Luca Turilli's Rhapsody : Prometheus - Symphonia Ignis Divinus

Symphonic power / Italy
(2015 - Nuclear Blast)
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"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience"
[Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)]

"Exurgat Deus et fiat lux in tenebris
Stellarum Veritas, nova genesis"

Vade accipe librum apertum
De manu angeli stantis
Supra mare et supra terram
[The Apocalypse of St. John]

Deus exurgat
Et dissipentur inimici ejus
Et fugiant qui oderunt eum a cacie ejus
Sicut fluit cera a facie ignis
Sic pereant peccatores a facie Dei
[Psalm LXVIII]

Deus exurgat
Et dissipentur inimici ejus
Et fugiant qui oderunt eum a cacie ejus

Sacra vis, lux in tenebris, nova genesis
Sicut fluit cera a facie ignis
Sic pereant peccatores nunc a facie Dei

Alpha, Alpha et Omega
Fiat lux et tenebra
Sacra vis, nova genesis


Corpus, mens (corpus in mens)
Formas vivificans in spiritus

Travolto dal ricatto di cinismo e falsità
Ritrovi la tua strada oltre follia e mediocrità
Ed al tre volte grande il tuo fuggir s'ispiererà
Al vero rivelato oltre ipocirita realtà

Già sembrasti si diverso
All'uscir dal sacro grembo
Senza nome e identità
Nella goccia di rugiada la tua libertà
L'androgino Mercurio cerca ancor stabilità
Nell' "operatio solis" tutto all'Uno verterà
"Et cogito ergo creo" - puro pensiero scolpirà
Al fuoco del filosofo il leone ruggirà

Or t'attende la gran sfida
Di Saturno il mesto abbraccio
Vana la tua integrità
Il guardiano della soglia vincere vorrà

Nel vento colgo il senso
Dell'immenso, del respiro cosmico
Rapito da tal vanto sì regale
La maestosa sua umiltà
Divino fuoco ch'or ti desti
All'occhio d'ajna fiero
Vola o mio cigno nero

(o fuoco, che ora, ti desti
All'occhio, di ajna, sì fiero)

Del vero colgo ora il senso
Vola o cigno nero
Divino fuoco ch'or ti desti
All'occhio d'ajna fiero
Vola o mio cigno nero

Corpus, mens (corpus in mens)
Formas vivificans in spiritus


Over Maya and its law
Feel the spirit, hear its call
Free your mind for the new dawn
It's the time of the Rose and the Cross
Sun and Moon revealed his fate
While he crossed the Quantum Gate
Lived to serve the angels' word
It's the secret tale of Christian Rosenkreuz

They came inspired by wisdom
12 men to share all the glory of God
Searching for truth at the origin
Of that primordial great spiritual source

And they found the one, the newborn soul
Who went and saw, came back and spoke

Omnipotens Dominus

Over Maya and its law
Feel the spirit, hear its call
Free your mind for the new dawn
It's the time of the Rose and the Cross
Sun and Moon revealed his fate
While he crossed the Quantum Gate
Lived to serve the angels' word
It's the secret tale of Christian Rosenkreuz

They filled his soul with their knowledge
He filled their hearts with the grace of a rose
Gleaming and his divine power
Forged by the pain of the old bleeding cross

And his death gave birth to light and hope
While lead turned into shining gold

Rosae Crucis
Aurum Sacrum
Novum Fatum
Omnipotens Dominus

Over Maya and its law
Feel the spirit, hear its call
Free your mind for the new dawn
It's the time of the Rose and the Cross
Sun and Moon revealed his fate
While he crossed the Quantum Gate
Lived to serve the angels' word
It's the secret tale of Christian Rosenkreuz

Ancor fende il tuo pianto, il mio cuore
Muta il senso in prezioso oro
Sacro fuoco

Over Maya and its law
Feel the spirit, hear its call
Free your mind for the new dawn
It's the time of the Rose and the Cross
Sun and Moon revealed his fate
While he crossed the Quantum Gate
Lived to serve the angels' word
It's the secret tale of Christian Rosenkreuz


Starless the virtual red night
One viral vision - corrupted, lost guilty mankind
Fearless I take their cold hands
Embrance their darkness, reboot their grey, altered conscience

Rising from the illusion and remains of dead empires
Al di là dei bastioni del tempo
Volga l'occhio che scruta l'eterno

