LOST (ROU) : Closure

Melodic Death / Romania
(2010 - Meta4 Productions)
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Talk to me
Look into my eyes
Don’t lie to me
Don’t try to convince me
That you are right
And everyone is wrong
Just look around
And think at what you have done

What you’ve done
Is done and that’s for good

You lost control
Or just you meant to do
The things you made
The words you’re able to
Speak sometimes
You’d better shut your mouth
And think again
Or else just go away

Don’t speak to me
At all

For us

Talk to me
Look into my eyes
Don’t lie to me
Don’t try to convince me
That you are right
And everyone is wrong
Just look around
And think at what you’ve done

Words you’ve said
Cannot be ignored
You can’t go back in time
Repair what you have done


Totul e aici, chiar lânga mine
De ce n-am putut sa vad, sa simt ?
Timpul e scurt, privirea cea rece
Oricât as da s-o pot schimba.

Momentul e azi, lumina persista iar eu
Încerc sa vreau, sa pot, privirea s-o întorc...
As vrea sa cred ca mâine va fi o zi
În care vom fi la fel ca azi, ca ieri

Dar nu, e fals !
Ce vezi în jur va disparea cât ai clipi
Nu poti sa iei fara sa dai
Nu poti trai fara sa arzi
O viata ai...

Am gresit crezând ca putem amâna
Sentimentul, privirea, viata, simtirea,
Îmi pare rau de timpul ce a trecut
Momente departe de noi pierdute in van, iar apoi,

Începi sa te-ntrebi: timpul când a trecut ?
Unde-am ajuns? Câte clipe am petrecut ?
As vrea sa cred ca mâine va fi o zi
În care vom fi la fel ca azi, ca ieri

Dar nu, e fals !
Ce vezi în jur va disparea cât ai clipi
Nu poti sa iei fara sa dai
Nu poti trai fara sa arzi
O viata ai...


All alone
In this place
Full of people
Full of thoughts
Full of anger
I’m trying to hide
But it’s hard
To runaway
And disappear
I cannot hide
I cannot answer
To my thoughts

One more night
One more try
Nobody seems
To answer my thoughts
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide

The morning’s light
The last pale of sorrow
Is all so clear
It might be a sign
Of what I should follow
From this day
Am I insane?
Or am I a shadow ?
That it remained
From the past
Or from the future
Of my own life

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