Pantokrator (SWE) : Incarnate

Death Thrash / Suède
(2014 - Rottweiler Records)
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What cannot be but was
Deity bound in flesh
Ambivalent in human weakness.
Sacred and holy in divinity, the universe was in your hand
You were a lonely star a ray of light in the dark,
Darkness cannot stand the light,
And morning sun devourers the night,
Your coming was a miracle, hardly a surprise.
It was foretold in visions and dreams and in the stars long before.
Set the sky ablaze!!
In the time of the sign, as it says in the scroll
You where brought Into this world Through a virgins womb
You dwelt among us like a storm held in the palm of a hand.
Nothing was hidden from your eyes.
You have been here before, when time had no name
You were the word spoken in the void before the first breath of Man
When the trumpet sounds
Your time has come to
Ride the wings of fire.
You will stand once more
On the mount of olives.
And all evil shall burn
In your glorious light


Oh Michael ever faithful you stayed by the side of your King
When others cried out for a new order, demanding the throne for their kind,
Following the rising star of Lucifer blinded by his light and lust for power
Today knight of heaven, you reap your reward.
Finally unleashed in your burning rage,
War in heaven, blood upon earth and sea!
For the powers collide over thee.
Cry out drunk with victory, Armageddon in the highest
Your foes are falling like burning leaves, you are the reaper of God.
Holocaust-harvest of burning wings on the celestial fields.
A roar in heavens, Thunder over earth and sea!
For the fallen descend over thee.
Rejoice in the heavens, victory is in your hands
For the dragon and his angels
They cannot withstand Your Sword.
There is no place in the heavens for the father of murder and lies,
There is no room for the carcass and the swarm of unholy flies.
He would rather rule a doungheap, then serve in marble halls.
That old serpent who is called devil and Satan,
Rejoice ye heavens, But woe to the earth and the sea
For the Devil is cast down to thee with fierce burning wrath,
For he knows his time is short...


(Blessed are the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of God. Blessed are the ones that mourn, they will be leaping with joy.)
Forgive the unforgiving, love your enemies, rise above in mercy but never bow. I have made you royal, I share my throne with you.
Come I will bring you revolution, it begins in the hearts of man. The light shines in darkness and the dark cannot prevail
I ask you to believe, not to understand.
Blessed are the humble of heart, they will inherit the Earth.
Blessed are the bringers of peace, they are the children of God.
You will raise from the ashes of this age
And behold the rising of the never setting sun.
Blessed are you when men despise you,
Persecute and criticise you for the sake of my name.
You are the salt of the earth , the light of the world,
The city upon the hill
Forged in fire, and in blood.
You are the dawn, the voice of the world beyond.


I have chosen you in the womb,
You who persecuted those who follow me,
And opposed me in your blindness,
But I will open your eyes to the unseen,
And reveal to you the unspeakable,
I will open your ears to my secrets
Behold I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves
I will make you solid as the earth
Under my flag I will protect you among your own people.
Under my flag I will protect you among the heathens
To whom i send you out.
I give you the heat of fire.
I give you speed of the wind.
I give you the depth of the ocean.


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Angel of beauty, bringer of light,
Cherubim flawless in splendour.
Transformed from within, rotting like a corpse
Infested by pride, pestilence of the soul.
There is no words for your betrayal, not in any tongue.
The throne of thrones...yeah you wish!
What had never been arose in you.
You had it all, but all was not enough.
Shadows of darkness enshrouded your heart as
You deceived yourself.
Master of self-deception, if I knew not your deeds I might even pity you.
You are insane in a way hubris cannot explain.
You are the blueprint for Icarus, yet the sun is but a firefly compared
To the object of your desire.
-I will arise and take the place of God!
Desperately grasping for power that day, you lost your glory forever.
You fell, falling forevermore.


This is the end of the line! This is your wakeup call
It’s served with the stench of brimstone it comes
With the smoke of burning flesh
A millennium in chains still your pride knows no bounds
Do you think you escaped from the deep?
IT WAS WRITTEN it was all in the plan
HE WAS WAITING waiting for your mindless clones
WAI TING UPON the golden walls
TO UNLEASH A nameless fear
IT IS TIME TO settle the score
AND NEVER shalt thou be...
Finally this is the end, this is the end of all ends... This is death, this is the death of death.
It is over Apolyon, no more will you rape the earth!!! The hands that you nailed will throw you into the flame..
It is over, it was over from the dawn of time, your armies
Will burn in fire divine, The lake of fire is calling your name
Into Sammath Naur!!


Caught by the neck like a ragged cat.
Dangling in the iron fist like a filthy slab of septic flesh
A sight for sore eyes this self-proclaimed god
Helpless in the hands of a mere angel
When the cat is gone we dance having the feast of our lives.
For our human race this is our golden days.
This is our day of celebration, this is your time of detention
This our messianic coronation, is your millennium in chains
We know you will return to launch your final attack
You haunt our dreams until we are utterly rid of you
Like a festering boil in the body of existence.
Ready to burst the skin and kindle hell of earth
The time lock snapped and the reign of peace was ended
The earth was cracked and the powers of hell ascended.


(No lyrics available)

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