LIK (SWE-1) : Må Ljuset Aldrig Nå Oss Mer

Avantgardiste Black / Sweden
(2003 - World Terror Committee (WTC))
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The plague has found you
You cannot escape
Death will take you
Fate shows its matter of course

The church bell that constantly chimed is now silent
The judgment of the house of God is here
When the church guardian can no longer be seen
Christian lives are left to the power of the plague

See how life's bright days
Are nothing but a memory
Sunken into the torment of the plague
Soon to be dead and gone forever

Beyond the darkness of the day
Lives the light of the night
Created by the DEVIL now that the world is in his hands
The meaning of life is in the abyss of death
And the shadow of the sun
Can be seen no more


Drown yourself in poison
Like I do
And be lost to the other side
I'm not afraid of the reality
But the happiness is in my world

I hate to be a (fucking) human
This is a life I never wanted

It has gone so far
That I fear the life
And it's now that I found
Pleasure in death

I don't belong here and I never will


Come into my deep mind
Let your will be my command
Possess my soul with pure hatred
My actions are controlled until my last day

May the darkness last forever
Never let the light reach us again
Drown all joy drown all sorrow
The poisoned only become more and more

Open your mind to the evil
Send the Christians to their fate
Burn all churches to the ground
Sell your soul to death


Into a dark well
Hidden of moss
A deep hole without bottom
Gathers the blood of life

Beyond all reach
Hidden in millions of years
A memory about the path of life
Which strives to the endless dark

A time from a space
Pain of grey ashes
Shadows of souls
Voices from a ancient era

Signs of life signs of death
Feelings of life feelings of death

I know what you are but not whom
You have never conveyed happiness
My life is it you who are living
You are me

Swallowed by the earth
Splited of a higher force
Hunted by the angels of god
Desecrated by the Christian belief

But trapped in the black magic
Forced into selfdestructive thoughts
Gods lost creations
Empty of humanity


The cries of highest fear
Ripped out of the human throat
When the chaos came from a deep
A deep where more than just a shadow can be sensed

For I am not mortal
I am your fear & angst
When the screams of the living are but an echo
I am the one who leads you to eternal plague & torment

Eternal night prevails over human minds
When satan lives through you
Eternal night prevails over the good one
When heaven burns


Kall och grå hud
Stel gammal rutten kropp
Tjockt levrat blod
Tom stirrande blick
Uttorkade ögon
Intryckta lungor, obrukbara
Blå och smutsiga läppar
Trasig mun, förlorat sitt leende

Var i djupa sår, föda åt likmaskar
Krossad skalle, krossat hjärta
Knäckt nacke, brutna ben
Bruten rygg, avbrutet liv

Utmärglad sköra senor
Slitna kläder, inga skor
Dold av tunn snö och grenar
Bortglömd av världen, aldrig saknad
Gömd i en mörk dunkel och kall skog
Aldrig mer liv i denna kropp



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