Recount : Love Hate Create Destroy

Hardcore / Allemagne
(2013 - LCOH)
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Hate and aggression this what you make me feel,
Full indifference the death desire gain
We will beat the shit out of you
It is desperate dont defend yourself
You won't get the chance to fight back
There's no hope, There's no love, just violence
Jetzt gehts los ihr Ficka, this is recount 2K13 bitch
Motherfucker rest in pieces
You will rest in pieces
Wrong place wrong time you slut
Like a wolf on a hunt
You come along my Searching gaze
Like a wolf on hunt
I'll end this in my rush
Hold your chance Everythings planned Until my vision goes black
My war in my sort
I release myself by Ten thousand stitches with my knive


And as the blood splat
Splat on my face the blood on my face satisfy me
Your innards torn out this is what I see
Now I'm released and you will rest in pieces


Get it on (x4)

You don't accept it
That you're a faggot
You have to change it
Don't talk just get it on

You know that
You suck and still live alone
Only dreaming about
All that you want
Cause you dont come to the front and never knew what's wrong
Then learn it motherfucker and hear what we say

Don't let another one take it your chance to shine
Before anotherthing takes your time
You need to cross this line
Before its fucking too late
Your life, your time
You'll get another chance to take a break

Do something different
Get crazy, get fucked up
Take the cup of your life
And suck it all up
I mean you fall down yeaah
Thats for sure
But to be the one you have to suck it up pure

Come on, wake up, dont waste your whole life dreamin'
Or stay quiet repent
You only got one chance
Don't mess up show strengh
Don't let others decide about your life
Don't mess up,
Don't mess up,
Uuuuuuuup !

Come on, wake up, dont waste your whole life dreamin'
Or stay quiet repent
You only got one chance (x2)

Get it on (x4)

You dont accept it
That youre a faggot
You have to change it
Don't talk just get it on

Get it on (x4)

This is chilling with my brothers in da hood
Smokin weed tastin flavours switch youre good
Flyin' higher than a plane ever could
Live the life that every single person should


It is in fact the human nature
Love hate create destroy
And most the days some hardship plagues you
Love hate create destroy isn't all

We represent united power !
DF in tha place just like Balboa

One for all, all for one
One brand new army of hate

Run fast we dont come alone
'Cause where's Connection in this restless world?
We will make you rest
So let's connect the world

Look out to recount, fuck off style beatdown
Support from Balboa you bitches (x2)

Scream from the grave
Where the fuck is the graveyard
Unity was buried
Our strength will make fuckin rise it again
With love and hate fucking destroy create

Do you know what ? We're never scared! We know the word ! We come prepared !
It's somtimes dark fucked up connections light it up
Tonight we wreck this Party up we will drink the full cup

One for all, all for one
Brotherhood, Balboa and recount (x2)

Keep it real ! It's more than only love hate create destroy


This is provocation ! My fuckin' Testament !
We have to shout this again and again ! We will provocate until the end !
All you faggots I say fuck you
All you noobs I just want fuck you
All you racists in world fuck you
This is my motherfuckin' crew

West Deutschland NRW das ist Recount ihr Spasten
Wir provozieren durchgehend bis Schmerzen auf euch lasten
Das ist jetzt unsere Zeit! Das ist impulsiv!
Wir gehen als die größten Störenfriede ins Archiv
Eins ist wichtig im Leben und wird dich permanent begleiten
Dass du Freunde brauchst, die in jeder Zeit zu dir halten
Nennt uns asi doch wenn einer große Fresse hat, ist die ganze Crew am start
Bis ihr zusammenklappt

You can't stop this wave of aggression ! Don't even think of trying !

'Cause we don't know how to regret ! Just to many shit happened here !
We will shout this again and again ! As loud as we can ! We will provocate till the end !
We provocate till the end

Gangshout : This brotherhood will remai n! To destroy your fuckin' gang !
This brotherhood will remain ! To beat your fuckin' crew insane !


Fucker you are the ballast of society
Fuck you we rip your asses and don't give a shit
We live to reach the destination you ones had
You live to do everthing they tell you
So take your legs and run
You are the ballast of society
We rip your asses and don't give a shit
To reach the destination you ones had
You do everthing they tell you
This is the live! You've to carry the weight of your past !
The others are fast ! Everything is changing rapidly !
You have to run ! Taking chances which are good for you !
To beat the rest ! Running faster as the world around you !
This is the life ! Do you wait for the other ones ?
The others are fast ! Beat the pressure 'cause you have to run !
You have to run ! Do you slow down for another one ?
To beat the rest !
Don't slow down to fullfill your own dreams ! This is worth fighting for !
Don't slow down or you get lost in the sauce ! Who is worth fighting for ?
You gettin' tired and your legs start leaking ! Your legs begin to shake !
There is no place to rest in society ! Count your scars and go on !


Let me tell you something about the world we live in
Our whole sorrounding a cardhouse
The walls are paper thin we build walls of lies
To hide whats inside

What's really inside the little secrets we know
But any other does only the ones that are close
Just one word and a traitor
Let everything fall apart

Fall apart ! Fall apart like a cardhouse
We build walls of lies to hide whats really inside
The little secrets we know
But any other does

Loyalty ! You must show loyalty !
GS : Loyalty ! You must show loyalty ! (x2)


Rob :
To all those who stood by my side

When the worst comes to the worst I know I can trust you like
Side by side for a lifetime
And I can count on you like you can count me
You are the family that I choose for myself

Friends and family ! Nothing's better in my life !
Friends and family ! You can tell me what you want, I would give for them my life !
Friends and family ! Friends and family !

