Phoebus The Knight : The Last Guardian

Symphonic power / France
(2022 - Self-Released)
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[The Beast]

Moving shadows with troubled hearts
Follow my steps and do my will.
It’s the Spider
Kill the Sons of Mordrin

[The Dwarves]

Myrkuálfarnir ráðast á okkur!
Verndaðu borgina.


Enemies since forever
Want to confront the lord under the mountain.
To Attack our city was your last mistake.
Baraz Dûm will be your shroud.

[The Dwarves]

Long live to our sire, born into the fire.
He will protect us forever from the fall of Baraz Dûm.
Long live to our sire, born into the fire.
He will protect us forever from the fall of Baraz Dûm.

[The Beast]

Your father's blood flows to the ground.
The lord under the mountain is no more.
Bend before me, Sigrid, daughter of Urgrim
And I will spare your life, be sure.

[The Dwarves]

Flýja, prinsessa!
Við getum haldið aftur af óvininum.
Hlauptu í burtu!

Long live to our sire, born into the fire.
He will protect us forever from the fall of Baraz Dûm.
Long live to our sire, born into the fire.
He will protect us forever from the fall of Baraz Dûm.


Your sacrifice, my brothers, will never be forgotten.
I obeyed my father's last wish.
I need to find the Knights of the Sun.
Only they can defeat the beast.
Only they can save my city.
Save Baraz Dûm

[The Beast and the Dark Elves ]

Long live to our sire,
Now march!
Born into the darkness
For I
He allowed us to cause the downfall of Baraz Dûm
Long live to our sire,
I’m now
Born into the darkness
Thy Lord,
He allowed us to cause the downfall of Baraz Dûm

[The Beast]

Where are you going my little one?
You are my prisoner!
I hope you will like the darkest woods.


[The Citizens of Paris]

Let's take up arms!
Let's defend ourselves!
All of Paris must take up arms!
Let's die gloriously!
At the gates of the Bastille
We will march on!
Let the first head fall!

[The Beast]

The poison is widespread.
The insurrection is on.
They call for their dead.
These words are
On everyone's lips
As we ride!

So show them, my children,
Show them how we kill!
Rifles are at the Invalides
And gunpowder at the Bastille!

Let death reign! Take it all!
The first head, make it fall!

[The Citizens of Paris]

Let's take up arms!
Let's defend ourselves!
All of Paris must take up arms!
Let's die gloriously!
At the gates of the Bastille
We will march on!
Let the first head fall!

[The Beast]

Now they call for freedom,
Say they no longer want to be slaves.
Fury took their souls!
They will dig their own graves.

That's the taste of blood,
The elixir of long life!
Drink my little ones!
Drink up my darlings and strike!

Quench your thirst!
Drink your fill!

[The Citizens of Paris]

Let's take up arms!
Let's defend ourselves!
All of Paris must take up arms!
Let's die gloriously!
At the gates of the Bastille
We will march on!
Let the first head fall!

[The Beast]

Cut the throats and guts!
Slit! Slice!
Slaughter! Shred!
Cut off the first head!

[The Citizens of Paris]

Let's take up arms!
Let's defend ourselves!
All of Paris must take up arms!
Let's die gloriously!
At the gates of the Bastille
We will march on!
Let the first head fall!

Take up arms!
Let's defend ourselves!
All of Paris must take up arms!
Let's die gloriously!
At the gates of the Bastille
We will march on!
Let the first head fall!



Approach my brothers. The time has come to fulfill our destiny.
The legacy of the light, it's time to make it rise.

[The National assembly, the Knights of Heliopolis and Phoebus]

The time of the light has come.
It will enlighten the whole world.
All men are united.
To found Utopia.
The time of light has come.
It will enlighten the whole world.
All men are united.
To found Utopia.


Centuries after centuries, the alchemists and philosophers
have transmitted this ideal.
And it is now possible.

[The National assembly, the Knights of Heliopolis and Phoebus]

The time of the light has come.
It will enlighten the whole world.
All men are united.
To found Utopia.
The time of the light has come.
It will enlighten the whole world.
All men are united.
To found Utopia.


Imagine a world,
Where all men would be equal in rights.

[The National assembly, the Knights of Heliopolis and Phoebus]

This world is possible.
We create it
This will be our legacy, our masterpiece!


