Moonsun : Silent Pieces

Symphonic Metal / Germany
(2013 - Self-Released)
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Say “Hello” to the world
It might end today
Say “Hello” to the world
Cause the sun is shining for you too.

Every morning you wake up, without knowing what awaits.
You put water in your face, no time to reflect.
The day begins just as any other day of the year.
There‘s no time to think about how good your life is.

Say “Hello” to the world.
It might end today
Say “Hello” to the world.
Say „Hello“, say „Hello“.

Say “Hello” to the world,
It might end today.
Say “Hello” to the world,
Cause the sun is shining for you too.

Every night you lay down in your bed, stressed and beat.
What did the day bring, what happened?
It doesn’t matter to you.
The worries of tomorrow weigh you down.
Every night it’s the same thing – is that fulfillment?

Say “Hello” to the world.
It might end today
Say “Hello” to the world.
Say „Hello“, say „Hello“.
Say “Hello” to the world,
It might end today.
Say “Hello” to the world,
Cause the sun is shining for you too.

Only in your dream you feel good
No fear, no stress
Instead flowering meadows,
But it’s only a dream.

Say “Hello” to the world.
It might end today
Say “Hello” to the world.
Say „Hello“, say „Hello“.
Say “Hello” to the world,
It might end today.
Say “Hello” to the world,
Cause the sun is shining for you too.

Say “Hello” to the world.
It might end today
Say “Hello” to the world.
Say „Hello“, say „Hello“.
Say “Hello” to the world,
It might end today.
Say “Hello” to the world,
Cause the sun is shining for you too.

For you too, for you too, for you too.


Watch the field, all dark and grey
Clouds filling up the sky
Crying yet another day
All my tears won't ever dry

Raindrops on my window
Teardrops in my eyes
Now breathe my love, enjoy the sun
Salvation's gonna come

Can't describe the joy I feel
Watching (the) skies turn blue
Fear in mind, is it for real
Together we'll get through

Raindrops on my window
Teardrops in my eyes
Now breathe my love, enjoy the sun
Salvation's gonna come

Suddenly a tay of light
One little glimpse of hope
Light a candle in the dark
Let my heart unfold

Raindrops on my window
Teardrops in my eyes
Now breathe my love, enjoy the sun
Salvation's gonna come


The fields are calling you,
A cry of silence.
Now it's time to go back,
You have waited too long.
Why don't you follow the trees?
They show you the way.
But you can't stop.

A veil of haste is on your soul.
One day it will be too late.
Come with me and live,
From the poise of the forest.
A veil of haste is on your soul.
One day it will be too late.
Come with me and live,
From the poise of the forest.

The cold has become
A part of you.
Too much has happened,
Many broken shards.
An empty sheet,
Too many thoughts, but
The time steals your serenity.

A veil of haste is on your soul.
One day it will be too late.
Come with me and live
From the poise of the forest.
A veil of haste is on your soul.
One day it will be too late.
Come with me and live,
From the poise of the forest.

The poison of time flows through your veins.
The moment of silence has come.
Can you feel the warmth?

A veil of haste is on your soul.
One day it will be too late,
Come with me and live,
From the poise of the forest.
A veil of haste is on your soul.
One day it will be too late.
Come with me and live,
From the poise of the forest.


In spring of youth it was my lot
To haunt of the wide world a spot
The which I could not love the less-
So lovely was the loneliness
Of a wild lake, with black rock bound,
And the tall pines that towered around.

But when the Night had thrown her pall
Upon that spot, as upon all,
And the mystic wind went by
Murmuring in melody-
Then-ah then I would awake
To the terror of the lone lake.

Yet that terror was not fright,
But a tremulous delight-
A feeling not the jewelled mine
Could teach or bribe me to define-
Nor Love-although the Love were thine.

Death was in that poisonous wave,
And in its gulf a fitting grave
For him who thence could solace bring
To his lone imagining-
Whose solitary soul could make
An Eden of that dim lake.


