Panchrysia : Deathkult Salvation

Black Metal / Belgique
(2008 - Dark Essence Records)
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I have flown to the loftiest heights
Where no rabble any longer sits at the well of Delight

Did my loathing create me wings
And fountrain-Dividing powers

For this is my height and my home
Too hight/too steep do we here dwell for all uncleam ones
and their thrist

Cast but your pure cyes into the well of Delight, my friends
It shall laugh back at you with its purity


This is a place of disaffection
Hear 1 million discordant hollow words

Futile one by one, all waiting for extermination though striving their way up to a world beyond limits

Liltra folly empty dreams machine-made by nonsense

Are you the one to carry the enlighted torch?
Draped and blindfolded, moving on in your battle

I am the poet of this depraved place
Paraphrasing this superficial era
And I welcome you to a world of pity

A place of mass hysteria

Where the cult of the individual has been replaced by the cult of the greatest common divider

Thi farmer tyrant, murdered in his nature, by the stinking waste, sliding from the massive paramounts

Whare is sincerity? Where is honours?

But then the unclean spirits went out, and entered the swine
And the herd ran violenthly...


Mediative, nothing but placid staring
Ending in a serenity of still...

And exquisite brilliance !

A trance-like passivity
Imposed on me by this strange disharmonia

Pounding - Aching - Always Forsaken
SUffer Bleed
Nowhere... Salvation

Chaos Injector, no gratifying thing
Bestial intruder of my senses

...with extremely harsh splendour
Hellcommanding the brain...

Taking me down into a morphine morbidity
Where Darkness has been pushed forward a few inches

The assymetry revealing
A disharmony most appealing
Deterministic, yet random
Complex, yet so very simple
Chaos Injector

No gratifying thing
Bestial intruder of my senses
Far from equilibrium
My mind moves in dark mysterious ways
Condensed into a mournful gloom
Brooding motionless over the greatest altar
This altar of madness

My nerves went wrong and caused me to preside at certain
Midnight dances ending with unspeakable rites
Offered to me

A splendid ORGY

The general sense of vague and oppressive wonder
Grew upon me like a weary pilgrimage
(amongst hints for nightmares).

Chaos Injector
No gratifying thing

And in the burrows of tha nightmare...

Chaos Injector
No gratifying thing
Far from equilibrium
Nowhere salvation


Oh, I have found this sinister place, my master
Here, there is life at whose waters
None of the rabble drink with me

I will live above them, as a supreme ruler
My realm is the night of time

In solitary ceremonies upon the hills, worshipping with fire & sword

Neighbour to the eagles, neighbour to the snow
Neighbour to the sun

My essence in blackened purity!

Cold pure fountains
Burning blissful stillness

A mind formulae of power
Blow amongst them, and with my mighty spirit take the breath from their spirit
Delightful violent dragion wings
Thus live the draconian winds


And they were behind me, reflecting in my memory
Hidden excitedly, containing loughter
Singin words I cannot hbear (fucking black?)

Locusts of sin destroying the harvest
Knawing and rummage on a level as deep as the abyss
Feast upn inquity
Solace eaters
Succumbed to a rapture that consciously drowns me

Internal darkness

Cold whirlwind
Ravenous usurper


Oh appear before me : smiling, frowning, inviting, grand mean,
insipid, savagte and always mute with an air of whispering:

Morituri Te Salutant !
And cold the sense and motive of action
Travelling into the silent funeral

Oh dark dark dark, we all flee into the dark
The vacant interstellar spaces
The vacant into the vacant
To an impalpable greyness
Without clamour, without glory
Morituri Te Salutant !
On this ivory face the expression of sombre pride
Of ruthless power, of craven terror, of an
Intense and hopeless despair

Life, a non-issue - only on seaking terms with death

Travelling into the silent funeral

Life like pit and pendulum
In darkness and unaware
Life like... with an aspect of monotonous grimness
Don't pretend to salivate on existence
Don't pretend your time has a function

The Essential desolation of my futile wanderings

A piper at the gates of hell
Baptizing the rats for his pleasure

It's a sound lurking underground - a ghostly whistle
The smell of the damp earth
Aren't we comfortable in this velvet coffin we accepted
With grin and a smile

Without clamour, without glory
Without the desire of victory
Without the great fear of defeat
In a sickly sphere of tepid scepticism

The essential desolation of my futile wanderings

Harder, faster, harder... but blind

My destiny? A merciless logic for a futile purpose.

