Primalfrost (CAN) : Chapters of Time

Melodic Death Black / Canada
(2012 - CDN Records (Civilian Death Network Records))
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The battle begins and I feel the rush
Blood will spill on these hills whether it's their's or mine
As I sharpen my sword my laughter begins with a deviant grin
I will take many lives and be assured this battle is something That we will win

Staring right through the enemies eyes
What is behind them is evil and treacherous
Men of such acts must be beat
So I will not let them stand
On their own two feet

By perseverance and bloodshed
We will be sure that the enemies are dead
Malice is in our hearts as we fly
Through these hills to face the men who must die

Leave none alive but our own to survive
This is what I live for
This is fucking war
Obliterate all their hopes by slaying all that they are
They will die by my sword as me and my brothers claim our reward

These fields that we kill on give us no guidance
There is no pre written path to victory
Only we can determine our fate
To do so we will fight and kill

We will fight this battle to the very end
It will be done by perseverance and bloodshed



I am frozen
I will surpass this cold storm
I will not collapse
For I have a life to live

I have been walking
I have been shivering
I have endured so much
For I can no longer proceed

I must overcome my fear of what could be ahead

I am the fighting the northern cold
Travelling through these woods
My body is freezing yet my heart is burning with a raging desire

To get to my home that I have built
Deep in the forest that I have travelled
It cannot get much colder than this
Living like this is so dire (so dire)

It has taken
So long to have gotten here now
We are reaching dawn
For my body may

Freeze beyond belief, left all alone, that I may be
No god has helped me, fight through this pain, and misery


I feel a dark power within my mind
So mysterious, so arcane, am I going insane?
Awakening my will to survive
This power is just my desire to let myself revive



The eyes of the dragonhead on my ship view what is far beyond
What's ahead is uncertain but I'm determined to return home proud and tell my story in song
Past the freezing rain and merciless wind, cold and brave we are fearing nothing at all
Dead or alive I'll see my brothers on the other side above us in the great hall

Our journey gets closer to the point of no return
Surpassing vast seas to reach our destiny
We will reach a great new world to be touched by our very hands
This a new world, this is the vinland

Shedding blood and shedding tears but not shedding one damn drop of hope
Through freezing waters and deadly wave currents the last think we think of to do is sulk
Still no sight of land just a raging ocean as far as the eye can see
Our spirits are strong, there's hope in our hearts, we are the north this is our destiny !


Through cold vast seas we row
Side by side, brother to brother this is our life
Through cold vast seas we row
Off to a land we do not know
Most likely of beauty and cold it must be
Enough to bring a man on his knees

Through cold vast seas we row
A journey so great and powerful
Side by side, brother to brother this is our life

Through cold vast seas we row
Seeking a land for we must go
This journey is many of one
For when we touch land
It has just begun...


I can see so far
To the end of the trail
That leads me through this land
Of eternal bliss

As I walk endlessly
What I have
A ground to walk on

A ground that long
A ground that is wide
Full of free will
For one to satisfy

Full of endless paths
For one to travel
And live through a fate
For them to determine

A fate that may vary
In sadness and joy
Made possible
On this great northern land

The mountain frost is one with sky
I gaze this as I approach
Closer and closer I get
Cold winds blow past my hair
My face becomes one
With the brisk air

Trees of green
Many unseen
Give a long life
So live through and soar high

Seas of blue
Lead to lands that are new
Discovered brave men
Appreciated now and then

Hear the wind scream so loud
Feel the cold on your face
A great storm is coming
Know that you are not safe

This land is mighty and strong
And so very capable of chaos
Be prepared for anything to happen
For this peaceful land is now not

What it once was

Oh! So much to see
So much to live through

So much to expierience
Vast landscapes
Freezing cold winters

A heritage
So rich and unforgotten

Journeys to commence
A life to fulfill
The true north strong and free !

Mountains and mountains
Higher than the next
A feat to conquer and nothing less
Hands frozen cold, with burning determination
I can barely live
But I must not die
I was born strong
Hear my great cry

Trees of green
Many unseen
Give a long life
So live through and soar high

Seas of blue
Lead to lands that are new
Discovered brave men
Appreciated now and then

This is where I belong
This is where I was born
Through cold, through struggle, anger and hate
This is the place that I call home


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