Lowbau : A Darker Shade of Blues

Stoner / Autriche
(2013 - Auto-Production)
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1. 13



There is a voice out there,
Muted but hopeful and brave.
It wants to ride on the word,
Desperate to finally be heared.
It wants to live on our tongues
And be born in our lungs.
Yes, give purpose a place in our minds.
Yet silence roams in all of us, the stoics of our age.

Wordless mouths contain no hope,
As what it is ignored does not cease to exist.

The few who choose to hear
Are outnumbered and spreading fatigue.

A violent future is arising in the wake of a day
In which all that is left is the salt of our tears.
An impending doom keeps pervading its gloom,
As it’s strengthend by our apathy.
Yet fools no longer hear the wise,
Bringing the weak to their knees.

Ignorance should be condemned,
For sparing the wicked injures the good.
Silence is the dark of man,
And therefore we should be trialed.

We wash our hands in innocence,
yet we stink of guilt.


We are a brand of misfits,
No-goods of a rotten world.
A segregation for the wicked,
A mutiny within the herd.
At day we blend in with the masses,
Covered by conformities.
But when the lights of earth are dimmed
We rise to fulfill our needs.

Inspired by Silenus’ words we stand as one.
Revealing higher truths to both
The old and young.
Amongst our ranks there is no race,
No gender and no class.
Those who ride on vanity
Will surely be surpassed.

Come and join!

Be part of our nation,
A golden touch will be yours.
No matter what may ill your mind,
I promise you, we have the cure.
The fountain of which we drink
Is blessed with tears of the divine.

Wisdom, laughter - secrets of our wine.

In order to assume the rank of minotaur
You must take an oath never to forsake this horde.
Even when rich tastes are thrown at your feet
you don’t graze on foreign fields.

Come and join the order of the Bull!
Why don’t you join the order of the Bull?

In order to assume the rank of minotaur
You must take an oath never to forsake this horde.
Even when rich tastes are thrown at your feet,
You don’t graze on foreign fields.

Come and join the order of the Bull!
Why don’t you join the order of the Bull?

Brothers, sisters, those in between:
Don’t you hesitate too long.
Come and be part of this hazy dream.
You are highly welcome.

Come, come, ... You are highly welcome!


It sees you and all your friends.
It knows when you live in sin.
One touch of my wondering hands
And it knows where you have been.

I have no shame in knowing
When you take a piss.
Or knowing when and where
You finally had that first kiss.
Oh, I saw you bought a jacket
For the wintertime.
Didn’t know what to do,
Laugh out loud or start to cry.

It brings me to your bedroom,
No need to let me inside.
Is that a park next door?
It knows which one,
See you there.

I have no shame in knowing
Where your family lives.
After all the things it told me
About you and your big sis.
It knows you’re there
When I get out and ring the bell.
Nobody home but you and sweet Isabelle.

I can hardly wait
To feed your dog my poisoned meat,
So I can kick his foamy head
And crush his fucking teeth.
Before I slit your throat
I’ll use you like a little whore.
I guess Isabelle will have to wait
To get her skin torn.

You are to blame for the power
Of this seeing stone.
Yes, it’s you who led me to the place
That you call home.
Oh, don’t look at me with them suspicious eyes.
You know you sent me more then just a few smiles.

You know me as I know you.
You see me as I see you.
You know me. Or don’t you?


How do you live a digital dream?
Look but don’t touch -
Somehow a dirty scheme.
Boys turn to men as the minutes go by.
‘Seems like it was yesterday’
Becomes a brilliant lie.
Walls are no fun and chairs just don’t talk.
You run out of places to go on your walk.
And that’s when them clouds
Start to grow so dark...

Feels like a million years of rain.
It keeps coming down,
Every drop is a burning pain.
No winds to fly in hope,
No star that lights the sky.
And you’re out in the cold,
Watching how a piece of you dies.

It’s hard to hear faceless words
When a voice slowly faints.
It appears when you step on the bus,
But then again, you know it ain’t.
Your thirst keeps pouring acid into those scarves.
And black clouds gather around the bar...

Feels like a million years of rain.
It keeps coming down,
Every drop is a burning pain.
No winds to fly in hope,
No star that lights the sky.
And you’re out in the cold,
Watching how a piece of you dies.

A question rises: What has been sold?
Is this the truth you are living
Or the greatest lie ever told?
I hear them clouds calling my name.
A constant friction that will burst out in flames.

The sun no longer sets upon a ghost, soaking wet.
No home to shelter in, no place to hide.
An arcane solitude born out of pride.
The fog grows thick as thoughts grow sick.
I lost my name. What is my name?
Tell me my name!


