Pantokrator (SWE) : A Decade of Thoughts 1996 - 2006

Death Thrash / Suède
(2007 - Momentum Scandinavia)
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Do you speak reighteousness you silent ones,
Do you judge uprightly You sons on men?
No in your hearts you work wickedness
You weigh Out the violence
Of your hands in the earth.

Their poison is like the poison of a serpent,
They are like a deaf cobra that stops its ear

Brake out the teeth of there mouth o God!
Let them flow away as waters
When he bends his bow
May his arrows be cut in pieces

The righteous shall rejoice
When he sees the vengance
He shall wash His feet
In the blood of the wicked,
So that men will say
Surely there is... A reward for the righteous


All this misguiding thoughts,
All this pollution of my uncontrolled mind,
Leading me away from the purity of your spirit.
Blow out the dust holy spirit,
Rip my dirty garments apart,
This unclean plants please uproot.
All this desires that I have allowed to speak all
This toxic memories that I have hated and loved.
Let your light search througt this dark labyrint...
Like a city that is broken into,
And without walls so is a man that
Has no control over his mind.
Make me whole, that man o God, it is I.


How fair you are
How undefiled,
I find no words fit for thee
My lily among the thorns
Rise up my love and come away for lo
The winter is over and gone and the rains has passed away.
The gentle flowers appear in the blackened earth,
I hear the voice of a thousand birds,
I see the vines with tender grapes.
(I hear the whispers of the wind)
Arise and come away,
Let us flee my love,
Do not turn away,
I am bound by thee, my crown I lay down.
My royal masquerade.
To you I am just a simple man,
Naked is my soul, my heart is yours.
You have conquered me,
The land is vast, let us flee.


Släkten följer släktens gång,
Från himmelen ljuder hoppets sång för den som mot höjden ser.
"Abram skåda, räkna och se, Gud välsignar dig så,
Som himmelens stjärnor och markens stoft och ännu mer ändå.
Genom din säd skall man höra min röst,
Genom en människas mun.
Min son skall jag sända ibland er,
Han skall bringa er frid.
Han är Messias Guds smorde,
Han härskar I evig tid.


He is glory clothed in terror
Beyond the reach of fear.
King of proud predators,
He is glory clothed in terror
Beyond the reach of fear.

No sword can bite his skin.
Clothed in terror.
Canst thou catch him like a fish?

King of proud predators,
He is glory clothed in terror
Beyond the reach of fear.

King of proud predators,
He is glory clothed in terror
Beyond the reach of fear.

Canst thou take him as a pet?
Would you bind him for thy maidens?
Would he be thine slave?

Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do
No more.
Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do
No more.

His heart is firm as stone, fire is in his breath.
Disdain is in his eyes..

King of proud predators,
He is glory clothed in terror
Beyond the reach of fear.

No sword can bite his skin.
Clothed in terror.
Heros fall to the ground,
In anguish they lose their minds

Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do
No more.
Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do
No more.

Behold he laughs at arrows,
No air can pass between its scales.
Father of reptiles, King of the proud.

Would you take him on?
With a word I brought him in to existence.
Would you take him on?
With a word I brought him in to existence.
Existence, creation, I made him.

Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do
No more.
Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do
No more.
Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do
No more.
Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do
No more.

His heart is firm as stone, fire is in his breath.
Disdain is in his eyes...


The beauty of Israel is slain,
Tell it not in Gath lest philistine women boast.
On thee O Gilboa mountain no dew shall fall,
For there my brother fell.
How are the mighty fallen.
Victorious in war they where no,
Hungry sword returned.
Swifter than eagles, stronger than lions.
Pleasent they where father and son.
Even in death not devided.
Weep for them O daughters of my people.
The beauty you wear was paid with their swords.
Scarlet robes and ornaments of gold.
Even in the midst of the battle.
O Jonathan thou wast slain,
O dear fiend of mine I mourn.
Pleasant unto me you were, thy love wonderful it was,
Passing the love of women!!
How are they perished these swords of war.


