Metal Requiem : Promotional 2006

Thrash Death / Guatemala
(2006 - Auto-Production)
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Troops of death
Come to kill
Rise to steal
The blood of the world

Seek refuge
Bombs explode
For everyone

Today died
Some thousands more
They don't care
From that Nation

They fight
They kill everyone
They bring blood
For the peace of world

War fight
Kill kill
Bring blood
For the peace of World....

Blood blood
More Blood
Is the will of God

Against puppets
Who is
The Puppeteer?

Game began
Race Started
Rushed rushed
To destroy everyone

Welcome home
Great honor!
You returned
In a nice coffin

Peace's missions
UN's decisions
Stupid concessions

Stupid presidents
Corrupts and idiots
Moral deliriums

Blood more blood
Blood more blood
For the peace of world

War… (x3)


Where did that word came from?
Is it real?
Or just an invention
Of human kind

Do you realize that?
It doesn't exist, no more
Where's now
Show me the path to take
My rage is growing
Immoral rules
Will guide my fate

The New Era has come
All things should change by now
With mediocrity
(It) doesn't exist
Mental insanity
Has blackened our conscience
All hope is lost
Now pay the cost! (x2)

Deep in our subconscious
Morality has ruled our way of life
As time passes by
Immorality gets stronger
Day by day
Combined with corruption
It's like a nuclear bomb
Waiting to explode
Eternal lust
Prepare to rust! (x3)


In this deepest nightmare of aggression
Await the time to put you in torture
I am the architect of your destruction
I will take your life to fill my thirst of hate

In the deepest nightmares of my mind
Await the time to put you in the hell
I am the architect of your destruction
I will take your life to fill my thirst to kill

The end of your days will come
The end of your existence
No coming back!

I hear the scream of death
Your mortal soul is mine
Now you feel my revenge
The time of your decease!

This is my revenge!

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