Resurrected Divinity : Demo 2020

Death Brutal / Etats-Unis
(2020 - The Bearded Dragon Productions)
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Some things are easier to claim
Than they are to be
The lies that you spew
Are filth to me
Hollywood Christian
I see through your lies
Use the passive way
As your disguise

You can't deceive me
You will not claim me
I am not your sheep
Hollywood Christian

Murderers, rapists
Parade themselves as false new wave idols
How dare some claim
To label themselves Christians for a greater audience
God would not approve
As you glorify adultery and sodomy
You have sold your souls
For fame and fortune and promiscuity

Smiling to the crowds and the cameras
Behind the curtain are things you don't wish to see
Circling Satan with offerings
Trafficking children for their own gain
Rising to power through the evil one
Within the city of the fallen angels
Money and power through sacrifice
The sacrifice of souls and innocent blood


Industry of sin
Corrupting the youth and the old alike
With it's promotion of lustful filth
Contaminating the minds of those hungry
For love with faux love to feed all of their
Sinful desires

The lust grows within it's consumers
And participants alike
Killing all love within
The romance and true love
Promoted by God is slowly being killed
From the inside out
Rejecting loyalty to promote adultery

The sin becomes rampant, the lust uncontrolled
Advocating to stab your partners in the back
Betray them and leave them in the cold

Corrupter of all
Killer of love
Spits on the God above
Reduce every studio
To rubble and ash
Kill the weapon Satan
Uses to kill love

Condemn those who make it and pry them from power
Using the lust of others to feed their greed
Destroy this industry of disgusting degeneracy
That has left true love and romance endangered
For in due time these followers of the evil one
Shall feel the wrath of the holy

Reeling in addicts of lust
Unrealistic footage promotes adultery
Perverse expectations fueled by this filth
Throwing gas on the fires of lust


Preparing for rest
As I lay in this bed
A rest I will not be granted on this night
Tensions rise
In these hours of darkness
My soul is putting up a fight

The demons dwell
In my mind and presence
I know that something isn't right
Insomnia ensues
Fear grips my soul
I know I won't sleep on this night

In the absence of light
I will not rest tonight
Sinister thoughts aborning
Oh how I long for the morning

On my fears they feed
Yeshua save me
I chose a godless path
I must avoid God's wrath
Crawling in the dark
On a path of terror they embark
The night cripples me with fear
I know that Satan's demons are near

Hours awake since I went to bed
The presence of evil fills me with dread
The more that I dwell on what's in here with me
The more and more into my fears they will feed

At last now I accept his light
Scattering the demons that gave me fright
Perhaps I wasn't always right
A peaceful way to end this night


Here it comes
Engulfing the world
Many relish in its embrace
You refuse to fear
The wrath of God
Until it's right in your face
The darkness expanding
Consuming most
Could it be that few are saved?
So I beg of you all
Turn over your souls
To receive his saving grace

The black blanket
Evil gaining power
On this wretched Earth
On the dawn
Of the day
Of the AntiChrist's birth

The black blanket
Comforting the wicked
Polluting the world
With temptation

The evil one is everywhere
Even in the churches
Turn your hearts to Yeshua
For wicked souls Satan searches

Those who turn away from God
Will find pleasure only in this life
In the long run there is none to gain
Other than eternal pain

You deny authority
To live life as you please
The great and divine truth
Will bring you to your knees

paroles ajoutées par Coleiosis - Modifier ces paroles