Dew covereth my skin as I wake up in the fields
Amongst the beasts I roam
A beast I am

My hair is grown like eagles feathers
My nails like claws of birds

Behold my howl in the night
I was warned, I was told by the prophet
Pride is madness
And madness will rob me of all

The brute of the fields
I bear the marks of the wild
I am the ghost of evening shade
For seven years I have haunted the forests
Driven out from the realm of men
Entrapped in the realm of shadows

I was told by the prophet
Humility is wisdom
And wisdom will give me my crown

Through humility glory will be mine
As I lift up my eyes I finally realise
As I praise the Lord of the heavens
The past slips away like a dream

I know who I was
I know who I am
No less that a king
Now more than a man


Domens timma är inne,
Slagen till trasor för världens synd.
Solen vänder sig bort i skam,
Domen för all världens ondska lagd på en enda man.
Se på hans ögon det är Skaparens blick,
Han ger sitt liv för en fallen värld,
"Fader varför döljer du dig?"
I dina händer lämnar jag min ande åter.
Det är fullbordat, segern är din.
Förlåten rämnar itu.
Satan ditt huvud är krossat,
Var är ditt välde nu?
Din ondskas verk har fallit,
Det dränks i Lammets blod,
Alla dina ränker sveps bort av nådens flod.
Se hur han släpper fången fri och firar ditt rikes slut.
Jubelåret är här.
Dina grundvalar satan,
Slits isär.

Segern är vunnen för alltid,
Nu finns försoningen.


I long for my garden, my love,
The wine of loneliness I have drunk.
I long to feed upon thy beauty,
Open to me my sister, my dove.
For my hair is filled with dew,
In the shades of night I stand.
At thy gate I wait for thee,
Quench my thirst embrace me!
I roam the streets by night,
Driven by a passion beyond my darkest fear.
Desire burns my soul, I can not sleep,
I find no peace.
In deepest pain I dwell
Like a possessed man under a spell. My fragile heart is in thine hands.
My throat is dry, no wine can quench my burning thirst.


As foretold by the prophet
He approached on the back of a donkey
The humble king
Messiah the promised one
Singing and praising ascending to the sky
A joyful crowd...
Hosanna, Hosanna hail to the king!
But He knew this would all
Change sudden as the wind
He knew his mission
Take the blows for their transgressions
Sink to the plase where they belong
Preach for those who wait to burn
Crush the snake and then return
Via Dolorosa
The price YOU could not pay
Immanuel, Messiah the one God choose to slay
Deeply distressed
And sorrowful unto death
He fell on his face and prayed:
"Father if it is your will
Remove this cup from me
Nevertheless not my will
But yours be done."
In his agony He prayed more earnestly
And his sweat become like blood
Falling to the ground
(Hunted down Son of God!)
Brought to trial, for that He had not done
Killed for the crime of beeing thier saviour
He was sacrificed for you and me
He had to carry his own cross
To the hill of sacrifice
Stumbling feet, fadeing eyes
They pierced his flesh
He was nailed to the cross
Why have you forsaken me?
Father forgive them
For they know not what they do!
The mocking crowd insaulting their God:
"Get down from your cross, help yourself helper!"
The sky turned dark
Then its creator was about to give up his breath
"Father, in your hands I commit my spirit
It is finished!"
But after three days in the grave He saw the sun
The deal was done, the fight was won
In death He overcame
Go out and preach his name, He is God!!!!
Glorious! Risen! KING!


Tider kom och tider gick I väntan på Hans dag
Han skulle sätta fången fri och uppfylla fädernas lag
En konung, likväl ett offerlamm
Kallad till Moria höjd
Han bär sitt blod inför tronen fram och köper
Oss frihet I Faderns namn


His hands were ripped right from the limbs, t'was dagon
His head was broke off his torso, this false god
You'll find that great destruction comes from Gods hand
As it will across the earth, deniers beware

Cut into pieces

In the days, when there was no king in Israel
All did that which was right in their own eyes
Sex offence, and murder, they cared not for God
Said, strike them down for this, it is coming again

Cut into pieces

Levite took the knife and sliced her up
Because of the sin that had been in Gibeah
Immoral man in sex, outside God's will which
God gave for man in marriage, not to be profaned

Cut into pieces

Warn the world, The Master comes, be aware
Separate now yourself unto him
Or you will be found in the left of judgement
Consecration in the son, or eternal hell

Cut In Two Pieces


(No lyrics available)

14. PSALM 29

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