In a curse made of stone
A teenage spirit runs a childhood on her own.
Serenades of falling chalk bring her to smile.
The company of wooden floors
Helps her more than that of tiles.

All she feeds on is a dream
Of a world outside endless regime.
Hers is the yearning of the blind
For a glimpse of the other side.

Came the day fortune blew to her a kiss.
Rays of light enclosed a door,
Solitude closely dismissed.
Hunger played its final move.
Overthrew her barren hope,
Ever to reveal the truth.

And as she entered a blaze of light,
Tears marked the end of night.
Step by step, drawing close.
Was it real or just a hoax?

The view outside was not the one
She had hoped for.
A wretched world left bleeding eyes.

Now hers is the comfort of the blind,
Not to see the face of our kind,
Its malignance and its wrath.
After all, a peaceful aftermath.

Now hers is the comfort of the blind,
Not to see the face of our kind,
Its malignance and its wrath.
After all, a peaceful aftermath.


Millions have found their place in the industry,
Gained by labor, trust and honesty.
Maintaining a system, providing every need.
Helps us to find our dreams.

Fill our heads with illusive speech.
Let us be part of the dream factory.
Own a future that’s ready and steady and safe,
Even on minimum wage.

Teach us to be grateful!
We thank you for this given day.
Teach us to be grateful!
We thank you for your grace.

Our faith will make them grow so fast.
Be heroic, be the last.
Selling our life for black industrial smoke,
Making profits out of hope.

Fill our heads with illusive speech.
Let us be part of the dream factory.
Own a future that’s ready and steady and safe,
Even on minimum wage.

Teach us to be grateful!
We thank you for this given day.
Teach us to be grateful!
We thank you for your grace.

No need to worry about inflation
Or the market saturation,
The fall and the loss of that foreign relation,
False information,
Seniority stagnation... for we are employed!
If we strive for success and believe in progress
A reward will be ours for a lifetime of stress,
So we may die in dignity.

None will be left behind!
None will be resigned!
None will be left behind!

I should be asleep to believe it’s real.
But I am wide awake.
Yes, I am wide awake and aware.
We’re all nothing but inmates of a distorted world
And I sense the cloaking of a crime.
I sense the theft of time.


Do you know ‘bout the Maestro?
Do you know who he is?
You should know ‘bout the Maestro.
You should know what he does.

He serves our presidents,
The prelude of great wars.
Yet he does not show them the score.
Soldiers, guns and grenades, a bene placito,
Broken minority chords.

Relying on poverty, for absolute devoto.

Hear how the Maestro pulls all of our strings
until we all play his requiem.

A master virtuoso in manipulation.
Our blood finances his étude.
He does not hear our common elegy.
His golden publico screams for his encore.

Our whole economy - subject to scordatura.
Hear how the Maestro pulls all of our strings
Until we all play his requiem.

His fierce expressionism
Is always on the march.
Controlling all the weak
With indoctrinating monotones.
Only in unison
We will brighten this nocturne.
And with combined bravura
We’ll write a new finale.

Hear how the Maestro pulls all of our strings
Until we all play his requiem.

That’s how the Maestro
Conducts our world’s play.
And worst of all,
We don’t know his name,
We don’t know his name.

We don’t know anything.


Wow, listen to your voice man,
Echo in the drain.
I’ve seen you do a lot of shit -
But this day’s just been insane.
The mirror spawns a dramatic scene.
You, storming out the door.
But what it’s hiding from you
Is how much dough you paid that whore.
What is up with the living room,
Another headline in the daily run?
Tell me master of excuses:
Where the hell is that swollen fist from?

Why don’t you drink less?
And be a man about it!
Why don’t you confess
That you’re an alcoholic.

Relax, sit down, ease your trembling hands,
Don’t worry ‘bout your vows.
All you did was ‘Have a little fun...’
Now, who’s to say that is not allowed.
Those wounds will heal,
Forget ‘bout the blood that has been shed.

A new chapter in your book of lies.
Why has the car been ripped to shreds?
That fucking bitch you married...
You know it’s all her fault.
Do you think she understands,
Why she had a gun pushed down her throat?

Why don’t you drink less?
And be a man about it!
Why don’t you confess
That you’re an alcoholic.

Yeah, hide behind the bottle and the gun.
Look at the big man on the run,
He ain’t to blame for what he’s done.

Failed - you lost your son!
Failed - you lost your wife!
Failed - you lost your friends!
Failed - you lost your life!

Why don’t you drink less?
And be a man about it!
Why don’t you confess
That you’re an alcoholic.


At dawn the world sucks me dry,
At dusk I flee in denial.
See, I was born in an acid dream,
When the eye of reason opened up.
A new wisdom was given to me
As I received the sight.