“Les hommes naissent et meurent libres et égaux en droit, les distinctions sociales ne peuvent être fondées que sur l’utilité commune, ces droits sont la liberté, la propriété, la sûreté et la résistance à l’oppression. Le principe de toute souveraineté réside essentiellement dans la nation. La loi est l’expression de la volonté générale. Tous citoyens étant égaux à ses yeux, sont également admissibles à toutes dignités, places et emplois publics. La libre communication des pensées et des opinions est un des droits les plus précieux de l’homme, tout citoyen peut donc parler, écrire, imprimer librement, sauf à répondre de l’abus de cette liberté dans les cadres déterminés par la loi.”


Third estate, clergy, aristocracy
Member of the National Assembly, French citizen
The world is waiting for us. They want to know.
Let's open our gates and announce the declaration.

[The National assembly, the Knights of Heliopolis and Phoebus]

Let's run and announce.
In the towns
In the countryside
By any road
At any place
The whole world must know!


Let's run and announce.
In the towns
In the countryside
By any road
At any place
The world must enter a new era!
The threads of fate have brought us to this moment.
This declaration,
The ancient sages had announced it.
The Time of the light has come!

[The National assembly, the Knights of Heliopolis and Phoebus]

The time of the light has come.
It will enlighten the whole world.
All men are united.
To found Utopia.

The time of the light has come.
It will enlighten the whole world.
All men are united.
To found Utopia.

The time of the light has come.
It will enlighten the whole world.
All men are united.
To found Utopia.

The time of the light has come.
It will enlighten the whole world.
All men are united.
To found Utopia.


"In front of the statue of Joan of Arc, Selene prays fervently.
In these troubled times, she finds peace only by asking God for guidance.
But, hidden in the shadows of the cathedral, the servants of darkness encircle her
And taking advantage of her praying, seize her, capturing then the last guardian."

O sweet Selene how could you be trapped so easily?
Aren't you the best warrior the earth has ever seen?
How could you fail so much my dear enemy?
O sweet Selene how could you be trapped so easily?

O - dark - beast did not the knights hold an assembly?
How - could you let them - win - and do nothing?
How - could you fail so much, my dear enemy?
O - dark - beast did not the knights hold an assembly?

My vampires Desmoulins and Robespierre
Have not yet taken the lead, but they will soon enough.
For all the alchemists in these lands there will be only death
This small victory is only the doomed man's last breath.

France will not survive the loss of its last guardian.

O iron queen do you hear them scream?
Do you feel the life that will soon leave them?
How could you fail so much, my dear enemy?
O iron queen do you hear them scream?

O dark vampire, does the sun still shine?
Doesn't he free the world - from your poison?
How - could you fail so much, my dear enemy?
O dark vampire, does the sun still shine?

The tyranny of the sun is coming to an end.
The black smoke of hell, the sky will soon darken.

O tout puissant j’en appelle à toi, prête-moi ta force, ô roi des rois !
Répands sur nous le feu de ta grâce puissante
Que tout l'enfer, que tout l'enfer
Fuie au son de ta voix
Dissipe le démon d'une âme pourrissante
Qui la conduit à l'oubli de tes lois
Qui la conduit à l'oubli de tes lois


"Locked in the darkest woods, you won't be able to do anything.
Not even to contemplate the fall of your flock

_I'm not the only one protecting them.
Phoebus, my better half, and the knights of Heliopolis are still there!

_You’re lost!"

Soon, the rivers will carry only corpses and blood.
Crops will rot on their feet and project foul miasma.
My children of the night will dominate the world.

Humanity will be lost, lost without its guide, its last guardian.

Oh dear Selene do you see the gate opening?
Do you see the darkest woods, your prison forever?
How could you fail so much, my dear enemy?
Oh dear Selene do you see the gate opening?

O - vile - Beast, is that all you could take?
Were you able to steal only this piece of Avallon?
How - could you fail so much, my dear enemy?
O - vile - Beast is that all you could take?

Snatched from the gods, a piece of a plane is an exploit.
The Isle of Avallon is now forever weakened.
Your taunts are futile and do not reach me.
You will be my brand prisoner, my jewel, the last guardian.

lyrics added by gg_jaime - Modify this lyrics