There was a time when you cried at night.
When everything seemed too hard for you.
Now it is gone, but deep in your heart,
It is still bleeding. (It is still bleeding)

Cry out loud, your tears free your pain.
The scars remind you of your past.
Let there be the next rain
And live your life at last.

There was a time when you lost control.
When everything seemed too hard for you.
Now it is gone, but deep in your heart,
It is still bleeding. (it is still bleeding)

Cry out loud, your tears free your pain.
The scars remind you of your past.
Let there be the next rain
And live your life at last.

Cry out loud, your tears free your pain.
The scars remind you of your past.
Let there be the next rain
And live your life at last.

7. WHY

When I think about the past, it wasn’t great
But I know there was a time, when we didn’t have to cry
You know our mum loves us so much,
So do I, yes I do, I love you!

Why haven’t you told me, all about,
I would have listened
Why wasn’t I able to help,
I would have done everything for you!

I think about you every day, cause I hope you are alright
You are so far away, it hurts so much I have to cry.
You know our dad loves us so much,
So do I, yes I do, I love you!


Staring eyes, mouth open wide, one look, one word,
I am here, but they don't see.
I hide behind a smile.
But today, I'm not sad.

Cause I don't care, I don't care what people say.
It's my life anyway, I'm in love with myself today.

Bad thoughts, loud murmuring, one scar, one murder,
They try to change. Maybe they'll win.
But not today.

Cause I don't care, I don't care what people say.
It's my life anyway, I'm in love with myself today.

They don't know who I am,
They don't know what they do,
Sometimes it hurts,
But especially today I don't care,
Cause I love myself.

And I don't care, I don't care what people say.
It's my life anyway, I'm in love with myself today.


In a cold winters night,
I went on my way.
I travelled over white paths,
Of the never ending Labyrinth.

The goal is so close but yet so far,
The darkness doesn't know mercy,
But I am free

I am free free, I am free free

I was riding on the horse of fear ,
The laughter of the trees.
With the night wrapped around me.
I went on my way.

The tops of the trees dancing in the wind.
The forest seems untouched,
And I am free

I am free free, I am free free

Only when the last star stopped shining
And the last snow fell.
Only then will my hope die,

I am free free, I am free free


If I wake up beside him,
I convince myself that he is the right one.

The one for my life - for good.

He loves me, I know, I‘m not sure if I still do.
On the street there are many people, many I could think of,
But in my head there is only one I cannot forget.

The one for my life - for good.

I look for excuses and convince myself that I still love him.
There is no one else
„You won't go. I won't let you go“ he does not know,
that I'm already gone. That I have decided long ago.

I live a lie. He is so close to me
I want to be free.
It is too late. The love one cannot force.

The one for my life - for good.
The one for my life - for good.


Let me be,
A friend and not your enemy.
You don’t have to marry me,
But darling please forgive me,
(forgive me).

It’s too late,
Your time is over, pure hate,
Around me, around my cold heart.
And no excuse for what you’ve done
to me.

The sweetest and the most poisonous game, is to love somebody, love somebody.
It starts with love, it ends with hate,
This is your bitter fate
The way to reach highest happiness,
Is to love yourself, love yourself.
And then, you’ll see, you’ll say marry me.

All my flaws,
I cannot wipe them away,
They’re forever on my way
On the way to my future Life,
to my life.

Boy, it’s over now,
Stop hovering!
No friends, no love, no anything.
The end has come for you and me
But especially for me, for me.

The sweetest and the most poisonous game,
Is to love somebody, love somebody.
It starts with love, it ends with hate,
This is your bitter fate.
The way to reach highest happiness,
Is to love yourself, love yourself.
And then, you’ll see, you’ll say marry me.

The sweetest and the most poisonous game,
Is to love somebody, love somebody.
It starts with love, it ends with hate,
This is your bitter fate.
The way to reach highest happiness,
Is to love yourself, love yourself.
And then, you’ll see, you’ll say marry me.


Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;

Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,

Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

While I weep, while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save one from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?

Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.



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