwing to other dimensions

Metal, metal, metal

Savage spirit
Barely fits the body,
Heart pulsing strong
Blood boiling...

Sweat flowing through the face
All fears,
All anger,
All demons
Being expelled in every riff
Hated ones and frustrations
Exposed to the world
No remorse, no anguish.
Hated by most,
Loved for a few,
Who gives a damn?
Who gives a fuck?

That's our life
Our soul, cause nobody will change
Our day-by-day with heavy metal

We don't care about your prejudice...
Cause without a challenge
The warrior will be better dead

Metal, metal, metal.

But the strong music will go on
Rescuing lives and depressed hearts
With sounds that break the time and space line
In this world destroyed by the human regression.


Silence around me
Every day, all day long
Sitten for breakfast
Alone, total silence
Lunch and dinner, it’s gonna be the same
Going out to work
Surrounded by strangers in bus
Silence goes on around me
I feel like a undead
Weighing on the world
No-one talks to me
Empty life – I pass unseen
Thank you for saying hello!
But please, be quiet!
I am a undead
In used to hear the silence
If I talk
You won’t like me
Silence sounds loud in my head, in my mind and my soul

A huge phantom
Surrounding all around
Tormenting, driven me crazy
Quiet, I think too much
I get anguished
Watching everything and everyone...

I go back home
Sit in my living room
No-one to talk to
Four walls around me
Seem to smash me
My eyes are wide open

Insane, I shrink and think and nothing

I keep in silence
Tomorrow’s another day
It’s going to be the same
Specially the silence


Hey you!
Feel the chill and look around,
Don't you feel somebody is watching you?
I have this felling, think about it,
Pay attention, you will see it!

In the most various forms,
Tragic and idiot,
Untiring torturer.

She always follows me,
Day by day, always on my side,
Waiting the, right marked time
But why this fascination!
If we are, always afraid of her,
Present everywhere, nobody escape,
Because, sooner or later, we will be summoned.
No! I don't, wanna run to her. Let her find you,
Feel that emotion, the fear, involved in her mantle,
Empty eyes, her grinned teeth...
Then now you, feel her
Noticed her presence, her power...
Isn't it, scary? Untiring torturer!

Yes my friend, you will also…
Feel her, cold kiss
Her heavy touch,
And her mockery and disdain
Being you rich or poor, noble or not!

Angel or demon, we all, will be executed,
For her sentence

Because don't you forget
That she is there on your side,
Feel the chill
And look around...


Sequence of losses
Open wounds

Is this life?
Constant fights against death,
But why don’t surrender?
Missing people who fell down
Along the way, disappearing,
I more and more alone
But the walking never stops
Making my stand,
Body erect
And facing up

Sequence of losses
Open wounds

Memories of ghosts
From the past,
As if I was in the desert.
And felt the sand,
Hitting my face,
Tearing my flesh,
Blinding my eyes,
Choking my soul
Making my life become a desert

Sequence of losses
Open wounds

Body is getting weaker
And the sense of the life too,
Agony, pain, longing,
But the walking never stops
Solitary to meet a destiny
Of freedom,
Cause my time has come
And the wounds are now closed
And the wounds are now closed

And the wounds are now closed
And the wounds are now closed


Fuck you!
Fuck you society
And your damned concepts.
Fuck you job,
Cause the more I do, less I'm appraised
Fuck you rich
That fells untouchable.
Fuck you politics
Your pigs, stealing and laughing on people
Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off!
Fuck the eyes around me
That judge me crazy
Cause of my way of thinking.
Fuck you bad cops
That sells themselves for propine
Fuck you bad people
Your arrogant pieces of shit
Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off!
Fuck you life,
When everything goes wrong
Fuck you death,
That take away who we love
Fuck you "friends"
They are never around
When I need them.
Fuck you war
Who kill and soul sale
Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off!
Fuck you thousand of matters
That I would be able to tell.
Fuck you my day
Of anguish and hate
Fuck you and the world
If the shoe fit
For thinking this words are too aggressive.
Fuck off! Fuck off! Fuck off!


The world lives in an alert of life or death.
For glorified ideas in religion, in freedom, in democracy...
Guilty or not? Cowardlys!

Life is the price,
Human beings are the targets
Of the cowardly arguments of faiths,
Bombs, destruction of cultures and fear.
Guilty or not? Cowardly terror!

But what's the use of laws, ethics, justice, agreements
And all those stupid scientific and theoretical concepts,
If we continue to die human hands in so different ways...
Lies, arrogance, envy, rage, hate, fear, profit are mere words that kill!

Cowardly terror
Cowardly terror

They sacrifice and they justify their ideas
With the death of thousands for their weaknesses
And stupid ideas inflamed with the lies that the power
And the wealth creates in these weak souls.

Cowardly terror
Cowardly terror

The most direct and tragic effect is to see the blood gushing,
The pulled up members confused by the fear.
The silence of the attack is so cruel
That there are no more limits for the reason in our existence
Among the trenches of the ideological and natural war.

Cowardly terror
Cowardly terror

Save the divine justice that will also explode with heads and souls,
As they exploded the ones of so many innocents...
We are victims in this board, as pieces, numbers, nothing...
They play with our lives, dreams, families, future, and our planet...
They rule us with false information, enslaving our minds
And selling our souls for the illusion, terror, destruction,
Cause we ignore our ignorance.

paroles ajoutées par DedHunter - Modifier ces paroles