Mincing Fury And Guttural Clamour Of Queer Decay : 7

Porno Gore Grind / Czechia
(2005 - Bizarre Leprous Production)
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The movie strip burns
A pong of celuloid
You schorch your touches
Gonna gide pictures for later
You see

You touch the skin
Fingers are strong as a sword of Mr. Woo
Why grow you pale?
Are you losing your power?


Think of all the ways
You celebrate your weakness
Can't stop doing it
Or pretend you're painless

It could be a little moment
A blink of the closing eye
Before your hunt begins
To satisfy again tonight

Line of your sweating body
A shortcut on my way to hell
Luring scent of your womb
A symbol of stained paradise

Solicitous voice of your lips
An invitation to Seventh Heaven
The game of your swaying hips
Strength falls down to the bottom

I'm losing control
With every shallow breath
I'm losing my mind
With every craving touch
I'm turning insane
With every carnal move

A veil of darkened hair
Hiding your ironic smile
Just give me what I came for
And then I'm all yours to take

Fill up all my desires
I will do as you please
Your wish is my law
So give me what I need


Making your last steps
Walking straight towards the edge
Bearing your gloomy heart
Enclosed, locked, hidden within
Broken by the life

Spread the evil unleashed
While the good remains chained
You speak "your truth"
But keep the lies inside

It's only game
And nothing is sacred
The only thing that matters is your fame
And the way you fake it

Stop now and look back to the day
When you've chosen your way

Hurting those around you
"...And what, nevermind..."
Leave it all behind
So proud of your scars
Only weak cares for the love

You have invented your own look
The idea of the world outside
You've never looked back or turned
Always blind to the consequences


When you're down you're a horizont
Proud of the body
Which rests besides
That's not you
Not your breath
Not to be frightened
There's a telescope
Hidden in your pillow
You look around your battlefield
You should be proud
Because they watch you


Suddenly waking up again
In the middle of the night
With that strange feeling
Of the unknown disgrace
That lies heavily upon you
Pushing you down relentlessly

There must by some higher force
That still keeps me down
Prevents me from standing up
Why I always lose
Where others succeed
What have I done wrong?

That wrong thing is in your head
A jealous worm that you feed
Day after day, every time you lose
Reason lies in your lazy mind
Face the truth - you have to change!

They are all so bad
Corrupted and rotten
Despite it they live in luxury
They don't deserve it!
I will make them all suffer!


You can
You know
You do
Flames are shining elsewhere
The lights of a fire
Colors your mouth
The sky is red
But you're blind
Nothing to see
Nothing to touch
Nothing yours
Except your penis


Joy was once there
It was once a part
Of your existence
That lies in dirt now

The venom is your cure
That makes you dream again
Everything seems blur now
While the lifetime slips away

Illness fills your shattered body
It comes quickly all over you
Injected disease that eats you up inside

Deaf, dumb, blind
Used to this high-way
Abused by the blight
Addicted to that lame

There's no escape from
This downward spiral of pain
Only a mere hope for cursed
To run out from this cage

Does it matter for you anymore?
If it's shining day or pitch black night
All of it becomes the same bleak grey
The weight that breaks down your spine

Your mind is so weak
Your sanity lost strength
Unable to do anything
Just weep for another life

Speed-road reaches to this very end
And perishes in the ashes of suffering
Oblivion - the wounded
Final rest


Cut out of news
Seven, eight o'clock
You'll never mind yourself
The signal moves
Ever blind roofs
It's silly to ask why
Don't get up
Just lie full of dusk and urine
The sea of weakness


So obsessed with a thin line...
Are you losing your weight?
Oh no, you're still a fat ball...
Are you losing your faith?

So you will suffer forth, oh girl
Piles of empty dishes all around
A dying hope - how will you get rid of this?
Welcome the hunger, starving one!

For whom are you doing this?

Eat your soul out off your shell!
Eat your brain out off your head!

You've been told to eat more!

Do not vomit, swallow it all!

Will you eat yourself in the end?

Years spend in libraries...
Have you forgot to live, oh man?
Always in search for more...
Aren't you overfeed with that stuff?

Now you hear just silent voices
That echo in your deranged mind
Feasting on what reminds of you
Welcome the void, hollow one!


Yeah, you're loved
By all of them who knows you
Who knows your better face:
Knives can be a language
Much better for communication
You want them!
More of it!
Heaps piles up
They're like molecules of lust
Be prepared: After a while
Your fancy will not be enough


Worshiping the money
Worshiping the power
So modern and fashionable cult
Of unreasonable need
But where is conscience
Where is humanity?

What do you think you'll get of it?
Always wanting more and more...
Final satisfaction or immortality?

Believing in your false God
The everlasting "money-grab"
Price list is your Bible
Advertisements - your holy word
Exchanging shares for emotions
Will this ever end?

Pay the price!
Obey the style!
Shut your mouth...
And obey!!!

Did you ever ask yourself:
What is the price of human life?
How much does your trust cost?

Counting banknotes all the time
Sound of coin is your lullaby
The higher the number is
The better you fall asleep
Into bad dreams of thieves
And so low salaries


My sweet little beetle
Your lights shining yet
There's still room
In your ass

Deltonic father
And your son
What you see is not true
What you want is not what
You're gonna to get
Freeze your laugh
It's up to you, you're alone


Empty picture on the wall
Jesus with a cross in his heart
You rage
Can't speak
But you're furious
Looks at his eyes!
His chin!
His mouth!
The scar of your anger
Bites thighs of a figure
You see in a mirror
It's like a parade
In a concentration camp


Living your common life
Day by day, all the time
It all becomes the same

Tired and bored
Tortured and confused
Do you know what to do?

Work hard to earn your money
Get food to eat and feed
Go to church, pay your fees

Frustration fills you up inside
Stereotype beats you down
Grey over a greyer grey
Born - live - die!

One day you'll get sick of it all
What will happen then?
Who will be punished?

Who will become your victim?
Think of it right now, man...
'Cause this is the day!

Reach the break point
Fury - cry of your children
Rage - suffering for your wife

Unchained anger explodes
In the mindless moment of hate
Everything is gone now - it's too late

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