Transcend your coded ego
Unveil the matrix, the encrypted angelic wisdom
Find in your hybrid essence
That holographic last fragment of holy presence

Cosmic seed of healing, bringer of celestial balance
E l'archetipo vibri d'immenso
Nella forma di un canone inverso

I am what i think and dream
Gravity and starlight, anahata
Astral spirit take my life
Thrive in the mind's eye
My heart's endless cry
One more sacred lotus flower

Anahata, Alpha Omega
(In aqua, in igne, in aere, in terra
In aura, ad astra, in Alpha et Omega)

Al di là dei bastioni del tempo
Volga l'occhio che scruta l'eterno

I am what i think and dream
Gravity and starlight, anahata
Astral spirit take my life
Thrive in the mind's eye
My heart's endless cry
One more sacred lotus flower


"I said, You are gods"
[Jesus Christ]

Nel trino suo sguardo quel
Fremito aureo per l'uomo che siede
Che siede sul trono del sempre e del mai
L'apatico verso si scopre lamento, mortale ferita
Che in intimo altrove poesia diverrà

E' il tempo degli dei
Che sfidano gli oceani
Simmetriche entità
Di trascendenza alchemica
E' il tempo degli dei
Di orizzonti empatici
Divina volontà
Rivelazione quantica
Da ermetico pudore
Da ermetico splendore
Dentro l'occhio del ciclone
E' il tempo degli dei

Scintilla di luce ispiri suadente l'armonico canto
Cromatico lembo di grazia e viltà
Latente nell'onda, forgiato nel fuoco, l'anello mancante
E' il tempo degli dei
Che sfidano gli oceani
Simmetriche entità
Di trascendenza alchemica
E' il tempo degli dei
Di orizzonti empatici
Divina volontà
Rivelazione quantica
Da ermetico pudore
Da ermetico splendore
Dentro l'occhio del ciclone
E' il tempo degli dei

"Ho scoperto una tremenda legge che lega il colore verde,
la quinta musicale ed ila calore.
Ho perduto la gioia di vivere
La potenza mi fa paura. Non scriverò più nulla!"

("I've found a tremendous law that links the color green, the musical 5th, and heat. I lost the joy to live.
Power scares me. I'm not gonna write anything else!")
[Gustavo Adolfo Rol (1903-1994)]

E' il tempo degli dei
Che sfidano gli oceani
Simmetriche entità
Di trascendenza alchemica
E' il tempo degli dei
Di orizzonti empatici
Divina volontà
Rivelazione quantica
Da ermetico pudore
Da ermetico splendore
Dentro l'occhio del ciclone
E' il tempo degli dei

Anima spiritus, vigor oniricus
Anima spiritus, splendide natus

Questo e' il tempo degli Dei
(Tempus est, tempus deorum est)


In the leaf of the oak, in the heart of the rock
In the shade of the icy Misty Mountains
In the vast lonely reigns of the whole Middle Earth
Somber whispers unveil forgotten dangers

Then he came for them all, he was known as "The Grey"
The old keeper of wise and ancient magic
He, the one who could read in the soul of the ring
The dark will of the sinful necromancer

Ash Nazg durbatulûk,
Ash Nazg gimbatul,
Ash Nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

Fear the one ring
The one ring to rule them all

His new sin was revealed and their journey began
Time to leave the green valleys of the Shire
All their lives left behind, plenty of courage to face
The real threat for the future of the known world

The black eye upon them while they met elves and men
Nine companions, one legendary fellowship
Over wild snowy peaks, through the mines' deadly maze
A new deed, a new fragment of their glorious fate

Ash Nazg durbatulûk,
Ash Nazg gimbatul,
Ash Nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

Fear the one ring
The one ring to rule them all

River, gently grant a vision
While you cross the wide woods with you tearful eyes
Show them what their mind is keeping
What the heart is hiding, all the truth behind

Fear it, the one ring to rule them all!