In my beginning is my end. In succession ?

Morituri Te Salutant !

Without clamour, without glory
Without the dire of victory
I saw the unconceivable mystery of a soul that knew
No restraint, no faith, no fear, yet struggling blindgly with itself


There's a time of revelation and comprehension
A second sight on this vile illusion
You better kneel, because I am vengeance
You better kneel

And descend lower, descend only into a world
Of perpetual solitude
And yes, Demon/Venom - substantially under presure
Come to the surface
Oh your cries, sounding to me far but yet loud
Like the hail from a horn trumpet

Shouting strings of amazing words that at firt
Resembled no sound of what one calls human language
Deep murmurs - a hellish satanic litany - a devil's gospel
Appearing to be inherent to the most worthy of life

Demon / Venom - come to the surface and join me in battle
With ominous & terrifying simplicity
Oh I can feel the colossal scale of our vile desires
The meanness of your torment
An expression of sombre pride & ruthless power

It gave him a voracious aspect, as though he had wanted
To swallow all the air, all the earth, all the men before him

There's a time of revelation and comprehension
A second sight on this vile illusion
And yes, Demon / Venon - substantially under pressure
I'll await you at the surface with open arms


No need to bury me
Though I remember mistily a period of time
A passage through some unconceivable World
No - hope - nore - desire

Back in this sephulchral place
Men : hurrying - filching - crowching
To gulp their unwholesome beer
To devour the infamous cookery
To dream insignificant and silly dreams
To fight the mere incidents on the surface
A sense of lugubrious drollery

Your knowledge of life
An irritating present

Over the strained time ridden faces
Dirstraction from distraction by distraction
Filled with fancies, but empty of meaning
Tumid apathy with no concentration
Erucation of unhealthy souls

Phantom Asylum... no desire to enlighten them
Phantom Asylum... grinning bitterly to all

And you can see behind every face
The mental emptiness deepen
Leaving only the growing terror of
Nothing - nothing - nothing

Phantom Asylum... no desire to enlighten them
Phantom Asylum... grinning bitterly to all

How could I ever had mankide at my side ?
How could I stand these intrudors at my side?

I've taken the high seat
Amongst the devils of the land
How could you ever understand?
Stepping delicately into the holy terror of...

...scandals & gallows & lunatic asylums
Tailing slowly on the back of an incomprehensible frenzy

Cut from comprehension
Kliding past like phantoms wondering an secretly appaled


Thesis - Malleus Maleficarum
Sickening on lazy peace
A corrupt species, crawling cowardly
Crawling compromise

Values of decadence prevailing under the holiest
The holiest of all names

Clinking the censer in monotonous rhythms
Servants - iron collars - neckbound
Chained and crusified

Murmuring words of lead us not into temptation
O what a great phantasmal mirth

Holy father - adulating your throne
Prime agent in promotion of decandence

You, a prodiggy? An emissary of progress?

Calling pity a virtue?
Making life worth of denial !

To destroy - todestroy us with fire an sword
Nothing but black shadows of Disease and starvation

Driven away from the devil of violence
From the devil of greed, the devil of hot desire
Monstrous - intolerable to thought, odious to the soul

To destroy us with fire an sword
Streams of Death in life

After all, I wal also a part of this great cause of these
High and just proceedings
Argh, an cerie thought

Antithesis - De liberio Arbitrio
Rather live the ice and among north-winds
Than among modern virtues
Hailing the higher - a rennaissance - type of men

Wage a war to death
(against christianity and the modern World)...

Bestial Sinful Dances
Round and round the fire
Through the Hellish flames
Solemn and in laughter

Hunting for power, purswing darkness
Chirsting for loghtnings, sin and great deads
Fullfilling my hunger of all the hate I crave

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of thy law
An absolute pure spirit
An I not right, holy guardian angel?

Judas, come dance with me
Phropets of a new aeon
Our fatum - The storing - up of powers

Bearing the sword and often the torch

Blood we will gaher, bones will be

And raise an utter savege, 'men' will be his name

Hail... to our newborn aeon

paroles ajoutées par Neimad - Modifier ces paroles