Nivathe : Enveloped in a Diseased Abyss

Black Doom / Etats-Unis
(2008 - Bubonic Productions / Universal Tongue)
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Bore into me and paralyze my beating heart
Yes, tear it out and turn it to stone
Take Your place in its stead
Writhe through me
And consume me
Collapse my flesh
And let the eternal worm dwell therein
Make my blood run by the black flame

Whose face shall I see but yours ?

Show me the door
And I will walk through
Show me the land which I should flood
Show me the hungry
And into their mouths shall I vomit Your blood
Show me the sick and I will bathe in disease

I wish to see everything in ruins
Burn the world and let it rot
Consume me
Consume me
Destroy all inside and use me

Rip me from this womb
And let me know only the fear and awe of you
Pierce my side and let my blood spill out
Destroy me
Destroy my life for I only know death

Carve your words into my throat
Those words beyond speech
And make my every breath
Like the beating wings of countless locusts
Singing of the end
Show me the door
And I will walk through
Show me the land which I should flood
Show me the hungry
And into their mouths shall I vomit Your blood
Show me the sick and I will bathe in disease

I wish to see everything in ruins
Burn the world and let it rot
Consume me
Consume me
Destroy all inside and use me
And make my every breath
Like the beating wings of countless locusts
Singing of the end

You who is eternal night
To blind and full the weary
And I, open-eyed as twilight
Stalk the ever-sleeping
Writhe through me
And consume me
Collapse my flesh
Make my blood run by the black flame
And let the eternal worm dwell therein

Show me the door
And I will walk through

Rip me from this womb
And let me know only the fear and awe of You
Destroy me
Destroy my life for I only know death

Carve Your words into my throat
Those words beyond speech
And make my every breath
Like the beating wings of countless locusts
Singing of the end


Surround me with the wind of plagues
The wind of hate and the wind of death
And let them swirl as a storm about me
That they should feed from me until I take them in and they become me

Wherever I may walk
Loud cries break the silence
I strike at all life
As a child born unto the mother of night
Like a predator among prey
So do I drink from the human souls
And touch their hearts with poison

Death and hunger stretch from me
Like black veins carried atop the backs of the dead through the four corners to touch the wings of the dark angels who dwell there and unify their tongues
That they might awaken the dragon to my name

Surround me with the wind of plagues
The wind of hate and the wind of death
And let them swirl as a storm about me
That they should feed from me until I take them in and they become me

Wherever I may walk
Loud cries break the silence
I strike at all life
As a child born unto the mother of night

Death and hunger stretch from me
Like black veins carried atop the backs of the dead through the four corners
To touch the wings of the dark angels who dwell there and unify their tongues
That they might awaken the dragon to my name so I may be seen in the blackness of the void as apart from the writhing columns of undeserving and atrophied souls to learn his immortal language and ascend to darker spheres
Where I should pull the mother of night
From my shadow
And plant her children to haunt the world of man like predators among prey




Cast this world and my existence therein
Into the, into the waiting tendrils of the abyss
That no light or life might escape,
That no refuge may be found,
That all shall suffer

That all shall suffer

I see visions of cities burning
The smoke choking the skies in thick plumes
I see disease breathe out a grand miasma
The people cripple and wither under its black stench
Their bodies boil fevered and spasm with great pains
I see darkness plunge itself into the minds of men
Destroying all hope with fear
And crowning itself their king

I renounce this world and the vestiges of humanity within me
That I may be as a vessel
A harbinger of serpents
A bringer of pestilence
A gateway to let chaos come in
To rape this world
I see the world decaying

I see visions of cities burning
The smoke choking the skies in thick plumes
I see disease breathe out a grand miasma
The people cripple and wither under its black stench
Their bodies boil fevered and spasm with great pains
I see Lucifer crowned king

Cast this world and my existence therein
Into the, into the waiting tendrils of the abyss
That no light or life might escape,
That no refuge may be found,
That all shall be made to suffer
Under His word and my hand
Shall death be loosed

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