Ash Nazg durbatulûk,
Ash Nazg gimbatul,
Ash Nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

Fear the one ring
The one ring to rule them all


"Who Looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes"
[Carl G. Jung (1875-1961)]

Dell'ombra colgo
Sintesi di istinto e vacuità
Ambiguo e stanco
Muovo ingrato a rea caducità

Aura noctis

carpe noctem ad lucem (ad noctem)
Al tuo imbrunir il residuo lucente
Di intuito e celeste pietà - lesa maestà
Prudente vanto, tuo cordial silenzio

Timida (a te)
Languida (ancor)
Limpida (verrò)
Tenera (io so)
Ruvida (ch'or tu)
Pavida (mi vuoi)

Io vivrò, morirò
(vivo, muoio)
E di te svelerò
(di te svelo)
Sacro e profano
Mistero di vita e di morte
Ch'or turbi il mio sè

Carpe noctem ad lucem (ad noctem)
Fuggente assioma che in mal celato inganno
Ti lasci svelare da me - tremo al perchè
Con passo ioncauto, mai sopito afflato

Timida (a te)
Languida (ancor)
Limpida (verrò)
Tenera (io so)
Ruvida (ch'or tu)
Pavida (mi vuoi)

Io vivrò, morirò
(vivo, muoio)
E di te svelerò
(di te svelo)
Sacro e profano
Mistero di vita e di morte
Ch'or turbi il mio sè


Neural zone
Fractal seed of resonance
New binaural frequency
Energetic stream of power

Soul gate
Telepathic contact
Qi's magnetic portal
To unloch the orgone state

Altered cells implosion
New perception of higher self

Quantum nexus
Nuclear fire
Humans cyborgs
Gods and titans
Neo genetic
Motus karma
Alien foetus
Matrix corpus

Quantum fire
Humans titans
Novus motus
Alien corpus

Alpha ignis
Signum astralis
Flamma omega
Alpha ignis
Signum astralis
Domin eius

Exodus to organic symmetry
Astral pole of consciousness
Paradox of waves behavior

Embryo of a newborn starchild
Destined to soon carry
All the weight of atlas woe

Alpha code expanding
Cloned sons rising

Quantum nexus
Nuclear fire
Humans cyborgs
Gods and titans
Neo genetic
Motus karma
Alien foetus
Matrix corpus

Quantum fire
Humans titans
Novus motus
Alien corpus

Alpha ignis
Signum astralis
Flamma omega
Alpha ignis
Signum astralis
Domin eius

Quantum nexus
Nuclear fire
Humans cyborgs
Gods and titans
Neo genetic
Motus karma
Alien foetus
Matrix corpus

Quantum fire
Humans titans
Novus motus
Alien corpus

Alpha ignis
Signum astralis
Flamma omega
Alpha ignis
Signum astralis
Domin eius


Atziluth, Beriah
Yetzirah, Asiyah
Ein Sof
Kav Jachin, Kav Boaz
Trapped by deadly sand
The shade of men who denied their own fate
Silent dunes behold
The hand of Moses, the science of God

Kodesh Kodashim
Breathe the glory of the King
Hashem Shekhinah
Lux angelica

Alijah, Abidah

Kodesh Kodashim
In your spirit lies the key
Hashem Shekhinah
Lekh Lekha

Asael, Abiel

Occulta res, magia universalis
In veritas, arcana immortalis

Asahel, Lekh Lekha

The legendary key
The key of solomon
And the 72 names of god

He, the third wise king
Who crossed the desert led by the estern wind
Found in Jacob's dream
72 steps to escape his old sin

Kodesh Kodashim
Breathe the glory of the King
Hashem Shekhinah
Lux angelica

Alijah, Abidah

Occulta res, magia universalis
In veritas, arcana immortalis

Asahel, Lekh Lekha

The legendary key
The key of solomon
And the 72 names of god

Atziluth, Beriah
Yetzirah, Asiyah
Ein Sof
Kav Jachin, Kav Boaz

The legendary key
The key of solomon
And the 72 names of god


In the beginning there was the Void
The unending emptiness reigning alone
And then the existence could shape new origin
A cosmic sparkle of intimate force

It grew and spread, first form of life
What'd become known as the "giant world tree"
While all around primal energies formed
The eternal emptiness finally filled

Ex nilo Niflheim, ex nilo Muspellheim
Ad omnium Ymir, nova creatio

Water, ice and storming fire
Pulsing heart of all things
And the new destiny was written

Carved in the wise trunk
The secrets of the holy runes
Set the fate of asgard, hel and midgard
Roots of ancient might
Reflected in valhalla's light
Odin's eye, the eagle eye of yggdrasil

