Prejudice : Dominion of Chaos

Death Brutal / Belgique
(2004 - TwoFatMen Distribution)
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A silent struggle, no one knows the battle inside
No confidence, no self esteem, jealous at everyone different than me
Loved no more or less than before, so i go further and deeper
Digging an endless hole for myself

Silent scream, the only who hears is me
Can't focus, staring hours to a wall 'til everything turns black
Parasites everywhere, all besides me
The meltdown can continue it's way down deep inside my body
This devil keeps hunting in my head
Hearing voices, accept their message

My body is weak, everything hurts but i feel pride and glory
because i've achieved my point of view
Never enough, nothing is hollow
The pain will not fade, it grows deeper into me
Asked too much? Can i handle it, or have i lost all faith in myself?

Try to get back on track, trust must be stronger than myself
Only so i can rediscover the person in me
Not looking towards the past, only future will tell
Everything lies in my own hands
I view all sickness i've put on to myself
I fight to crawl back, to reach a new point of view
To find the cure that will bring back my peace
My inner peace


Overreacted stories, from those who swear it's reality
Without knowing they anchor into your memory
Starting to feel sorry, starting to hate
Hate for the unknown, the one unseen

Lies of those who are less in the eyes of the teller
Frightened listeners, confused at beginning, easy to convince
Those who didn't witness visualize what they hear

Without truth the anger grows as the lie continues
Feelings get exploited by the story that gets pushed to the limit
The disciple of confusion never started, never did wrong
or made no mistake. His eyes were closed and mouth was shut
His creation of prejudice works in the minds of those
who are always just listening without their own opinion or
courage to say what they really think

Open your eyes, release your mind
Think for your own, for what you know for real
Not for what you guess through things you just heard
First impressions stay in mind, no matter how they get in
Prejudice you have for the unknown, for the things
they've told you so
The influence on your mindless faith can let you
live forever in fear without need.


Dissention comes from deep within
Can't find a straight way out
Vision is troubled, mind infected
Thoughts are harmless if they stay unknown
Once fully protected, now unleashed through a moment of truth
Controlled steps achieve no solution, but one uncontrolled will make life more complex
Declared insane by the laws of society
Understanding from those who stand above

Still there is anger for the feelings created by guilt
Synchronized souls, separated from the beginning of life,
still think, react and analyse the same way
Connected perpetually through mysterious ways

Unaware of living the same life, feeling the same things
Spirit in charge, steering towards a destination still unknown
A strength, too powerful to fight against, broke peaceful lives
Destined to reunite the soul that split but unable to accomplish

Too late to accept, too late to resist
Can't just give up the way it was
Lost in a sea of feelings, not knowing what to choose,
results in a chaos in mind that only can be reorganized by time
The pain will fade away 'cause a human mind forgets, to concentrate
on the present and future, no matter which that is


Words without thoughts reverberate in an empty space
Without lies, without truth or sense
Inner thoughts are the main disease germ
Spreading through body and soul it leaves imaginary pain
No fear to look forward, not frightened to face the last entrance
The gate that contains the freezing of the stir

Trying to remember the faces of the ones that went before you
Realize there's no way to return in time
Accepted the wreckage of the body
Depend on care to reach the end of the path you want to walk
Ignoring the fact that you can't reach it on your own
The germ inside your mind gets the overhand
Stopped listening to those who give advice
Convinced that life is as easy for you as you see it around you

Establish, together with pain, the voices inside were wrong
Staring to the darkness that brings along the silence to
think about a miserable day
No need to live forever, but why do we have to decline?
Feeling jealousy for those who died before their mind
The more thoughts come, the lesser they make sense
Memories, bringing you back to your youth, the spring of your life.
Where there was no place for sorrow, but time for pleasure
while imagining the brightest future

As ages went by, reaching the lifetime summer, there started to
come regrets by realizing life wasn't what you expected
Now, in the autumn of life, cruelty, pain, hate, pleasure...
You've had it all, don't need it no more
Just hungry for one experience, hoping your winter comes
before your mind will be lost forever in your past


Darkened is the reflection of my eyes, silence has become a friend
Mind is lost through deep sickened thoughts
Feel no regrets, fuck you all
Choices are made, mistakes ignored
Can't go wrong if i follow the rules made and understood only by me
A sick mastermind in a healthy carcass, planning for destruction

Mysterious for who doesn't really know, destructive for those that care
and a game for myself
I play, i take, i break and destroy. Nothing changes my point of view
Noone where i will bleed for

I am a psycho, a deseased mind. To take you down will let me rise
I hate, everyone different than me. I despise everyone who wants to change me
Abusing the weak, neglect the good. Fear i have none, no one can stop me
I take advice selective, see only what i want to see
Deep down inside chaos rules. A mangled, twisted truth

I take a straight way to form a solution,
No problem will be long in my way.
Vanish as i come, don't try to stop me
You bend or break, but i only take the way i've chosen


Lost lives, pure and clean, can ask no more questions.
Stolen for greed, for the ultimate power, nothing relives.
Never asked their past, never minded their fear.

Within the eyes of the innocent hate was breeded.
Duty calls for who was born, to waste their life for those who decide

Trained to be aggressive, all mercy removed.
Brainwashed to be racist, built to kill all the different.

Once honest and justified. Now mindless, without faith.
One choice, run or fight. Can't decide. Run to live, kill to survive.

Memories of life, flashing through his mind. Noise faded out, light disappeared.
Once full of energy, stroked by a bullet, filled with pain.
Lifeless into the mud, with only one question. Why?
One he will never ask. The answer to his misery, hidden for that ultimate power.
Not for himself, only for the ones he fought.
His superiors, not frightened to let him die.

Are they wrong? For greed they need no support, to defend they have no choice.
Don't be lost in their hypnotic lies, only serve the ones who deserve.


Voices so close, yet so far
Unaware of the fact that i still hear
Whispering emotions, crying out fear
A crucial decision is why they have gathered around me
They don't know what to say
Questions, perfectly clear, will not be answered by me

Pushed into a fight i've already lost
My only freedom are my thoughts
Depending on doubt to set them free
or keep them trapped, deep within me

Cut off my power, remove me from this insane nightmare
Let me go in peace
Fear no longer, feel no regrets
My life is destroyed, can't put up the will to fight

Listening to the sound of pumps that breathe instead of me
Trapped in my body, lost all control
Can't move myself, can't even stop
Existence is empty, listening to those with hope
Can't accept their decision to live

Face it, i can't come back, i can't go on with the life i had
Now they've realized, the question rises how to continue

Don't stop time, don't live in the past
Enjoy your life, 'cause it goes fast
I would give the answers but i can't
'Cause the final decision has put my life to an end


Once filled with hope, accepted no failures
Realized so much, except your own goals
Nothing could stop you on your path to reach
the dreams inside your head
You never would give up building the future of
your dreams in the way of your youthful thoughts
Whatever happened, you wouldn't ignore the things
anchored into your young mind

Influenced through changes in life, the decisions once
made were demolished by time
Regret the goals that were never achieved,
fight for the ones you still have
Collapsed, rebuilded, much stronger through experience
To come close is not enough, to give up will be punished in time
Remember the faith, promises made to yourself
Forgotten dreams remained untouched,
waiting in silence for the point of regret.
The dreams unhaunted, questions unanswered
In time reïnforced through memories, tattooed in your mind

They leave a darkened shadow on your empty soul
The fear to change, embraced by inner rage,
grows bigger by each mistake
Lack of dreams makes life more easy
No disappointment because it can't go wrong
Where are the ideals, the things you haunted?
Are they still a dream or did they become a memory?

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