Mythology (USA) : Tepes

Black Death / USA
(2009 - Self-Released)
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Behold sultan... for this is what awaits thee
Miles of torment and death lie before you
Twenty-thousand impaled by my command
Twenty-thousand that died at my hand
Your army can only gaze in horror
At the stakes that stab the horizon
This bloody forest instills the fear within
This land of death is where your end begins

The smell of the dead is putrid and thick
The scent of gore it makes your men sick
As the vultures circle in the sky
For they shall feed and pick their bones dry
Rotted flesh falls to the ground
And the scavengers feed on the remnants
Their bodies slowly fade with time
Though the terror still lives in their eyes

Slowly, you approach my morbid décor
Sheer amazement from my collection
Upon closer look, your eyes grow large
When you realize just who they are
They were once loyal to your nation
But now their corpses stare at the sky
They all suffered and died in torment
Challenge me and this will also your fate

Although I am outnumbered three to one
I dare you to challenge my might
Exhausted and hungry you turn away
Flawlessly, I capture the day
I, The Impaler, have left my mark
My legend shall be told afar
My legacy shall go unmatched
The forest of the impaled

3. 1462

I fought in rigorous battle
I have provoked with terror
Now the Sultan comes for me
And the death of my mighty empire

This was the year of my fall
Now I have nothing left
Although I have lost this battle
They will not have my head yet

Captured by the ottoman bastards
There was no escape for them
They overthrew my kingdom
My men were as good as dead
Left with no other options
I turned away and ran
I fled to the mountains
To Transylvanian land

This was the year of my fall
Now I have nothing left
Although I have lost this battle
They will not have my head yet

Casted away in exile
I lie in a prison cell
I contemplate my vengeance
For when I rise again

They'll fear me... once again
They will pay... with their heads

He came with his army
They sought to claim revenge
My men were slayed in battle
My reign came to an end
This marks the end of an era
But I swear I shall return
I will rise to power once more
My wrath shall be complete

This was the year of my fall
Now I have nothing left
Although I have lost this battle
They will not have my head yet


We charge into battle
Thrusting forth our jagged wall of dismay
Pure force, total death
Genocide, nothing less
Make haste and kill them all
Sharpen your blades on the bones of the fallen
Tear the flesh and rip out their hearts
Crush their skulls so that none may survive

None may survive...

I have watched so many die
My thirst for blood is never satisfied
I provoke my enemies with fear
They shall meet their death by my spear

Hours pass, the war goes on
Surrounded by the sounds of death
Slicing steel and groans of agony
The pile of bodies grows larger and larger
Fatigue and battle wounds weed out the weak
As the men start to drop like flies
So much death phases us not
It pleases us to watch our foes suffer


I have watched so many die
My thirst for blood is never satisfied
I provoke my enemies with fear
They shall meet their death by my spear

We rise victorious
Covered in the blood of our enemies
Impale the prisoners, behead the rest
Defile the dead and piss on their remains
Rape the land and poison the wells
Leave nothing so that we can't be followed
After the slaughter we move forwards
As the setting sun glistens in the puddles of blood
Once again we are triumphant
Tomorrow we shall decimate again


Death and disease is everywhere
Morbidity rules all
This is nothing but macabre
Everyone will fall

Thousands are dead on the countryside
All rotting before death
The rats are feasting on the corpses
And dying souls cry out

The population is blistered
And fevers are breaking out
This environment will kill you
The plague

Bring out your dead
Bring out your dead


You wake bound and shackled
All bloodied and bruised from capture
Pulled away from the crowd of prisoners
Dragged forth against your will
As you pass a pile of spears
You begin to question your fate
It is now that you start to realize
You are about to be slain

So there you are
Hands tied behind your back
On the ground with no means of escape
Both legs are tied to horses
Between the two of them
The wooden pike is set into place

Slowly the pike moves forward
Cutting through your innards
Puncturing one by one
You scream out in torment
Until your throat is silenced
By the pike that comes out through your mouth
The whip has cracked
The horses start to run
You are raised up high
Impaled in the sky
Your grave above the ground
Anxiously awaiting to die

You wake, hours gone by
You're still alive in total agony
Purposely they've missed your vital organs
So that you shall know true suffering


Far in the mountains above the argeş river
My future fortress awaits its second life
From here I shall decimate my rivals
For I will see the threat from miles away
Kill all the nobles, impale them on the spot
Their families too, but do not slay the young
We shall use them to rebuild these mighty ruins
For their betrayal they shall be punished

Once again at the top of the mountain it shall rise
Reaching high into the night, to the sky
Unreachable, indestructible
Here I shall reign forever

There is much to be done
Soon enough shall my empire arise
My enemies do not stand a chance
I have conquered this land

Young and useful, a captive you'll be
Among the fortunate not to be impaled
Brick by brick, work to the bone
Along the mountainside you shall carry stone
Endless labor and suffering upon thee
Never again will your existence disgrace me
A filthy rodent and worthless betrayer
Your sacrifice will forever be forgotten

Once again at the top of the mountain it shall rise
Reaching high into the night, to the sky
Unreachable, indestructible
Here I shall reign forever

There is much to be done
Soon enough shall my empire arise
My enemies do not stand a chance
I have conquered this land

The clothes are falling off of your body
This no reason for you to stop
Cold and naked, you're forced to keep on going
There is no disobedience

March forth or end up like the others
On display for the ravens to feed
Your life absolutely sickens me
Build my walls before I raise your skewered body


The kingdom lies in ruins
The aftermath of defeat
The tables have turned for the last time
How the mighty have fallen again
This time they marched in greater numbers
And stormed his walls of death
Oh how he misjudged his own power
Oh how vulnerable he became

There he stood tall and mighty
Gazing into the killing and bloodshed
Struck down, he was slaughtered
Just like many that fell before him
As his body fell to the ground
So did the empire he created
Once the slayer of thousands of men
Now the dragon kills no one

After the battle, the war was won
The invaders left desolation
A trail of bloody footprints led to the forest
To the carpathian mountains

Now to bury the mighty one
To lay the dragon to rest
Dressed for royalty and wealth
A tomb for a headless corpse
A regal burial for his body
A shameful fate for his head
It was carried back through the mountains
Many miles away

A life of torment and disarray
A life fulfilled by terror and torture
Although he has finally been conquered
His reign still lives on forever

A crimson spire that bears the head
The head of the dragon
Displayed for all to see and know
The impaler is dead

Once again at the top of the mountain it shall rise
Reaching high into the night, to the sky
Unreachable, indestructible
Here I shall reign forever

There is much to be done
Soon enough shall my empire arise
My enemies do not stand a chance
I have conquered this land



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