Luctus : Warlike Hate and Grief

Black Metal / Lituanie
(2006 - Bylec Tum)
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Under the gray sky and black flags ov war
Incredible silence reigns in the frontline
Soon the battlefield will be painted with blood
And the life will leave many bodies

The cold fog hides the divisions
While the drops ov the rain soaks the pale faces
NO TIME for emotions, NO LIFE for the weak
Keep your weapon and deform into a beast!

As a pack ov wolves attack the prey
The soldier reaches and stabs the enemy
Between shoots, explosions ov grenades and screams
The rain blends with blood and mud

The bullets fist the flesh, the Panzers crack the skulls
Soldiers falling one by one
While the battlefield is adorned by death
The frontline becomes a dreadful picture made by blood


This is your tunnel without exit
I am a Wolf you are pity lamb
This is a phenomenon ov hate
I am the plague bringer that is looking into your eyes

Useless unconscious words
Have broken the chains of anger
I, immovable Superb
Deserve a sight for disgust and hellish rage coincide

Chorus: The pale naked face ov death
Is looking into your scared eyes
Through My honor and black hatred
The evil will command My mind
As the wolf slays the lamb
My hands will crack your flesh and bones
Enemy, now pray your fucked gods
It’s coming soon the time to die

The sky is turning red as squirting blood
As My legions start the ride
No fucking mercy to inferiors
My weapons will be against you until you’ll be alive




A smoke soaked by human flesh
Caressing the towers ov Treblinka
And stains the sky by horror
A horrible smell is disgressing in the air
And fuse the human blood
A smell ov death...

Here the life is annihilated
Animal Death… Death ov Soul
Flesh materialized in ashes
Death excited in contempt
Love changed in hate
Here is no humanity

The evil founds him dimension
...The material to posses…
...The mind to command…
...The flames where burn…
The evil here is everywhere…

It’s all so terrible…
It’s all so inhuman…
It’s all so macabre… true..

And they make sure the proceeding ov all
With cold blood, without any emotions
They don’t hesitate to spread the death
They don’t receive impulses ov compassion
Married with the death, they diffuse the evil,
The violence has no limit testing 12 millions ov deaths

With rifle always loaded
And two “Sieg” at the chest
They make sure the genocide ov the mass
United by the sing ov “Othala”
Corporations ov security to assure
The death and spread the horror

White soldiers ov Lucifer…
This is and was… the PURE EVIL


Saulë jau mirë uþ pilkø ir niûriø aþuolø ðakø
Sidabrinës þvaigþdës jau spindi it akys tûkstanèiø Iðtroðkusiø vilkø
Rûkas toks niûrus ir ledinis jau glosto mane
Nesvarbu ar gyvas að iðliksiu rytojaus ryte…

ðià naktá manyje uþges bet koks þmogiðkas jausmas
Tyras vëjas nusineð su savimi mano baimæ ir mësos skausmus
ðirdies viduje pabudo plëðrûnas uþuodæs aukos baimæ
Pykèiu verdantis kraujas dar kartà nori
Pajusti savo genties garbæ

ði naktis galbût paskutinë…

Iðlupsiu akis ir ðirdá tiesas niekingas neðanèiam prieðui
Paversiu pelenais jø visus kryþius baltus ir baþnyèias
Nesvarbu, gal bût man tai kainuos ir gyvybæ
Uþ mano Dangø, Þemæ ir Miðkus garbingai iðsiþadësiu
Jos ðià naktá paskutinæ!

Vieniða, visø uþmirðta, Mirties glëbáje mano siela
Klajoja Mano amþinuose Namuose...
Visada, nuo senai þali miðkai Mano Namai
Tyras Dangus, Þemë gimta amþini Mano Tëvai...


I use my philosophy to infect the sentences to eternal life…
I turn the Lucifers against those who give birth to them
I invoke the human intelligence to stir up
The implosion ov the divine oligarchy
The chaos gushing and give negativity
To the universal equilibrium

The black energies ov cosmos stain the matters
The bastard matters who have infected the earth

Now in the center ov the universe rise
The pure difference between the wisdom and ignorance
The nemesis is in act!

Burning dogmas, processed by the fury ov time and history
The fascination ov the metaphysics consuming
The rotten atoms ov the young theologies
While the animal intolerance with inductive
Methods crush the architectures ov the modern ethics
And from the ancient cradles ov wisdom continue
To shine the science
The only religion that wasn’t decline in
The abyss ov the hypocritical flames

In my eyes rise the images ov desecrated temples
And swindlers executed to death
My autarchic wisdom absorb the essence ov the shining
The shining ov the material who pierce
The pupils ov those who have turned over by the lie
My honor stiffen in front the warm ov my sun
Him iconoclastic rays penetrate my black hearth
And fills by fidelity my instincts and sensations

A malignant smile rise from my soul
I am worship the sun that warming my realities
I open the gates ov my hells to desecrate
The visions ov a possible end
Cause I know that my sun has not a place where sunset…


I was running across a forest made by my anguish
I was looking for a hiding place
Suddenly I stop and I look in the sky
All my life I was running to come here, to found something
So I look in the sky and there is nothing...