A purpose solely phrased: to own and multiply.
Our wealth provided by poverty,
While our lives become a hired time.
There’s those who swear they hear the one voice,
Thundering in the clouds.
That’s how the individual died.

We build a pyramid, far from third world graves.
With tools of the human cult - gold and fear.
Clearvoyance left me thinking:
Who is there to blame?

A mirror risen, exposed us all,
Bathing in indifference,
With futile things to love.

Fate might be inconsistent enough
To think of it as an impending doom.
Yet no one seems to turn it around,
We keep heading for a dead end.
As I watched the people fall,
I saw the individual die.

And so a bitterness came to rise.
The waste of talent could not be stopped.


Well, mother, father,
Let me tell you ‘bout this girl I met.
She lives down in Flushing, Queens,
In the city which some people call the ‘Grid’.
She is kinda jewish but don’t worry, I won’t convert.
All I gotta do is buy her momma a big dessert.

No, I don’t know how old she really is,
But that don’t bother me,
She looks good in almost every dress.

She’s got legs that go for miles,
Just like that model Heidi Klum.
And if she treats me nice
I won’t have to cut out her damn tongue.

Oh mother, father, I swear she is the one.
I could think of no better wife
To carry my first and only son.
At our weekly rendezvous
There’s a spark I can not define.
My heart screams out loud to me:
Enslave Nanny Fine!

I know, I can’t buy her the fancy gucci boots.
But in the place where I’m gonna hide her
She ain’t gonna need no shoes.

She’s got legs that go for miles,
Just like that model Heidi Klum.
And if she treats me nice
I won’t have to cut out her damn tongue.

Mother, father, I’ve been betrayed.
Double-crossed by the one
Who has my heart enslaved.
All of my future plans, ruined, all at once.
All of my dreams got killed
Before they’ve even begun.
Anxious I watch the screen
With clenched, trembling fists.
I pray she does the right thing.
Or she will have to find out
Diamonds won’t save her soul.

That bitch, that whore!
Does she know what she is in for?
A hunt, a quest - I swear I will not rest
‘Til I’m a part of her decay,
‘Til I will finally reach the day
Where she lays bleeding in my bed
And Maxwell Sheffield is fucking dead!


To the red and white!

Congratulations, job well done.
Flawless victory, a fucking home run!
Give me the beating as master to a slave.
Focusing on citizens so other crooks can be safe.
I am the enemy, I preach that anarchy.
For the sake of national security
You must obliterate me.

Now I leech on hard-earned tax money,
Condemned to laziness.
Now tell me that ain’t funny, man.
Oh yeah, what a brilliant idea:
Forced unemployment in a weakened economy.

I agree, I should be fined.
A DUI still is a stupid crime.
But I wonder, what lesson did I learn
When my existence is threatened
With no way to turn?
You say ‘justice for all’,
But I ask you to answer this question:
What part has diplomatic immunity
In a democratic community?

Now I leech on hard-earned tax money,
Condemned to laziness.
Now tell me that ain’t funny, man.
Oh yeah, what a brilliant idea:
Forced unemployment in a weakened economy.

Shiny suits and ties,
A million thanks to all you guys!
I finally found the time
To make my playing sound sublime.
Why should my guilt be honest and sincere,
If induced by a system that’s based on fear?

Middle Europe or bible belt?
Conservatism to force a common wealth?
I am not amazed that much is ignored
In a country that did not oppose to the war.

Now I leech on hard-earned tax money,
Condemned to laziness.
Now tell me that ain’t funny, man.
Oh yeah, what a brilliant idea:
Forced unemployment in a weakened economy.

It’s just a moneyfest!


I’m playing a darker shade of blues.
I’m sick of the ramblin’ on my mind.
No longer am I a prisoner of the groove.
It seems I’ve lost my sense of time.
Consider this the last rhyme.

I beg of you, not to put seats on my grave.
Don’t want to wake up and hear you mourn.
For I have chosen to be ridden of anger,
Before I am remembered for my scorn.
Please forgive me,
I am torn.

Try to understand, there is nothing left to loose.
If pain is the only thing you’ve got left to choose.

I hear your thoughts out loud,
As I write this page.
I hear your desperate words,
Suppressing all your rage.
Yes, I know that you believe in a new sunrise.
Yes, I hear your soothing voice,
Saying ‘hope never dies’.
No, no, I don’t think that I am selfish at all.
I fucking hear you man, but now hear me:

Brighter times may lay ahead.
But they ain’t shining for me.
Was my life not filled with grief ?
Don’t you judge me for searching relief.

I feel a storm raging inside,
Throwing thoughts around
Like feathers in the wind.
I spend my days in disgust,
Waiting to end the burden of existence.
Would you not seek peace?
Yes, you would.

You too would play a darker shade of blues.

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