Restless Oblivion : Sands of Time

Doom Death / Russie
(2014 - Solitude Productions)
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Deadline stone road
And tatum brick is burning mine
In start so funny in your selfness
Until the nature torch the flames

While principals are using grass
To stuff this shit in to your mouth
And eyes will melt and he-she end
The way with bottle of the send

And razing wind is shorting stout
All the power of the heart
Changing warmness inside out
From deepest hole of dart

Give me...
Give me hole...
Give me dose...
So... wind me blown...

Wishes crashing in white sand
Desert has no fucking end
Other colors not disclosed
Infinite whiteness hurting dose

Wish is one...
Is human gone...
Give me Earth...
Give me road...


Nether ways
Of solving life
Inner forces
Sleepless five

Helpless people
Stolen souls
Given reason
Have no choice

Getting up
And falling down
Losing hope
In waiting dawn

Razing flesh
And slashing light
In that trash
That changing sight

Truth is now
And only yours
Honor is low
In buried box
Love is tail
And fairy picture
Gives adventure
For the all

War is fatal
Nature's dead
God is intel
Dao is bed


Graves are blown in eternal
Wind is filled with dirty funeral
Shutting up the only gates
Is painting lines with inner grace

Pain of you in nothing free
It's deepful colors blinding feed
Impossible for human be
To someone give control to reed

Steps of time are deadly sharp
Tears melting ground hard
Can't slaves walking after warp
Of power made them till be up

What you have blown
Turned in to ash
What you have grown
From sky will crash

How to get silence
In the pain house
Better faith violence
Than cure wars...


Ships are streaming to the sunrise
In nowhere there aim
Crew is dreaming summer islands
And the beauty of blue lane

Blowed away the snowy sparkles
Sign of darkness and bad luck
it is endless running starsroads
But to spend them fuel stuck

No ware naked all the spaces
They are free for our eyes
Like the new born look on mothers
Opened windows souls of us

In the moment light cage free
Our homeland got up rid
By one blow of shining knee
Lowered our free will speed

Now are changing our parts
Brought up here endless falls
Now forgotten our bloods
Chain of loving our goals

Colors tastes of forms that new
Like the ghosted avenue
Choosing sight by post card view...
Is impossible for you.....

Running melting like the moonlight
Diving in the darkness pool
Of the star you lost your eyesight
At that summer beauty full

Burning flames are under border
Of the Hell and shelter lay
Shining over peaceful water
Making for the strangers day

Crew is dreaming for the summer
Harbor shifting there way
There room is madly smaller
Where clear mind could stay


And sands of time in blizzard endless
And quantity does not allow

When sands will fall replacing drops
And memory they leave in grounds
They now will try to take off shoes
And start to dig the tears out
And when the flame of there feet
From heart will start the moving flood...
All bounders...

All bounders then will fall indeed
And'll fill the statues ever stood...

When pure sea were dried and filled
With their lies and sins that free
And clouds filled with happy greed
That hurt like thunder rainy bleed
When we were waiting something simple
The knowledge little fairly pimple
And only for the real fools
That near are with us like tooth

The trinkets of the roughest skin
For all the tombs of dreams
She was put in chaos ring
Look on water messed within

And only for the real fools
That near are with us like tooth

Relation of the roughest measure
Where are the frozen steps are done
And beckoning the stone shelter
Whose owners bones with life are blown

To blossom them from tomb of doubtless
To Heaven where live only now


Stars are different from us
Light that sharper then the glass
Wounding through when opening heart
From the shield of orange sight

Laws of night are closed for me
What is right and what is wrong
This is kingdom sunny free
Of the light that elsewhere gone

I am running from my shadow
It is near making go

Nether rest on knee or a bow
No even danger paths flow

But is greater memo need
To forget my godness seed
Past has got my pain then soul
Within sells my feelings glow

Where is yellow road to gates
Key of puzzle of the race

That is our tunnel light

Scream is useless, prayer words
Self revealing to the world

Uneffective serving gods
Like there breath in our hold

Silent fitted in my quarters
Of the vanished masters net

Trap of beauty golden bounds
That have only deadmen left

Free are only stars in spheres
That are giggling freedom had!


Feelings are under flame
Seals are making slaves...

Fire you can't resist
Fire, Hell made of it
Fire is the only way
Only, to be obey

You should not God blame
Falling of love in caves

Fire is passion source
Fire is holy farse
Fear, will flow away
If he till dawn stay

Blow into raw souls
Blow your breath will flows

Blow will give love poles
That sin make for alls

Sin that in the eyes
Sin of pure life

Sin of freedom rise
Of the Heaven's strife...

Sun is so burning now
Hell is the ash of love
But it's so cold but how
I could be one above?

Forgive all the others in flashes
Realize all the others in future
Believe we the one to be here
And melt in the music of sphere



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