Raat : Raison d'Être

Atmospheric Black / India
(2020 - Flowing Downward)
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What’s left behind one day
Is what lies ahead
In a reverie felt once again
There will always be you
With a wish to define
But it is a wish denied
And this way we divide
There will always be you
With a will to defy
Broken bones in lacerated homes
And let the self be born again
Hold me in the light
Keep you from the dark
I’m not lying this time


But it is the same with man as with the tree. The more he seeks to rise into the height and light, the more vigorously do his roots struggle earthward, downward, into the dark, the deep - into evil. (Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

I have crossed the seas, I have left cities behind me,
and I have followed the course of rivers towards their
source or plunged into forests.
I have had women, I have fought with men ; and
I could never turn back any more. And all that was leading me where?
To this very moment...
(Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea)


The grip of apathy
Forlorn with empathy
I rest in a grave
Alive in the rave
Unshaken still, I breathe again
Still and steady
The drone of another symphony to remain
The loss of a curse
Our needs and wants
Our reasons to take and give
A forgotten part of our hidden selves
One that makes the rays of the sun
To wither and decay
As you break away
Lost somewhere along the way
Misunderstood, vague


This light will never fade
Along every shard, in every flame, an anomaly
The river that runs between us
In the water, the sun and the stars
Of your galaxy, at my behest
There was a reason
For all of this to come alive
As we revolve and become
We arrive beyond death
And within this life
A home of sorts
A haven we burned down in the past
A sky, black as the night, engulfed our forms
Swallowed by the dark
As incomplete and hollow
And to never disappear


Once dismal and solitary
In this endless night
Reaching for the event horizon
Such is the grip of solitude
Along the realm where stars realign
Behold a structure with no body,
A shapeless design, ageless and afloat
The majestic ritual of the passage of time
Departing forever, arriving nowhere but furled together
Dreamily, and pressed upon us
The one last breath before the eruption
Into colours and a desperate haze
Sanguine and abounding
Unsung, the forbidden lore lost
In the lustre of everything
In a vacuous stream of the infinite black
Set alight and woven into the fog
As you and I swayed
In the glow of a dead star


A feeling, a dream never lived before
Shrouded hope, empty and forlorn
Among a grove
Somewhere in the sky
Reaching out, falling back
Finding out, going in
Giving in
Awakened eyes upon a throne
Sent away, cast ashore
A desire in motion realised


A dream that wakes me
Within a vernal longing
Echoed in the smoke
Echoed in the stars
To wait, to stay
Lost in your gaze
Lost in the days
So long ago

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