Naetu : The Burning Lands

Black Metal / Australie
(2008 - Self-Produced)
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The burning lands
Scoulding fires of grimness
Suffocate me as I'm bound in chains

To you I am enslaved
Rape my soul, poison my mind
To you I am now enslaved

Inflict me with endless suffering
Traumatise me with morbid dreams when I sleep
Disturb me until I'm overwhelmed by insanity
Mortify me as I die again and again

Slaughtered by my own hands

The burning lands
Scoulding fires of aeons
Burn all trace of the mortal man

To you I am condemned
Cast forth my ashes
And by the winds of death I will be.....

Naetu I am consumed


Deep within a deluded dream
I take on a different form
With deep seeded hatred for all mankind
Desire for extinction echoes through my mind


Go forth and destroy the world
Poison mortal minds and watch them burn
Fill the air with the stench of burnt flesh
And laugh as the skies are filled with the smoke of the damned

Welcome to my misanthropic nightmare

I'll be there when you sleep
In your dreams you'll suffocate
I'll be there when you wake
Your feeble body I will mutilate
I will unleash hell upon you human beings
No one will escape the mass human slayings

All man made structures torn down
Human torsos and limbs scatter the ground
But the fowlness of humanity still exists
I will not rest until it's all incinerated


Bring forth the virgin to be sacrificed
Splendidly dressed in purist white
Lay her flat on the table, sacrifice is seen as noble
To opease our mighty god
Sacrificial dagger slide across her supple virgin neck
Her beautiful blood trickles onto the stone
Our god shall be pleased, how he loves to watch her bleed
Virgins blood our offering

Look upon this O mighty one
This offering for you
All we ask in return is immortal strength of you
Final cry on this battles eve
Lord Marduk we summon you
Fill our men with outlasting strength
To spread forth un yielding doom

Drag the knife slow
Let the blood flow
As our offerings
Virgins blood


With the wave of his hand, Annihilator signals to strike
Rampantly his knights in unison charge
Their soul crushing cries heard across the land
As they stormed through the damaged castle gates

The castle defenders fought as best as they could
But crumbled before the knights of doom
The last defenders head was sent skyward
And with their bare hands, they disemboweled them all

Annihilator soon followed with unearthly speed
Smiling grimly at the masses of carnage
His blood red eyes settled on the castles highest window
Where bellowing smoke consumed the dungeon

He quickly ascended the main tower's steps
With his knights of doom behind
Two by two they rushed the locked dungeon door
Until it exploded in a storm of splinters

As if to float into the smoke filled room
Only he could see through the flames
Against the far wall sat his minions
With ten armed guards beside the blistering blaze

Ten swords swung and ten heads flew
Guards chopped demonic bodies in two
Rather they die than by demons be captured
But now they are all going to hell

One by one, each guards fell
Accompanying them to their eternal doom
Was the most blood curdling howl
That could only be spawned in the deepest part of Hell


Shadows shift in the corner of my eye
I turn to focus but but they move from my sight
They lay in wait under darkness of night
To pursue in the absence of transient light

Scathing black figures of treachery
At one with the shadows as they stalk me
They storm from the darkness to reclaim my soul
Cornered here I am by the lifeless nazgul

Unearthly figure stares back at me
So blinded by it's hatred yet somehow I see
The formless life within the blackened robes
Screams my self immolated disembodied soul

Blackened poltergeist of treachery
Blackened poltergeist of misery
Blackened poltergeist that's yet to be
Follow the darkness into the endless abyss

Scratching my hands against the wall
Disbelief of the truth I can't ignore
Is this a dream? It's so surreal
The veracity of my existence is now revealed

Blackened poltergeist of misery
Blackened poltergeist of treachery
Blackened poltergeist that's come to be
Follow the darkness into infinity




The world has closed in on me
Constant sorrow overshadows me
The abyss of the damned beckons me
As I walk the mournful path of insanity

Odes to suicide
Suffering is my right to die
I have nothing, nothing left to live for
Constant suffering has left me in utter misery

When I die
I want to take as many people with me to Hell
When I die
I want to drift away on a stream of screaming souls

Odes to suicide
Suffering is my right to die
Odes to suicide
My cold steel savior
With death we shall forever


What torturous pain
As rusted blades pass through me
The excruciation
Fills my veins and runs through me

Blood drenched earth
I collapse upon thee
Laying still on the ground
Summoning voices give me strength from the flames

Christian blood will now be shed
Now the time has come, time for retribution

Under the blanketing fog
We storm the house of god
With little warning other than
The destructive explosion as hordes stormed in
Decapitating and severing limbs
With the sweet taste of their blood on our tongues
As the slaughter drew to a close
The heavens rained crimson floods

As we slaughtered them all

Their blood flowed freely like the rain
Shrouded in darkness extinguished their life flame
And with their last breath they realise there is no god

And no salvation



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