Desperate, submerged by my failure I stretch my hands,
I wound my knees Needle ov the pines felled
And they stick in my eyes
Never more I will can see these non-existent eyes...
My veins were dry up...
And I be so cold...

So cold and sad it's came when you are died inside
When your world is lost, it's come to your weak soul
The painful mental frost...

I lie on the cold ground and
I hear voices that are crawling on my skin...
The voices ov my desperate mind
"When your world is useless...
When your soul is crying tears ov Christianized blood...
When your eyes are look ever black...
When you fall in the knees only because
There is the gravity...

When you feel so innocent by the disaster that you live…
Don't torture your soul...
Let it suffer all in peace, without any conscience
Let it freeze by your primordial instincts
Forbidden by your ghosts
Let it freeze by the pain that you inflict
To you for tolerate the madness
Move to live in a never-ending winter
Where all the useless are chased away by wind
Where the snow covers all the harmful
Where the mind has no time to think about others
If it don't want die exposure...
A Mental Frost that can't accept any weakness
As esu zmogus, kuris nenori but zmogum
Nes zmones daro geda siam nekaltam pasauliui
As noreciau tapt vanduo arba zeme
Kad nereiktu man kektet sio beprasmisko gyvenimo

So cold and sad it's came when you are died inside
When your world is lost, it's come to your weak soul
The painful mental frost...


Lifeless hills, rock the darkness
Freezing wind travel through snow covered lands
Him wrath dance in the night
After it’s vanish between the firs and oaks
The snow is coming down like tears ov god
Slowly, silently...

The frost rolls up the forest
The forest sink in the fog
The snow absorb the white smoke
The ground feed by frostbite

Who can explain this cold?
White dust ov snow make cold our frozen sorrow
Black winds will bring our tears
Cold moon… will eclipse our desperation

Here's no sunlight for a human soul
The only one who lives here is the frost
Married with the moon
They rules the lands ov shadows
In the never ending November
The silent hills breathe the cold winter
The infinite Nordic sky
Give the birth to the frost

Here’s no love for who look for some hot
Here’s no mercy to them who protect himself
Dressed by hypocrisy
Them who aren’t responsible for their actions
Will die frostbitten with him fear
Who are slaves ov own ghosts
Can’t found the exit in the forest

Scandinavic frostbited lands rock the frost
Your sons dressed with pain
They never been cold…

Bleeding trees stand silent without sorrow
Death and suffer rules only (the) human spirits
Necrostorms blow the crying souls
Fresh, weak blood stain thousands deaths ov mortals
Evil spread the black wings and fly
Holy, white shadows fall in darkness
Cold evil kiss the frost
Two supreme justicers ov our sorrow

Thousands ov white souls
Condemned to a never ending winter
When their raw flesh was trembling in the cold
Their burning tears ov fire switch off in the snow
The frost embrace our souls
Emptiness and chaos damning us in darkness
All we waiting the day
The day that we shall say –
“Here’s no life, we are all died…”

Who can explain this cold?
White dust ov snow make cold our frozen sorrow
Black winds will bring our tears
Cold moon… will eclipse our desperation


Iðvaduota jëgø tamsoje iðaustø
Dvasios gelmëse bunda galia
Dovanota rûsèiø þvëriaveidþiø Dievø
Virð kariaunos iðkyla kruvina vëliava
Urzgia, staugia kariai, nuramint nepavyks
Kraujo troðkulio jø arðiose ðirdyse
Kojos neða pirmyn, akys ieðko aukos
Mûðio pradþià paskelbs nuridenta galva
Uþvaldo krauju persisunkus aistra
Ir akys ásiplieskia pykèio liepsna...
Kraujas trykðta stulpais, stojas piestu þirgai
Ið þaizdø kamuoliais verþias þuvusiø vëlës
Laukà gaubia migla, apþavø sukelta
Ið landyniø savø protuos smelkiasi þvërys
Temsta akys kariø, aptaðkytos krauju
Tai, kas buvo þmogaus, tapo valioj þvëries
Ginklus keitë nagai, veidai virto nasrais
Prieðà griebus ranka traiðkë lokio jëga
Pagimdyti vilkuø ir þindyti krauju
Prieðø kaukolëm þaidë uþaugæ miðke
Karo menà ávaldæ ið Dievø uþdraustø
Gimæ tam, kad numirtø mûðio lauke
Verdantis kraujas trykðta jëga
Mirties sëklà pasëja prieðø ðirdyse
Siaubas skaidë plaèias maldininkø gretas
Mirtis mynë jø vëliavas þemën
Kraujy skendo balti kryþneðiø angelai
Kryþium liko gulët daugel kûnø kryþmø
Melskis ar nesimelsk savo dievui, ðunie
Svetimðali kryþiuotu apsiaustu
Tavo vardà ant þemës paraðysiu krauju
Ir iðplëðiu ðuns ðirdá ið krûtines tavos
Su krauju atëjæs ið seniausiø laikø
Tartas siaubo sukaustytom lûpom
Ðirdyje iðraiþytas nagu, paslëptas randu
Uþkeiktas kario þenklu vardas...

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