He sought for knowledge, immortal truth
He walked alone, facing hope, fear and ghosts
To where the mist hides the deep astral secrets
There where the Nornir control the nine worlds

On that high branch his sacrifice
Flesh of the gods ripped for nine days and night
The naked spirit as his final offer
While the dark waters reflected pure light

Ex nilo Niflheim, ex nilo Muspellheim
Ad omnium Ymir, nova creatio
Greatly inflamed by runic power
Shine the lights of Bifrost
In Odin's wounds the key of wisdom

Carved in the wise trunk
The secrets of the holy runes
Set the fate of asgard, hel and midgard
Roots of ancient might
Reflected in valhalla's light
Odin's eye, the eagle eye of yggdrasil

Greatly inflamed by runic power
Shine the lights of Bifrost
In Odin's wounds the key of wisdom

Carved in the wise trunk
The secrets of the holy runes
Set the fate of asgard, hel and midgard
Roots of ancient might
Reflected in valhalla's light
Odin's eye, the eagle eye of yggdrasil


"If we have no peace, it is because
We have forgotten
That we belong to each other"
[Mother Teresa (1910-1997)]

"Veni, Creator Spiritus
Et lumina animam mortali mundi
Ex dolore meo, nunc et semper
Ad splendorem angeli triumphantis"

Suspiria angeli, lamenta domini
Tempesta di fuoco che sconvolgi l'anima
Cruciatus angeli, vulnera domini
Consegna all'oblio le scorie del tempo

Son of a lost superior world
Once I claimed the grace of God
And the angels' mortal dawn

The red sea is bleeding hate
The volcano's screaming rage
It's the Archangel hit and downed
Moving oceans, shaking grounds

May I shine is the empyrean light
Through my eye of amethyst I'll see

Draco magnus est proiectus
Draco ille serpens antiquus
Qui seducit universum
Orbem proiectus est in terram

Et audivi vocem magnam
Vox in caelo nunc dicentem
Facta est virtus Dei nostri regnum

Sancte Michael archangele
Princeps militiae caelestis
Malum nunc detrude, Sancte Michael

Viri sanguinum
Codex nemesis
Veni archangelus
In dolore meo tu eri et tu es

Suspiria angeli, lamenta domini
La rotta perduta di un cuore ormai naufrago
Cruciatus angeli, vulnera domini
L'antico furore che sfida il peccato

Son of a lost superior world
Once I claimed the grace of God
And the angels' mortal dawn

Crossing the tornado's eye
To the Akashic radiant might
In the matrix coded sky
Chaos is fed by his new cry

May I shine is the empyrean light
Through my eye of amethyst I'll see

Draco magnus est proiectus
Draco ille serpens antiquus
Qui seducit universum
Orbem proiectus est in terram

Et audivi vocem magnam
Vox in caelo nunc dicentem
Facta est virtus Dei nostri regnum

Sancte Michael archangele
Princeps militiae caelestis
Malum nunc detrude, Sancte Michael

Viri sanguinum
Codex nemesis
Veni archangelus
In dolore meo tu eri et tu es

(Sacrum) One hidden voice (ignis) revealed to me:
(Fatum) "You cannot wear a mortal skin
(Fervor) You cannot lie, (ignis) you can't deny
(Ardor) The reason why you are alive"

My angels, feed my soul
And reign supreme

(Ignis) I close my eyes, (sacrum) I feel your hand
(Fatum) To quantum oceans we'' ascend
(Ignis) My genesis, (fervor) your nemesis
(Ardor) Beyond the stars we'll live again

My angels, feed my soul
And reign supreme

Draco magnus est proiectus
Draco ille serpens antiquus
Qui seducit universum
Orbem proiectus est in terram

Et audivi vocem magnam
Vox in caelo nunc dicentem
Facta est virtus Dei nostri regnum

Sancte Michael archangele
Princeps militiae caelestis
Malum nunc detrude, Sancte Michael

Viri sanguinum
Codex nemesis
Veni archangelus
In dolore meo tu eri et tu es

"Alpha Omega, matrix corpus
Fiat in me Divina Veritas
Ad splendorem angeli triumphantis"

Alpha foetus, incarnatus, matrix corpus
Dogma, immortalis revelatio
Alpha foetus, codex magnus, matrix corpus
Neo multiversalis revelatio

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