Trust respect together forever ! Friends and family !
No respect for traitors ! Never ! Friends and family !
What would you do ? If there is no home !
No shelter there ! And nowhere to go !

Es gibt viele Menschen auf der Welt, aber das bei uns haben nicht viele.
Eine stahlharte Verbindung, wir haben Stolz und viele Ziele.
Jede Stunde die wir chillten, alle Tage die wir hatten zeigen was wir heute sind.
Gemeinsam, bis sie uns bestatten !
Unser Umfeld prägte vieles, zeigte uns worauf es ankommt.
Bist du jedes mal allein, schmeißt man dich weg wie einen Fahrschein.
Nur eins was ewig halten kann. Freunde hast du ein Leben lang, hab Spaß daran.
Genau jetzt! Und nicht irgendwann.
Vergiss nie deine Wurzeln, deine Herkunft, wer du bist !
Tatsache ist, ohne Familie bist du nichts !
Kannst du dieses Glück nicht haben, nehmen Freunde diesen Platz ein.
Menschen brauchen Menschen! Hoffentlich kriegst du's in dein' Kopf rein !

Phil :
Wann kriegst du’s in deinen Kopf ?

We stand together as one And if you don’t know our time has come bitchWe walk so proud – as proud as a lionBrotherhood as one through the fire


Now it's out ! Don't you feel bad ? Acting like a jerk !
And kicking out everyone thats not like you.
You're scared of strange colored, like the Power Rangers.
You're an immigrant every else !

What do you think you are ? You getting wasted like the dinosaur !
The Revolution is your reaper !
What do you think you are ? You getting wasted like whore !
Soon you're lay'n dead on the sidewalk !

Watch your back, or you get stabbed by the fate.
Watch your back !
GS: Watch your back, or you get stabbed by the fate.
Watch your back !

Da kommt so'n dummer typ und meint er wär der große Macker !
Ich komm mit meiner Crew und mache jetzt den Wichser locker !

Er kommt mit seiner Crew und haut dir aufs Maul !
Er gibt dir einen Punch und du stehst nicht mehr auf !

(Repeat x2)
GS : Watch your back, or you get stabbed by the fate.
Watch your back !

Faschismus, rassismus, gebt euch lieber einen Kopfschuss.
Keine arbeit, große fressen, keine ahnung aber döner essen.
Egal welche religion, es zählt immigration.
In diesem kleinen Deutschland und in dieser großen Welt, seid ihr nicht allein.
Auch wenn's euch nicht gefällt.
Ich weiß ihr fühlt euch so cool, mit euern Hass-Paraden, euerm abgefucktem Welt-Bild vom unterschied der rassen.
Doch für mich und meine homies, seid ihr abgefuckte spacken.

Jetzt gibt's aufs maul ! Jetzt gibt's auf die fresse !
Du kriegst aufs maul ! Wir hauen euch auf die fresse ! Ihr steht nicht mehr auf !

Du redest von Liebe zum Land und Hass gegen die Schwachen.
Alter guck mich doch an, ich Kanacke brech' dir deinen Nacken.
Jungs checkts doch mal ! Euch will hier keiner mehr, es hat sich alles gechanged.
Jetzt regiert der Prince of Bel-Air !

Man muss aufpassen, vor den Heimtücken des Lebens die dich von Kollegen trennen können die alles für einen geben.
Ich war selber mal so'n Arschloch, doch ich hab's erst spät gecheckt.
Ich könnt' mich heute dafür töten, lieber wär ich schnell verreckt.

Now it's out, you get big-banged motherfucker!
Wir hängen euch an euer Kreuz ihr kleinen Sucker!
Ich hau dein Kopf zu shit !

(Repeat x2)
Falsche Freunde sind wie Tiere gibst du ihnen was sie wollen,
fressen sie dir aus der Hand und tun was sie sollen.


Let me introduce the world,
Let me introduce the people,
Let me introduce the normal life and society !

The world, the people, the normal life !

This is not what we want to be
You are lifeless but you can't see
You think that you're better than me
But this is my scene !
Standing behind each other
Give a fuck about society
Standing strong with my brothers
This is the life we live !

Let me introduce the world,
Let me introduce the people.
Let me introduce the normal life and society ! (x2)

But we are different this is

My scene is better than your scene
Your endlessly boring
We are outplay

We fight back on back
We live the life in our own style
As long the scene's a life
We got ourselves
Back on track !
Back on back !

My scene is better than your scene
Your endlessly boring
We're outplay

This is...
My scene

Das ist meine Szene ihr Huren
Mein Stolz und meine Ehre
Meine Crew meine Freunde meine Homes und die Atmosphäre
Es ist alles perfekt
Ich weiß nicht wie es ohne wäre
Wir greifen nach unserm Leben und ihr Wichser greift ins Leere
Denn ich scheiß auf Normen und scheiß drauf was gerade in ist
Ich mach mein eigenes Ding
Und scheiß drauf wie es anfere finden
Wir waren immer anders als die andern anders weil es besser war
Freunde wurden zu Feinden weil es lauter andere Meinung gab

I will keep this opinion till I die
I would regret the lifestyle of the ones
This is the lifestyle of brothers, fuck about the trend
We don't care about the others, fuck about the trend
Too many people are marionets of media living public life asking who they really are

Sluts get up, live your life, what the fuck is that ?
This is what I live for, this is my scene !

paroles ajoutées par Apophis2036 - Modifier ces paroles